Saturday, May 29, 2021

Saturday Spankings - Cassie overhears

Happy Saturday! I’m glad you stopped by. I’m putting up snippets from Searching for Home, the fourth in the Cal’s Law series. This snippet takes place after Allie was attacked in a home invasion, she has some broken ribs and she’s worried about that and several things going on in her life. She’s talking over the problems with Jenny, when Cassie overhears. Cassie is furious that she’s been left in the dark and she lets them know it.


Cassie froze. Eavesdropping wasn’t polite, but she wasn’t moving.

“If there is a hint that we’re not honest, I’ll lose all my clients and the business will be finished.” Allie moaned, “Our money is so tight now. What if Ryan really does decide we have to sell the house and move? That would kill me! But we’ve got the house payment, the truck payment, a couple of business loans and we’re putting money away for taxes. And he’s putting even more away to repay Cassie and Tom and…”

Cassie could take it no longer. She entered the room, her heels tapping sharply with each stride. “Allie Marie, you tell me exactly what you’re talking about and tell me right this minute!”

“Mom! I… didn’t hear you come in. It’s nothing, really…”

“I don’t want to hear that!” Cassie snapped, her volume rising as she continued to speak. “Who are you? I think of you girls as two of my best friends. I thought we didn’t have secrets. First, you both run off on a girls’ trip without telling us – that was fine, but not staying in touch? Not answering our calls or even our texts? That’s inexcusable!” Cassie was only now realizing how much that had hurt her feelings. Both her anger and her voice continued to rise as she looked directly at Allie. “And now I hear you’re being accosted by some man, your business threatened by him, money problems, thinking of leaving The Landing and you say nothing to me?”

Lily was hurrying down the stairs. “Who doin’ all that yellin’? What’s goin’ on down here?” she demanded.

“It’s me and I plan to keep on yelling! Don’t mess with me Lily!” Cassie shouted.

Cassie’s anger seemed so great that Lily was as stunned as the girls. She saw that Allie was crying. “Missy, I don’t know why you so mad, but you don’t want to get Allie cryin’ hard. That wouldn’t be good for her,” Lily pointed out, quietly.

Cassie turned and swept from the porch. Each of the three flinched as they heard her bedroom door slam.

Buy link - Amazon 

Blurb : 

Jenny is happily married to her strong, gorgeous sheriff. She has great friends and a good job. But life is never perfect is it? Within a short time, she and Cal have to move from the home they rent, need to move in with his parents and receive life-changing news from her mother’s lawyer. Jenny’s friend and boss, Allie, has her share of problems too – money woes, grabby clients and burglaries near her work.


When they try to keep their worries from their protective husbands, they find out what it means to have an alpha man to deal with. After the girls are attacked at work, things seem to go from bad to worse. Taking on adult responsibilities is never easy as they’re finding out the hard way. Good thing they have their older friends, Cassie, Sue, Annie and Lily to fall back on.

On the River series:

On the River (a Cassie's family story)


Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us     

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Kryssie Fortune - His Innocent Bride

 His Innocent Bride

A stand-alone regency Romance

By Kryssie Fortune

Consummating her marriage shouldn’t be so hard.


Publisher                  Stormy Night Publications

Genre                        Regency Spanking Romance



#Regency #spanking #romance #murder #mystery #HEA #Dominance 


Publisher’s Blurb

Going about her mundane life in a small fishing village, Alethea never dreamed she would end up with a man like the Earl of Deanswood, yet when she caught the handsome gentleman's eye he wasted no time in making her his wife. Unbeknownst to Alethea, however, her conniving mother has convinced Deanswood that she has no interest in the marital bed. Devastated by his seeming disinterest, Alethea searches for someone to instruct her in the ways of enticing a man.

When a friend informs Deanswood of Alethea's plans, he decides to train his new bride himself. Soon enough, Alethea finds herself naked, blindfolded, and helplessly bound as she is thoroughly spanked and then brought to one blushing, quivering climax after another. But when Alethea's life is threatened by her mother's vicious scheming, can Deanswood protect his innocent bride?

Publisher's Note: His Innocent Bride is a stand-alone novel which shares the Regency-era setting of Wickedly Used. It includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.


Buy links

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The way he ran his hand up and down her spine made her thighs turn weak, but she’d promised to obey him. Unfair as that seemed, she would do as he asked. He’d already told her to strip, so rising to her feet, she let the blanket fall to the floor and untied the belt of her borrowed dressing gown. The silk slid from her shoulders and slithered down her arms. It pooled on the floor at her feet.

She covered her nipples with her right arm and used her left hand to shield her pussy.

He sucked in a breath. Voice stern, he commanded, “Arms at your sides. That’s it. God, woman, you’re temptation personified. I’ve pictured you naked since I brought you off that first time, but I never imagined you as beautiful as this. Turn around, let me see every inch of you.”

All her life, her mother had insisted vanity was a sin. When her husband called her beautiful, Alethea’s smile shone brighter than the summer sun. As she pirouetted before him, her nipples hardened, and damp heat flooded her pussy. In a perfect world, she’d study his bare chest and delicious-tasting cock too, but she was too shy to ask.

