Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday Spanking - medical advice

I know many of my friends are at the writing conference this weekend and I hope they are all having a wonderful time. I couldn’t make it this year, after I retire – who knows. For now I just stay home and enjoy Saturday Spankings. 

In today’s snippet from the newest Cassie book, Cassie’s Ordeal, Cassie is receiving instructions from her doctor after an injury and a brief hospital stay. She and Tom listen to all his restrictions and then Cassie has a something she wants to know.

“Now I do have one more question, can we have sex?” Poor Tom’s mouth dropped open in surprise at my question. “Like you weren’t wondering, too,” I told him.
Richard regarded me with mock seriousness. “Do you have a stripper pole, a trapeze, or a sex swing in the bedroom?”
Returning his serious look, I replied simply, “Yes.”
I love Richard’s laugh. “All right,” he told me, “Stay off those items and be sure you start low enough on the bed so that you won’t hit the headboard and I think you’ll be fine.” Still chuckling, he headed to the door, “Oh, be especially careful getting in and out of the tub and in the shower, bathrooms are bad places to fall.”
“I promise to only shower with a friend,” I told him happily.
     “I’m signing the discharge papers, I have to get you two out of here before I walk in on something that will embarrass us all.”

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Blurb for Cassie’s Ordeal - book 7
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police began an all out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, so jump in with this one. But if you like to read in order  the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Check out the snippets from these great writers.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday Spankings - Consequences

Today is a special Saturday Spanks for me – the latest Cassie book, Cassie’s Ordeal is out and I’m ready to use this fantastic blog hop to share another snippet. Last week Cassie was annoyed that Tom wanted her to drive his ‘tank’ as she called it instead of her sleek little convertible. As you may have guessed, she didn’t. Problems other then just disregarding what Tom said occurred.  Although Cassie was able to keep these things from Tom for a good while, it finally came out. To say Tom was unhappy would be a gross understatement.

I was so tense I nearly shouted, ‘I didn't lie!Which I still maintain, I didn’t. But I did have the good sense to realize I was about to be on the receiving end of a sound spanking and I knew it would have only make it worse.
Tom just stood shaking his head at me, and as I stared, he began to remove his belt. I caught my breath at the sight, I was torn, the belt isn’t my enemy. When it’s not being use for discipline, I love the belt. It’s sensual, and I love it in that context. In our home, it’s very seldom used when Tom is upset with me, and when it is used for discipline, it usually comes after he’s used the horrible ivory brush, I could only hope and pray that this was instead of the brush. Either way, I knew that this encounter with the belt would not be to my liking.
Tom gave me his hand as I got up, and then he quickly leaned me over the bed. Even that hour of dreadful anticipation didn’t prepare me for the searing pain of that first taste, Tom didn’t talk as he rapidly followed with nine more intense licks.

If you've come to know Cassie, Tom and their friends, 
you really need to read this one.

Blurb for Cassie’s Ordeal - book 7
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police began an all out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, so jump in with this one. But if you like to read in order  the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Check out the snippets from these great writers.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Finally! Cassie's Ordeal is live!

Finally, Cassie's Ordeal is up on both Blushing Books and Amazon! 

Blushing Books


You can read another excerpt over at Donna Steele's blog

Today’s the day – Cassie’s Ordeal will be out sometime today. I wanted to give you the blurb and a short excerpt. I also wanted to let you know that the first book, Cassie’s Space is now on sale for .99 cent. The next two, Cassie’s Tale and Cassie onthe Move are down to $2.99 and the Cassie’s Box Set with the first four books is on sale for $6.99. The Cassie books can be read in any order, but if you feel you’ve gotten to know Cassie and her friends you are really going to need to read this one!

Excerpt: Cassie had been keeping a guilty secret from Tom, but he finally found out. The next morning, after he expressed his displeasure to Cassie, Sue notices something different.

I was out on the deck enjoying the weather and waiting on Sue to join me for coffee. I was standing at the deck railing watching the river as I saw Sue coming along the back path. I smiled as she came across the lawn and gave a small wave. She stopped at the bottom of the steps and gave me a scrutinizing gaze.
“What?” I asked, when she said nothing.
Sue came up on the deck continuing to stare. I was beginning to feel self-conscience when she broke into a big grin.
“You got your butt beat last night!” she announced, obviously pleased with herself.
“I did not!” I told her emphatically. I suppose regardless of how old I get, immediate denial of anything I don’t want to acknowledge will be my first thought.
“The hell you didn’t!” Sue crowed.
I was mad. “Why do you say that?” I snapped. Sue ignored me and went in for her coffee. I was sitting, gingerly, when she returned, still chuckling.
“It’s a good thing Tom cut your gambling career short years ago, because your poker face sucks.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I snapped.
“Aw, Cassie,” she started, “You haven’t been yourself since the wreck, well at least since we got back from the island. You haven’t talked, you don’t smile like yourself. You’ve been mean and surly. I’m surprised it took old Tom this long to beat it out of you. This is the first morning you’ve looked like you.”
“You’re nuts,” I told her dismissively.
We sat in silence for a while, the Sue quietly asked. “So, did he find out somehow or did you tell him?”
So much for secrets. “I told him,” I admitted glumly. “How did you know, really?” I asked her.
“Seriously, it was the way you looked this morning,” She insisted. “Tom can be a real ass at times, but evidently, for you two, this spanking crap works. You look ten years younger with that guilty secret off your back. You should have told him when it happened.”
I rolled my eyes at her. “And I suppose you tell Steve everything these days?” I asked sarcastically
“Nope, I still keep a secret or two. Difference between you and me is I don’t feel guilty about it.”

