Saturday, January 30, 2021

Saturday Spanking - Even Cassie can still blush


Happy Saturday! I'm enjoying having the new book, On the River, our in the world. I'm diligently working on the second in this series. 

In today's snipped, Tom is worried that Cassie might be in some danger and he wants her in a safe spot. They head to the island. It should have been a relaxing flight, until Tom begins whispering in Cassie's ear.

Soon enough, with their golden retriever Willow in tow, they boarded the plane. Cassie settled into her seat and accepted a flute of champagne from the attendant. She was happy to see Tom visibly relax as he took his seat beside her. They held hands as the plane took off and Cassie sighed with contentment.

It was then that Tom leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Remember, I never said you’d gotten out of a spanking for sending word to Cooter. I just felt I’d enjoy it more in the pool, under the moonlight. You know I don’t like seeing you sitting comfortably when we’re on the island. I do love watching you squirm for a comfortable position on a bottom I’ve turned red hot.”

Cassie was startled out of her contented state. His deep voice, whispering in her ear seemed to be doing incredible things to her. Rarely did Tom talk about upcoming discipline. When it came to a spanking, Tom was a doer, not a talker.  Cassie was surprised to feel herself beginning to blush.

Although she had no doubt he was annoyed that she had sent that brief word to Cooter, it was clear he wasn’t mad. Yet she realized he was very likely going to use it as his excuse for a full-on rump roasting.

Tom saw her blush and smiled as he continued, “I’ve been much too easy on you lately. Maybe a session with my belt will turn you right back into the perfect wife you usually are.”

Her mouth flew open as she gasped. Tom knew exactly what he was doing to her. Cassie loved, even craved, sessions with Tom’s belt. To her it was purely sensual.  She didn’t know why, but it did things to her mind and body that became the ultimate pleasure. Just listening to Tom’s low whisper brought on an incredible longing.

“Um, honey, we do have the plane to ourselves,” Cassie pointed out.  “We can ask the crew for some privacy and really enjoy ourselves on the way down.” The man had gotten her hot and bothered for sure.

“Cassie, how unladylike. You definitely need to learn some patience. I’ll be sure to add that to the list…”

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Cassie and Tom Duff live at The Landing, a beautiful neighborhood by the river in their little town in North Carolina. You’ll find a unique community on the river - dominant men, strong women, intense love and loyal friendships. Most of the couples here live a domestic discipline lifestyle where the husbands are the head of the household. It can’t be said that these ladies always follow their husbands’ lead and the men often have their hands full trying to keep up with their fun-loving and headstrong wives. Spanking is part of their lives, but usually it’s for the sexy fun of it all … usually. 


This first book in a new series by PK Corey follows the funny, quirky and romantic escapades of Cassie and her friends, Sue and Annie, as well as the younger generation who are all involved in solving a problem from Cassie’s past. 

Come and join the ride! You’ll definitely feel like you’re a part of the family. 

 Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday Spankings - The need for speed...

     Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m still very excited about my newest release, On the River and I’m happy to be sharing some snippet here. If you enjoy Cassie and her friend, please go back and check out other books about them in the Cassie’s Space series and the Cal’s Law series.

     Cassis is ready for another girls’ trip. Tom is never in favor due to some definite misadventures in the past. But Cassie is Cassie and adventure is always calling. 


“So,” Cassie picked up the conversation, “where do you want to go? China? Antarctica? Outer Mongolia?”

Annie laughed. “After some of our adventures on our girls’ trips, we’ll be lucky if Tom lets you out of a fifty mile radius.”

“I just want to do something different,” Cassie lamented, “something fun and unusual. We could learn to fly a plane or maybe parachuting. I guess it would be hard to learn to fly, but even I could figure out how fall out of a plane.”

Musing, she continued, “We could go mountain climbing or … learn to ride a motorcycle. Take scuba diving lessons! Or how about going to Spain and running with the bulls?”

All the women were smiling indulgently at Cassie’s wild ideas.

“Tell Mr. Tom any of them ideas and you can practice runnin’ from that bull. He’d have hisself a fit just hearin’ ‘bout ‘em,” Lily exclaimed.

“You’re probably right,” Cassie agreed. “I don’t want to give him a heart attack, but keep thinking, girls. I need some excitement.”

Mom needs excitement. Now that’s a frightening thought. Realizing Cassie was fully capable of trying any of the things she’d just mentioned, Allie exchanged a worried look with Lily.

Buy links:


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Cassie and Tom Duff live at The Landing, a beautiful neighborhood by the river in their little town in North Carolina. You’ll find a unique community on the river - dominant men, strong women, intense love and loyal friendships. Most of the couples here live a domestic discipline lifestyle where the husbands are the head of the household. It can’t be said that these ladies always follow their husbands’ lead and the men often have their hands full trying to keep up with their fun-loving and headstrong wives. Spanking is part of their lives, but usually it’s for the sexy fun of it all … usually. 


This first book in a new series by PK Corey follows the funny, quirky and romantic escapades of Cassie and her friends, Sue and Annie, as well as the younger generation who are all involved in solving a problem from Cassie’s past. 

Come and join the ride! You’ll definitely feel like you’re a part of the family. 

 Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday Spankings - Cassie never believed...

* I would greatly appreciate anyone who would follow me on Bookbub or Goodreads!

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m so happy to have the new book out. On the River is the first in a new series. The characters, Cassie’s ‘family’ are familiar to many of you, but if you’re a brand new reader – trust me, you’ll feel right at home from the beginning.

In today’s snippet begins as Annie talks Cassie out of stopping by the shooting range, somewhere Tom has firmly told her to avoid. Cassie finally agrees and comes home to find good things await her.


