Saturday, January 29, 2022

Saturday Spankings - Uncomfortable conversation

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings. I’m enjoying sharing snippets from Returning to Us, my addition to the Corbin’s Bend books. Hal and Susan jumped through all the hoops and have finally settled in Corbin’s Bend, a community that fully embraces the spanking/discipline lifestyle.

On one of their first evening Susan gets to meet and have dinner with, her mentor Quincy and Hal meets his new guide, Jason. These are the longtime residents assigned to help Hal and Susan adjust to Corbin’s Bend and their renewed lifestyle. But Susan wasn't quite prepared for the dinner conversation.


What a lovely couple, Susan thought when Jason and Rose arrived. They looked to be in their early seventies and very aware of one another. She liked the way he gently held her hand as they all sat talking.

Dinner was delicious and the conversation happy and relaxing. Susan couldn’t help but feel that their decision to move here had been the right one. Up until Quincy began her questioning, that is.

“So, I understand that you two used to have a DD relationship, but you stopped spanking.” She turned to give Hal a stern look. “And you both let the marriage get away from you. And now, I take it, you’re willing to go back over his knee again,” she indicated Susan, “and you’re willing to take her in hand,” she finished, eyeing Hal again.

As Susan and Hal stared in mild shock, Jason, Rose and Abby chuckled. “Come on, Quincy,” Jason said mildly, “tell them what’s really on your mind.”

Quincy waved him away with a ‘shoo’ gesture. 

“Tell me Susan, when was the last time he put you over his knee and gave you a serious spanking?” Susan’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. Even after reading all the Corbin’s Bend literature, nothing had prepared her for such a direct conversation.

Hal saved her. “We haven’t done discipline in a true sense for nearly twenty-five years. It seems as if we’ve only begun talking about it again in the last few months.”

“Why is that?” Aunt Quincy asked firmly.

Susan finally found her voice. “The kids came along. I started teaching, Hal was finishing up school and building up his business. We just drifted apart.”

“Well it’s high time you get back to it. It’ll bring you closer. Have you established any rules yet?”

As Susan and Hal stammered for answers, Jason spoke up. “Let them catch their breath, Quincy.”

“They’ve had twenty-five years to breathe,” she began.

Susan noticed Jason give Quincy a look that was serious and penetrating. He had the air of a man used to being respected and obeyed. Quincy saw it too and quickly stopped her badgering to listened to what Jason had to say

“Before we get ahead of ourselves, I think I should meet privately with Hal tomorrow. That’s my job. I may be able to give him some ideas on how to begin again.”

“That sounds great,” Hal agreed. Susan nodded too. Anything to end the conversation at the moment.

After thirty-five years, Susan thought her marriage was over the morning after their last child's wedding. Hal, her husband, said he needed to talk about something important. She knew it couldn’t be good. They rarely even spoke anymore. 


In the beginning they’d been so close, so passionate. Practicing domestic discipline had been a wonderful part of their lives - sometimes. But over the years it had all drifted away, even when Susan asked for what she needed. He would occasionally give her a mild, sexy spanking, but the real discipline she craved was a thing of the past. 


Now, Hal suddenly wanted to talk about moving to Colorado to live in Corbin's Bend, a community where spanking was not only accepted, but encouraged. Could this bring back the closeness and passion they’d once had? Could Susan trust that this time Hal would truly step up?

Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River series:

On the River (book one)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us   

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Saturday Spankings - A place to think

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings. As I wait for the next Cassie book to be out in March, I’m putting up snippets from Returning to Us, my contribution to the Corbin’s Bend Series. Hal and Susan are trying to revive the spark and the closeness they had at the beginning of their marriage. Hal is optimistic while Susan is more of a realist. But deep down they both want the same thing. 

When Susan saw all the old implements Hal had displayed her mind had gone back to one of the first time he’d ever spanked her shortly after they’d married. But the decision she had to make needed to be made now.


Susan brought her mind back to the present. That had been so long ago. They had been kids with little education, no money, nothing but a deep love for each other. Now they were middle-aged, they had college degrees, careers, they were affluent, they were parents, grandparents… how could they go back to this?

This lifestyle had come up several times over the years, mostly at Susan’s request. Hal would seem willing enough, but only for a week or two, then it would die out again. Susan had dreamed of it for so many years. It never lasted. Now, the memory brought tears to her eyes and she remembered the love and passion that had followed that night so very many years ago.

Hal touched her shoulder and she turned to him. “Oh, Hal we’re not kids anymore. We stopped this a long time ago.”

“That was my fault. Even when you’d ask about it, I didn’t do it. I let you down when we stopped.” Hal paused, he took Susan’s face in his hands before continuing. “I want you and I want our marriage. Are you willing to give it a try? Will you give me a chance to make it up to you? Will you give me, us, one more chance? Will you at least think about it?”

Susan stared at Hal. How long had it been since they had looked into each other’s eyes for more than a second? Could this possibly work? Could she handle all that it implied? She didn’t know, but she knew that whatever she decided could change their lives. Taking a deep breath Susan said quietly, 

“Hal, this is a big decision. I wish I had somewhere quiet to think.”

