Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday Spankings - Is Tom overreacting?

    Welcome back to Saturday Spankings. Today’s snippet, from Cassie’s Ordeal, the 7th in the Cassie’s Space series. Cassie has been getting strange phone calls, calls she is sure it only a wrong number. But they keep coming and they’ve begun to sound more like threats. She hasn’t told Tom about them because she’s sure he’ll overreact.

Once Sue picks up the phone and hears one she insist that Cassie tell Tom. Tom was upset and makes a call of his own.


I was too curious to keep my mouth shut, so much for not speaking. “Who was that?” I demanded. 

“Cal Bennett, the sheriff. You met him when you and Sue got yourselves locked in when you were trespassing that time. He and I run together some in the mornings. I want to get his take on this.”

I remembered him all right. There was something about him, and the look he gave Tom that night that made me think he knew exactly was Tom was going to do to me that night as soon as he got me alone. I also remembered thinking he looked too young to be a sheriff. I told Tom, “Well you and your little friend have fun playing detective, but leave me out of it.”

“Cassie Jane, you are on thin ice. You will answer all his questions completely and politely. That is more than a request.” Tom added. I hate it when he gets snippy.

Dinner was a quiet affair that evening, we neither had much to say to one another. Soon enough Sherriff Bennett showed up. Tom filled him in quickly on all that he knew. “Cassie tells me this has been going on for over several months, but she just told me about it today.”

The sheriff turned to me, “You’ve been getting these calls for months and didn’t tell your husband?”

“Isn’t that what he just said?” I snapped, annoyed at his tone.

Oh my, that did not set well with Tom. “Excuse us for a minute, Cal, I need to speak with Cassie.” Tom was on his feet and headed my way with a look that had ‘hairbrush’ written all over it.

This one time I was faster, I smoothly moved toward the kitchen saying “Not now, Tom. Sheriff  I’m sorry, I haven’t offered you anything to drink, coffee, tea, wine?”


Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and makes plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police begin an all-out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ashe Barker - Deeds not Words

Deeds Not Words



By Ashe Barker


His sweet little Clarissa is a Suffragette on hunger strike in Holloway.

James has to act fast or lose her for good.


#eroticromance #ashebarker #dominance #spanking #historical #bdsm #twentiethcentury #suffragettes



Buy Link (and it’s FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited)



James has never entertained the slightest doubt that Clarissa will be his viscountess. He’s loved his younger half-cousin for almost as long as he can remember and was only waiting for her to be old enough …

But she’s grown up while he wasn’t looking, and time has run out. His sweet little Clarissa is a Suffragette on hunger strike in Holloway. James has to act fast or lose her for good.



A handsome viscount. A headstrong Suffragette. And a cause worth dying for.

She grew up while I wasn’t looking. My sweet little half-cousin is now a beautiful woman. I’ve adored her for as long as I can remember. It’s high time I made her my viscountess. 

But there’s just one problem. While my back was turned Clarissa has joined the Suffragette Movement. And now, I gather, she’s incarcerated in Holloway facing their vile force-feeding regime and God only knows what other horrors. I need to act quickly.


I’ve never been more pleased to see my handsome cousin. Always my guardian and protector, James rescued me from that awful place and brought me home to Smallwood where he is determined to keep me safe. And he insists upon employing his own brand of discipline, to teach me the error of my ways.

I want to surrender to him. I love him. I think I always have. But I love the Suffragette cause too. James wants me to submit to his authority and continue the campaign without endangering my life. But this has become a fight to the death, and I will not desert my sisters.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. 

This story was previously published in the 2019 anthology Once upon a Christmas Wedding. This version is a stand-alone story, re-edited, and with new content added.



She folded her drawers with care and placed them upon the low stool at the foot of her bed. Straightening, Clarissa checked her appearance in the full-length mirror to make sure that she had not disturbed her clothing in any other way and that there was no outward sign that beneath her plain cotton skirt her buttocks were naked.

The fact that she would soon be obliged to display those naked buttocks to her handsome cousin caused her other cheeks to heat. What would he think? Would he be… moved in any way?

Something coiled, deep in her core. Even if James found nothing to unduly excite him in this situation, she could not say the same for herself. The fluttering in her belly was not altogether to be attributed to apprehension, though she would not for a moment deny her nervousness. But she trusted James. He had sworn not to harm her and that was good enough.

Twenty strokes, though. With his belt, at that. Dear Lord, help me…

Better yet, she might help herself by going down to the study and getting this unpleasantness over with as quickly as possible. Her resolve buoyed as high as she could manage, Clarissa hurried from the room.