Blurb - Cassie’s Ordeal (book 7)
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love. But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police began an all out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday Spanking - Listening… maybe, August 15

I’m so happy to be back at Saturday Spanking.  I think this is a great blog hop and I know many people find the books they want when they come by. I’m very happy to say that the latest Cassie book, Cassie’s Ordeal, will be released this coming Wednesday. This is a special book for me. There are plenty of laughs and scrapes with Sue and Annie, Tom spanking hand itches often, but there is more to this book and I enjoyed writing it as it developed. If you’ve come to know Cassie and Tom and their friends you don’t want to miss this one.
In today’s snippet (which does run a bit over, but I hope you’ll understand my exuberance for this new book) Cassie and Sue have planned a day trip to visit friends and shop. Tom, as usual, has to put his own rules for the day.

The next morning Tom had to stick his nose into our business. I was still in bed when Tom leaned down to kiss me good- bye. I think I made some sweet loving sound while not really wakening until he said, “Honey, Steve’s driving us in today. I don’t want you going on the highway in the Toy, take the big car.”
I was awake in an instant and completely annoyed, but I didn’t let on to either. I simply murmured again, which could have meant anything or nothing.
“Cassie, did you hear me?” Tom asked.
I mumbled something unintelligible once again and gave a faint nod, which could have been just adjusting my head on the pillow.
The next moment faking sleep was no longer possible and Tom whipped back the covers and popped my bottom so hard I nearly come up swinging. “What was that for?” I demanded.
“Are you awake and do I have your attention?” Tom asked sweetly.
“I heard you,” I snapped. “You told me you were interfering with my day by telling me I have to drive that horrible old tank instead of my beautiful, sleek, safe, toy!”
“And you,” Tom told me, grinning, “were planning on ignoring what I said and telling me later that you were asleep and didn’t remember me saying a thing about it. Girl, don’t you think I can tell by now when you’re faking sleep?”

Blurb for Cassie’s Ordeal - book 7
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police began an all our search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, so jump in with this one. But if you like to read in order  the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Check out the snippets from these great writers.

Friday, August 14, 2015

New Cassie Book!

What a summer! I’ve loved it but I don’t feel I’ve had one minute to myself. My daughter graduated and moved home for the summer. It was an adjustment; we’d enjoyed our empty nest, but she is a lot of fun and really livens up the house. There was much stress as she went on interview after interview looking for a teaching position. In the end everything worked out just fine, she has a job thirty minutes away, a lovely apartment and the same roommate she had in college. Both girls will be third grade teachers and different schools. As she begins her career I begin my final year as a teacher and look forward to writing full time by next summer.

And speaking of writing! Cassie’s Ordeal, the seventh in the Cassie series will be out sometime Wednesday the 19th. I’m so excited for people to read this one. In this one Cassie faces an ordeal worse than the ivory brush. Come by tomorrow for Saturday Spankings and the first snippet. I love the new cover – Anthony Walsh is a true artist!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Saturday Spankings - A little explaining to do, August 1

Happy Saturday Spankings everyone! I love this blog hop and I love loading up my Kindle every week.  I won’t be here next week, but I plan to be back the following week with a snippet from a brand new Cassie book for you!
This week I’m taking another snippet from Cassie’s Influence. And today it just might be Tom that’s in trouble. Cassie received a delivery of beautiful flowers one day, but reading the card she realized they were for Tom, and they were from a strange woman who mentioned how much she enjoyed watching Tom work out in the gym. She signed this flirty note – N. When Tom got home and asked about the flowers Cassie hands him the note and watches his reaction with a grin.

Tom, so in control, always knows exactly what to say and is never, ever flustered, but this had him tongue-tied.
I sat on the couch and invited Tom to join me as I began teasing him, "Drink your wine, dear. Do you need another minute to get your story straight? Or will I have to take you over my knee to get the whole truth?"
"Now, honey, you know... This is ridiculous... This person is..." I was totally enjoying Tom's inability to articulate.
"Now, Tom, just take a deep breath," I told him, "let's start at the beginning. Your new girlfriend, N, what does N stand for?"
"No, honey," I interrupted, "Cassie's my name. You can't go around getting us mixed up or you could find yourself in some very uncomfortable situations."

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.
     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.