Holding her gaze, he beckoned her closer. “Come here, chick. Because you’ve accepted that I’m in charge in our marriage, I’ll forgo the punishment spanking you deserve. Instead, I’ll spank you for our mutual pleasure. Put yourself in danger again, and I’ll blister your beautiful bottom with my belt. Do you understand?”

She nodded and took a nervous step toward him. How any spanking could be for pleasure was beyond her, but she’d trust her husband and obey his commands. Another two steps and she stood with her knees at right angles to his lap.

A nervous glance showed her his cock had grown to humongous proportions. When she’d worn her blindfold, she’d never seen his arousal. Now it fascinated and delighted her.

When he pulled her over his knee, his cock dug into her hip. Positioned like this, she felt like a naughty child. She tensed when he stroked her bare bottom.

Deanswood patted it gently. “Relax, or this will hurt more than it should.”

Those were easy words for him to say, but hung over his lap with her bottom in the air, she felt vulnerable and scared. Taking a deep breath, she untensed the muscles in her bottom.

He brought his hand down in a sharp smack that made her yelp. Heat exploded through her, warming her bottom. Another two blows followed in quick succession, one on each cheek. The way he spread the pain made her wail. Tears misted her eyes, but she clasped his ankles and tried to stay still. Another slap, harder than before, made her sob in earnest. Her bottom blazed. Pain crescendoed through her like thunderbolts that jarred her bones.

Her mind fogged and her vision blurred. She forgot the terrors of her day. Forgot where she was. She couldn’t even remember her name. Her world narrowed until only she and Deanswood existed. His next two strikes made her howl.

Kryssie Fortune Social Media








Amazon Author Page


Questions and Answers


Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special? 


My heroine, Lady Alethea grew up in a remote fishing village on the Kent coast. A strict religious sect holds sway there. They disapprove of everything - singing, dancing, laughing. Even smiling is a sin. Alethea dreams of a happy future not one sent peddling fish. When James, Earl of Deanswood drives his yellow phaeton into the village, he reminds of the Greek God Apollo driving his flaming chariot across the sky. Not that she can admit to knowing Greek Myths in her village. She gives her heart in an instant, but although Deanswood marries her within a week, he doesn’t do the same.


Tell us about your hero.


James, Earl of Deanswood never expected to inherit the title. His father and older brother died the same day the battle of Waterloo started. Deanswood enlisted as a boy soldier and although he attained the rank of major, he sold out when he learned of his father’s death. Although it’s never officially stated in the book, he suffers from PTSD.


More about Kryssie Fortune. 


Kryssie reads everything and anything, from literary fiction to sizzling romance. Her earliest memory is going to the library with her mother. She can’t have been more than two at the time. Reading, especially when a book’s hot and explicit, is more than a guilty pleasure. It’s an obsession. 

Kryssie loves to visit historic sites, from Hadrian’s wall to Regency Bath. The first book she fell in love with was Georgette Heyer’s The Unknown Ajax. After that, she devoured every regency book she could. Part of Kryssie’s psyche lives in in in Regency London. She longs to dance quadrilles and flirt behind fans. Of course, Kryssie’s heroines do far more than flirt. 

Kryssie lives in Bridlington on the Yorkshire coast –about thirty miles from Whitby, where Bram Stoker wrote Dracula. She enjoys gardening, travel, and socializing with her author friends. You’d be surprised how many erotic romance authors live in the North of England. 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Saturday Spankings - Allie and Ryan

Happy Saturday! I hope you’re ready for some summer reading. My next book will be out in August, so until then here’s another snippet from Searching for Home, the fourth in the Cal’s Law series.  Last week Allie was thinking over how the different men on The Landing felt about discipline. As she thought, Ryan wanted her attention back to them.


“A-hem…” Ryan cleared his throat, bringing Allie out of her reverie.  She looked at him with a small smile, so grateful that, of all their close friends and family, her husband was by far the best.

“Are you bad mad?” she asked.

“Am I mad that my wife ran off and left me and didn’t tell me where she was going and wouldn’t answer my calls? What do you think?” Ryan asked back.

Coming to him, Allie put her hands on his face. “I think you are the most wonderful husband in the world. I think you’re sweet and understanding and loving and gentle and nowhere near the hard-ass Cal can be,” she answered.

“You think I’m a wimp? That you can do anything you want and that I won’t hold you accountable?”

“I think,” Allie said, sweetly, “that you missed me terribly. You’re happy that I’m home and you aren’t going to waste time being mad.” Allie grabbed his tee-shirt and pulled him gently toward her.

As she started to pull it over his head, he stopped her, leaning in for a kiss. Then, nearly whispering into her mouth, he said, “I did miss you and I’m going to spank your ass cherry red.”

“Right now?” Allie asked him, whispering as he was.

“Right now,” he repeated and Allie looked down, hiding her smile.


