Welcome to Saturday Spankings! In this snippet from Secrets on the River, Cal and Jenny are reenacting a fantasy Cal read about long ago. This takes places soon after where I left off in the my last Saturday Spanking here.
Cal was by her side in an instant. “We can stop, honey. I’ll get the cuffs off,” he said soothingly.
“No! No,” Jenny told him firmly. “I… I just want you with me. Keep going.”
Cal looked down at her in surprise. “Are you sure?” he asked.
Jenny nodded vigorously. “Then we need to warm you up for your caning,” he told her.
Cal unclipped her cuffed wrists from the headboard and gently pulled her to the foot of their bed. “You sure?” he asked.
“I want the whole damn story,” she told him, referring to the magazine.
Cal nodded to himself, beginning to spank her with his hand, not hard, but covering her entire bottom. Watching her reaction closely, he saw she was pushing back, arching, trying to reach his hand. He spanked harder as Jenny moaned a soft, “Yes.”
After several more hard swats Jenny clenched again, just what he’d been waiting for. “Jenny,” he said sternly, “I’ve told you several times you have to stop tensing your muscles. I’ll take care of that right now.”
“I’m trying,” Jenny managed to say. “It’s involuntary. What do you think you can do about it?”
Cal stepped into the other room and returned quickly. “Back when caning was all the rage, those who used it often found a way to keep clenching down to a minimum,” he told her.
Jenny said no more until she felt something extremely wet and cool where she didn’t want it.
“Relax, honey. You’ve worn a plug before,” he told her mildly.
Jenny buried her face in the bed. She had hoped he’d forgotten about the ‘attention getter’ but no, not her husband. Jenny’s eyes widened behind the mask as he carefully inserted something.
“It’s cold,” she cried. “What is that?”
She had barely gotten the words out of her mouth when ‘cold’ was no longer a problem.
“What is it, what is it?” she repeated. “Get it out! My ass is on fire!”
Cal paused to see if she would say more. When she didn’t he told her, “It’s ginger. Try tightening your butt now,” he commanded.
Jenny ignored him until he gave a hard unexpected swat. She clenched at once and everything became clear. Clamping tightly around this thing turned the burning feeling into a blow torch!
“I think it’s time to finish up,” she heard Cal tell her. He swished the cane through the air several times. Then it landed in the middle of her cheeks, laying down a line of pure white fire.
Jenny yelled and her butt involuntarily squeezed around the ginger which made her cry out again. She was desperate to stomp a foot but her feet were still in the soft cuffs. With no warning the cane struck again, adding another line of fire a half-inch below the first. Jenny shrieked and went rigid before she lay still, panting.
Cal ran his hand over the two cane welts. “I think two should be enough,” he told her.
Jenny, catching her breath, shook her head. “Four, you said four!”
Cal couldn’t believe what she was saying. Then he placed his hand on Jenny’s back, giving her the comfort of the connection, before bringing the cane down twice more in quick succession.
It was impossible not to clench despite the ginger, as she dealt with the last two lines of fire.
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Everyone has secrets, but most don’t have major implications. When Jenny tries to keep her weekend activities from Cal, the repercussions of him finding out land only on her. But some secrets are bigger and more far reaching. You would think that as long as Cassie, Sue and Annie have known each other, surely they could have no real secrets from one another. But you’d be surprised. The full truth behind one secret may never be known, another could change the face of The Landing forever.
From steamy sex to both playful and painful spankings, the people on the river continue to live and love and marvel at all that are learning.
Paperbacks can be found here.
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