Downstairs in the main hallway she hesitated just briefly then lifted her hand and knocked softly on the study door,

“Come in.” 

At his summons to enter she slipped inside and closed the door behind her.

“There is a key in the lock,” James said, leaning back in his chair to regard her entrance. “You might like to turn it. We would not wish to be disturbed.”

She could not argue with that sentiment. Quickly, she locked the door, then faced him again. “I removed my drawers already.”

“I see. You are ready, then?”

Her chin high and her spine stiff, she nodded briefly. “I am.”

“In that case,” he got to his feet and moved around the desk, “I shall not keep you waiting. Perhaps you would be so good as to position yourself across the desk. I have made a space for you.”

He had indeed. The entire expanse of polished mahogany had been cleared of the usual documents and other paraphernalia usually scattered about, the casual clutter of a man of business with much to occupy him. Today, right now, his focus was entirely upon her.

Clarissa had mixed feelings about that dubious honour as she stepped forward to lean on the desk.

“I am not sure how... I mean, I have never…”

“Lean forward. Rest your upper body on the desk top and reach out in front of you. You will find it easier if you grip the opposite edge. I suggest you do not let go, and above all, do not even think about reaching back to protect your bottom.”

“Do you need me to lift my skirts?”

“I will do that. All you need do is make yourself comfortable.”

“Comfortable?” She gave an inelegant snort but wasted no unnecessary time in spreading herself across the desk. “Is this all right?” She lay with her cheek pressed against the polished wood and regarded him.

“Yes. Perfect.” He unfastened the buckle of his leather belt. “We agreed upon twenty strokes, did we not?”

“That is what you said, yes.”

The belt slid free of his trousers with an ominous whisper. James folded it in half, then laid it on the desk beside her. “I shall raise your skirts now. Perhaps you would lift up your stomach slightly in order that I may tuck the fabric beneath you.”

Clarissa found herself obliging him without comment, though the cool breath of air wafting across her bared buttocks as he rolled her skirts to her waist caused her to screw her eyes tight shut. Maybe, if she did not open them until this was all over, she might blot out the worst of the humiliation.

“You make a pretty sight, Clarissa Bellamy, and one I sincerely hope to view often in the years before us.” 

His tone was low, warm. Something in that soft timbre made her want to purr but she quickly stifled such nonsense. “Please,” she groaned. “Just get on with it.”

“Very well.” He picked up the belt, grasped the two ends and the buckle within his fist, and swung it by his side. “I do not believe there are many servants about this morning, and no visitors expected. Even so, a spanking can be a noisy business. I shall not require you to remain silent, but you might like to consider it anyway. Whilst we shall not be disturbed in here, noise does carry…”

“I shall be as quiet as I can.” And she meant it. This whole business was quite mortifying enough without the prospect of Victorine witnessing her shame and indignity as well.

“Good. Then, we shall begin, shall we?”


About Ashe Barker

USA Today Bestselling author Ashe Barker writes erotic romance and spanking romance in a variety of genres including contemporary, BDSM, paranormal, historical. ménage, gay romance and time travel. She is a #1 Amazon Bestseller and all her stories feature hot alpha males and sassy submissives, often with a lot to learn. Kink abounds, and there’s enough dirty talk to satisfy the most demanding smut lover. However dark and dirty the setting, love always emerges triumphant, and her stories never fail to deliver a satisfying happy ever after.


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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Saturday Spankings - What a girl needs!

Happy Saturday Spankings! I’m continuing with snippets from the seventh in the Cassie Space series, Cassie’s Ordeal. In last weeks snippet Cassie endured a hard spanking for ignoring a direct request from Tom and hiding it all from him. It was a serious spanking, but it did clear the air. 

As Sue comes to visit Cassie the next day, it’s obvious to her too.


Sue stopped at the bottom of the steps and gave me a scrutinizing gaze.

“What?” I asked, when she said nothing.

Sue came up on the deck continuing to stare. I was beginning to feel self-conscience when she broke into a big grin.

“You got your butt beat last night!” she announced, obviously pleased with herself.

“I did not!” I told her emphatically. I suppose regardless of how old I get immediate denial of anything I don’t want to acknowledge will be my first thought.

“The hell you didn’t!” Sue crowed.

I was mad. “Why do you say that?” I snapped. Sue ignored me and went in for her coffee. I was sitting, gingerly, when she returned, still chuckling.

“It’s a good thing Tom cut your gambling career short years ago, ‘cause your poker face sucks.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I snapped.