Buy link - Amazon 

Blurb : 

Jenny is happily married to her strong, gorgeous sheriff. She has great friends and a good job. But life is never perfect is it? Within a short time, she and Cal have to move from the home they rent, need to move in with his parents and receive life-changing news from her mother’s lawyer. Jenny’s friend and boss, Allie, has her share of problems too – money woes, grabby clients and burglaries near her work.


When they try to keep their worries from their protective husbands, they find out what it means to have an alpha man to deal with. After the girls are attacked at work, things seem to go from bad to worse. Taking on adult responsibilities is never easy as they’re finding out the hard way. Good thing they have their older friends, Cassie, Sue, Annie and Lily to fall back on.

On the River series:

On the River (a Cassie's family story)


Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us     

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Daryl Devore - Hot and Hotter

Daryl Devore’s - Hot and Hotter

Some like it hot… others like it HOTTER!

Hash Tags - Hot and Hotter, Daryl Devore, #DarylDevore, @daryldevore, #hot, #romance, #contemporary, #urbanfantasy, #duology


I like mixing and matching things up. This is my second duology (2 book box set). This time I combined my tropical island crash romance – Brace for Impact - with my urban fantasy – Love My Fate. Both are steamy and hot love stories with fun characters, crazy adventures and passionately hot sex.




Scene set – opening scene of first book in duology – Brace for Impact

Lori gagged on the bile rising in the back of her throat. She inhaled sharply to calm her stomach. If I'm going to die, it's not going to be with vomit all over my uniform.

A distant whimper caught her ear. She lifted her head and opened her eyes. The lady in 37D rocked back and forth in her seat. Lori fought the urge to run to her. Her flight attendant training told her to stay seated. The Captain had called, "Brace for impact."

Hang on, 37D. Just a bit longer. I understand how you feel. Isolated way back here in no-man's land at the back of the plane. No one's hand to hold for comfort. Alone. Scared. Me too.

The gentleman in seat 36C stood, then pulled open the overhead bin.

Lori sat up taller. "Sir! The Captain said, brace for impact. Get back in your seat. Please."

He turned his head, glancing at her. Lori blinked. She'd noticed him as she did her rounds of economy class. Sexy tousled hair. An unshaven chin. Gorgeous smile. Focus on your job. "Sir. Please. Sit. Down."

He grabbed a bag out of the bin, slammed it shut and returned to his seat.

Her heart raced as she shouted out the words she'd practiced in flight attendant school a hundred times and prayed she'd never have to use. "Head down. Brace. Brace." She hoped the sound of her voice could offer a moment's relief to the terrified passengers in economy. They were her passengers. If she could hold each of their hands, she would. "Head down. Brace. Brac—"

The plane dropped and shuddered.

Lori's professional calm shattered. The passengers under her care were going to die. She was going to die. The sensation of utter loneliness swamped her. She clenched her fists until her short nails dug into the palms of her hands. Pressure built in her ears. She tried all the tricks she knew, but the pressure wouldn't release. We're dropping too fast.

Wonder what dying is going to feel like? Will it hurt? Mom. Trembling as her mother's smiling face popped into her mind, she swallowed back a wail of grief at the thought of her mother's pain when she heard the news of the plane crash.

What's taking so long? Maybe— A ray of light shone down on the darkness of her despair. Maybe the captain was landing the plane. Captain Fraser was one of the best. He could save everyone.

The plane jerked. Metal shrieked in complaint. Fear rang loud in the screams of the passengers. Lori's pulse pounded in her chest. Her breaths came in short pants. She swiped at the sweat on her upper lip. Her stomach knotted, then boiled. It was close. The end. Whatever the end was. She squeezed her eyelids shut and whispered, "Mom. I love you."


Blurb and Buy Links:


Some like it hot… others like it HOTTER!  Daryl Devoré has done it again, pairing two of her smoking hot romances into one smouldering book.

What could be simpler than a routine plane trip from Toronto, Canada to Caracas, Venezuela for a rookie flight attendant and a sexy R.C.M.P. officer? 

But Fate had other intentions.

After leaving a disastrous marriage, Paix Allcot begins a new career as a flight attendant. First time in her dream job, she is no longer a trainee and the passengers in economy class are under her care. Especially the handsome passenger seated in 36C. 


Guy Lapierre, undercover officer, is following a vicious human-trafficker. He has little time for relationships. Too many innocent lives are at stake. Stranded on a tropical island, he is forced to work with Paix to survive until he makes a relationship destroying discovery.

Can a pink bra and a hot night on the side of a volcano save the relationship and their lives?


What's a woman to do when a voice follows her home and makes mad, passionate love to her? 

 Corporate businesswoman, Capricious Gray, is dragged to a sex toy convention by her best friend. After a mysterious disembodied voice helps her with her purchases, it follows her home. Passion ensues, leaving Capri torn between lust for her fantasy lover and the desperate need for reality in her life.

 Thall, son of one of the Fates, harbours the irrepressible need to be with the woman he's desired from afar for years. In order to make her his, once and for all, he must help Capri get past her fears, including the fear of what he represents - a fantasy.

Can fantasy become a reality for these two lovers? 

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