You do realize, don’t you, that when we go along with something that Tom doesn’t want you to do, our butts can be in as much danger as yours?”

Cassie looked at Annie and shook her head. “Your butt will never be in as much danger as mine.” Cassie knew from Annie’s few descriptions of her ‘spankings’ that they were generally a few mild swats. “But fine, fine. Never let it be said that I would do something against Tom’s wishes.”

Sue rolled her eyes as Annie laughed and they headed for home.  Cassie dropped Annie and Sue off at each of their houses before heading to her own. She walked into a kitchen filled with the aromas of Lily’s baking. “You made chocolate cake! White, marshmallow icing?”

“You know it. I know what you like, Missy. Now go lock up that gun ‘fore somebody get hurt.”

Cassie headed to her room and safely secured her gun before getting cleaned up for dinner. She had just stepped into the shower when the bathroom door opened and Tom came in.

“You’re home early. How was your day?” she asked, her voice rising over the noise of the shower.

“It was good. We came to a good stopping point and I decided to head home. Hmm… I’m wondering, could you use a hand in there?”

“Oh yes!” Cassie smiled broadly. “I’m sure I missed a few places.”

Tom quickly undressed and joined her. With great skill, he turned an ordinary shower into a magical experience of luscious-smelling soaps and intimate massages. Cassie leaned against Tom almost weak-kneed as he continued to run his hands over her body.

“I’m ready to call off dinner and lock the bedroom door,” she told him.

“I’m afraid that wouldn’t be polite. That and the fact that Lily is cooking a standing rib roast. But I promise not to forget where I was,” Tom assured her.

Reluctantly, they exited the shower. Cassie gave him one last kiss and asked, “Do you think young people know that you can still feel this kind of passion and desire at our age?”

Tom laughed. “I imagine it will come as a shock to many of them. And what about you? You’ve said you didn’t even think our marriage would last, much less that we couldn’t keep our hands off each other all these years later.”

“Yes, can you believe it? The one thing I’ve been wrong about since we married.”

Grabbing Cassie into a tight hug, he gave her naked bottom a swift pop. “The one thing? Girl, I’m going to need to teach you how to count.”


Buy links:


Blushing Store





Cassie and Tom Duff live at The Landing, a beautiful neighborhood by the river in their little town in North Carolina. They’re surrounded by their beloved family and friends. Most of the couples here live a domestic discipline lifestyle where the husbands are the head of household. It can’t be said that these ladies always follow their husbands’ lead and the men often have their hands full trying to keep up with their fun-loving and headstrong wives.


This first book in a new series by PK Corey follows the funny, quirky and romantic escapades of Cassie and her friends Sue and Annie as well as the younger generation who are all involved in solving a problem from Cassie’s past.


Come and join the ride! You’ll definitely feel like you’re a part of the family. 

 Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday Spanking - Cassie and Tom

Saturday Spankings has come around again and I’m happy to be using a snippet from On the River, the first book in my new series. In this new series I bring all my characters together. I love these characters and I love writing them, but don’t worry if you don’t know any of them. The book is a stand-alone and I promise you’ll know everyone soon. If you enjoy these folks, just know that there are other books about them.

In today’s snippet I give you a brief introduction to Cassie and Tom. A couple married for decades and still as much in love as the day they married. Cassie is thinking back on their lives together as Tom naps beside her.


Despite the wildness she displayed, Tom had fallen in love so deeply that he was determined to do anything he could to save her. Cassie smiled and snuggled deeper into his arms, thinking about one of the tools he'd used that might not have been understood by most people. Tom was an old-fashioned man. He firmly believed that as the man, he should be head of the household, protecting the woman he loved. He had expectations for Cassie's behavior, mostly having to do with her safety. She followed these expectations as well as she could—most of the time. In truth, Cassie did as she pleased ninety-nine percent of the time. But when she did something Tom felt was dangerous or when she out-and-out defied him and conversation wasn't working, his tried-and-true solution was a trip over his knee for a sound spanking that would get her attention. When he was seriously upset by her actions, the unforgiving ivory hairbrush was applied vigorously. At those times, Cassie would usually give a swift apology and promise to straighten up immediately. And I do try, Cassie thought to herself. But sometimes it's not my fault and things just happen, she assured herself. 

Cassie realized that many people, especially these days, might see this as abuse. Cassie knew better. I guess I didn't have much of a choice at the beginning, Cassie mused, thinking of their lives well over forty years ago. But, it didn't matter now. She couldn't be happier, and she was in favor of the way they lived their lives—except during the moments Tom was actually spanking. At those moments, she was not so much in favor. But now the vast majority of her spankings were purely for fun, and she loved those. 

Thirty minutes later, Cassie felt Tom stir and she rolled over to face him. She gave him a lingering kiss and he pulled her tightly to him. As the kiss ended, Tom whispered, "I don't know what I did to deserve that, but whatever it was, I hope I do it again." 

"That was just for being you. Do you have any idea how much I love you?" 

"I do," he whispered. "And I thank God for it." 

Buy links:


Blushing Store





Cassie and Tom Duff live at The Landing, a beautiful neighborhood by the river in their little town in North Carolina. They’re surrounded by their beloved family and friends. Most of the couples here live a domestic discipline lifestyle where the husbands are the head of household. It can’t be said that these ladies always follow their husbands’ lead and the men often have their hands full trying to keep up with their fun-loving and headstrong wives.


This first book in a new series by PK Corey follows the funny, quirky and romantic escapades of Cassie and her friends Sue and Annie as well as the younger generation who are all involved in solving a problem from Cassie’s past.


Come and join the ride! You’ll definitely feel like you’re a part of the family. 

 Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

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