“Aww, Cassie,” she started, “You haven’t been yourself since the wreck, well at least since we got back from the island. You haven’t talked, you don’t smile like yourself. You’ve been mean and surly. I’m surprised it took old Tom this long to beat it out of you. This is the first morning you’ve looked like you.”

“You’re nuts,” I told her dismissively.

We sat in silence for a while, the Sue quietly asked. “So, did he find out somehow or did you tell him?”

So much for secrets. “I told him,” I admitted glumly. “How did you know, really?” I asked her.

“Seriously, it was the way you looked this morning,” She insisted. “Tom can be a real ass at times, but evidently, for you two, this spanking crap works. You look ten years younger with that guilty secret off your back.


Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and makes plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police begin an all-out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Amber Daulton - Arresting Jeremiah


Arresting Jeremiah


Amber Daulton


When threats escalate, will Jim and Calista succumb,

or fight for a love they can’t deny?



Tags: woman in jeopardy, man in jeopardy, single mom, family, violent ex, investigations, police procedural, criminals, gangs, drugs, urban romance, HEA, no cliffhangers, standalone, series




Injured Parole Officer Jeremiah “Jim” Borden never expected Calista Barlow, the sassy blonde waitress he’s craved for months, to ring his doorbell. She slips into his heart—and his bed—but he’s obsessed with a gangland investigation that threatens his career and maybe even his life.

Calista doesn’t trust easily, not with a daughter to protect and the stalker who keeps calling her. After her violent ex-boyfriend returns, she finds solace in Jim’s arms.


Jim may have to forego his need for answers to protect the ready-made family he adores, but how will he and Calista escape an unseen enemy that is always one step ahead of them?






Calista entered her bedroom and her mouth dropped open. Oh my God.

Her date reclined on her bed as though he starred in a photo shoot. Candlelight flickered across him. The sultry gleam in his eyes arrested her, holding her captive. His sexy smile weakened her knees. None of her past lovers rocked a pair of classic black slacks and a crisp white dress shirt like he did. His chest hair, a few shades darker than the locks on his head, poked from the parted fabric and teased her.

How would that thick hair feel against her nipples? Soft? Coarse? Just right?

Jim was spread out for her pleasure like a Christmas present. She wanted to unwrap him, layer by layer. Maybe he should unwrap himself, so she could enjoy the show.

Her gaze traveled the length of his body to the bulge pressed against his zipper. Yum! He’s hard already. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

“Stare all you want, but it’s more fun to touch.” He patted his thigh, the invitation clear.

“I’m tempted.” She cocked her hip to one side. “I guess the blueberry clafoutis can wait, but you’re a little presumptuous to think this is how the night would end.”

Then again, she did mention having breakfast together. What did she expect him to think?

“End? Honey, we’re just getting started.”

She laughed, grasped the hem of her blouse, and pulled it over her head. Her favorite perfume scented the room, and she picked up the bottle. “You like?”

“Hell, yeah. A lot.”

She sprayed a few drops on her fingers, caressed the pulse at the base of her throat, and dragged her touch down between her breasts. His guttural growl teased across her nerve endings, shooting rockets through her belly. She shimmied her skirt down her hips and kicked aside her heels. A red satin bra and panty set sheathed her body. She locked her hands together behind her back before involuntarily covering her breasts and stomach.

“Damn, look at you. Come here, Calista.”

She climbed onto the mattress and knelt over him, one knee between his legs.

His shirt spread farther apart as he sank deeper into the pillows. More dark hair covered his taut muscles. His shirtsleeve hid the cast.

Yes! Finally! She buried her fingertips in those kinky curls and traced the hard, hot expanse of his chest. Her belly twisted into a bundle of lust.

His pecs twitched. He moaned and grasped her hip, his face flushing red. His spine arched as she lightly pinched one of his nipples. A long hiss escaped through his teeth.

“Lay back and let me handle everything.” She straddled his waist and trailed her fingers around his belly button. His eyes darkened, the pupils expanding, and heated her from the inside out. She laved her tongue over his nipples, kissing one yellowish bruise after another.

“Undress me.”

She bit his nipple in reprimand. “Don’t rush me.”

“Jesus, woman. You’re driving me insane.” Jim rubbed the bulge in his slacks along her satin-covered clit.


Series: Arresting Onyx (book 2)

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Release Date: October 14th, 2020


Print ISBN: 978-1-5092-3345-8

Digital ISBN: 978-1-5092-3346-5

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: 98k

Heat Rating: 5 Flames



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About the Author


Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats. 

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. 


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