Hal understood at once. “I’ve got the perfect place,” he said and led her to the corner.

After thirty-five years, Susan thought her marriage was over the morning after their last child's wedding. Hal, her husband, said he needed to talk about something important. She knew it couldn’t be good. They rarely even spoke anymore. 


In the beginning they’d been so close, so passionate. Practicing domestic discipline had been a wonderful part of their lives - sometimes. But over the years it had all drifted away, even when Susan asked for what she needed. He would occasionally give her a mild, sexy spanking, but the real discipline she craved was a thing of the past. 


Now, Hal suddenly wanted to talk about moving to Colorado to live in Corbin's Bend, a community where spanking was not only accepted, but encouraged. Could this bring back the closeness and passion they’d once had? Could Susan trust that this time Hal would truly step up?

Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River series:

On the River (book one)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us   

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Saturday Spankings - Another try?

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’ve been away a while and now I’m happy to be back. If you’ve read here long you know that I mostly write about Cassie and friends – and I have been. A new book will be out in March. But today I want to put up a snippet from my Corbin’s Bend book, 
Return to Us. This book became very personal for me as I really explored my thought on the spanking lifestyle.


Hal and Susan are a middle-aged couple, married for decades who realize that they have totally drifted away from one another. Hal has thought of leaving, but he wants to give their marriage another try. Can he convince Susan?



“Would you close the computer so we can talk?”  Hal asked.

Susan hesitated, then slowly closed her laptop. Setting it aside, she saw that her hands were trembling and she felt vulnerable with the computer off her lap. The computer had become a security blanked to her. She turned to face Hal. 

He began at once. “Susan, our marriage isn’t working. I think we’ve both known this for a long time. We’re leading separate lives. I’m feeling like we’re both here out of habit and that’s no reason to be married. Have you felt that way too?” Hal felt like he was talking too fast and took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves.

Susan stared at him. “This is your conversation, Hal. I have nothing to say,” she answered coldly.

Hal could feel his heart racing. Dammit! he thought, as he looked at Susan. She looked so cool and composed. He felt like nothing he was going to say would affect her. But he was going to tell her what he was thinking anyway.

Clearing his throat, he began again. “We used to be so good together. I still love you. But I know I haven’t been the husband I should have been.” He saw the tiniest flicker of interest in Susan’s face. “I’ve thought a lot about the old days lately. We’ve changed so much that I don’t know if we can get it back. But what I want to know is, are you willing to try?” His heart was still beating fast as he awaited her answer.

“You’re not leaving? I thought you had already made up your mind.”

Hal hoped he was getting this right. He’d thought of little else in the past few months. He’d practiced what he wanted to say, but he didn’t want it to sound rehearsed. Hal not only wanted Susan to listen, he needed her to hear him. 

“I admit, I’d thought of just leaving by myself,” he told her. “I don’t want to leave you, but we can’t go on like this. I want to try to get back what we’ve lost and I think we can. Are you willing to listen to my ideas and at least think about them? Don’t you think our marriage is worth that?”

Hal seemed sincere, but what ideas could he have that would change their reality? 

“I… I don’t know,” she answered truthfully.

It wasn’t a ‘no’ and Hal took that as a good sign. “I’ve moved some things into the guest room. Come with me, please.” He held out his hand. Susan hesitated as anger flared again. He wants to work on the marriage by moving into the other bedroom? Perfect

Hal stood looking at her steadily and repeated, “Please?” Susan breathed deeply and took his hand. At the guest room, Hal opened the door for her and stood back as she entered the dark room. Stepping in and closing the door behind him, Hal flipped on the light.

Susan gasped and stood stock still. Where? What? How? The bed was covered with items. Many were from their past, but some were obviously brand new. Her eyes couldn’t take it all in at once. Some she remembered vividly. The paddle with the holes in it. The wicked hairbrush. She remembered it often left bruises. His old black belt. She thought it had been thrown away long ago. There were spatulas, wooden spoons, ping pong paddles, paint stirrers – her ass tingled as her eyes passed over each one. But that wasn’t all that was on the bed. There were restraints, several new plugs and a few items Susan couldn’t even identify.

After thirty-five years, Susan thought her marriage was over the morning after their last child's wedding. Hal, her husband, said he needed to talk about something important. She knew it couldn’t be good. They rarely even spoke anymore. 


In the beginning they’d been so close, so passionate. Practicing domestic discipline had been a wonderful part of their lives - sometimes. But over the years it had all drifted away, even when Susan asked for what she needed. He would occasionally give her a mild, sexy spanking, but the real discipline she craved was a thing of the past. 


Now, Hal suddenly wanted to talk about moving to Colorado to live in Corbin's Bend, a community where spanking was not only accepted, but encouraged. Could this bring back the closeness and passion they’d once had? Could Susan trust that this time Hal would truly step up?

Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River series:

On the River (book one)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us