Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday Spanking

My son’s wedding was wonderful! Actually the most enjoyable wedding I’ve ever attended. I love being a mother-in-law.
Now I’m looking forward to getting back to real life, reading, writing and anticipating my next big event – my December 11th book release! In this snippet Cassie tells of a time years ago when she and Tom and several other couples attended a convention together. Without mentioning it to the fellows, who were busy with meetings and golf, the girls decide to drive down to Mexico for a little shopping and sightseeing. During lunch at a small Mexican café, the ladies began chatting with some local boys who were anxious to show them some wonderful shops off the beaten path. Arriving with these young men, in a somewhat rundown section of town, Cassie and the others were a bit dubious.

There were two scantily clad young women in a doorway staring at us curiously. I turned back to our young tour guides questioningly, and as I did one pulled out a knife and demanded our purses. We stood paralyzed in fear as they grabbed our bags, leaped into our car and disappeared.
It had happened so fast it didn’t seem real. We were clutching one another in pure panic, were they coming back? Should we run? Run where?
“Are you okay?” Sue shakily asked the group. Neither boy had touched us, but I felt frightened and violated. In those first few minutes we hugged, patted and assured one another that everything would be fine, then the realization finally sunk in: we were in a foreign country, we had no car, we had no money, we had no identification, and our husbands had no idea where we were – foolishly, I thought it couldn’t get any worse.

Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. Cassie has survived emotionally distant parents and an abusive marriage. Widowed young, with plenty of money, she turns her energies to partying twenty-four/seven, until Tom spots her at a party. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table. Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie shares many stories of their early marriage, as she tried to adjust to Tom’s belief in the power of the hairbrush. Although Cassie agrees in theory that Tom is the head of their home, she spends much of her time doing exactly what she wants and hoping Tom won’t catch on. Over thirty years later, she still does what she wants and Tom still catches on.

Cassie still doesn’t always act like the perfect lady and doesn’t always manage to follow Tom’s rules. She sneaks off with friends to visit an ‘adult’ toy store and she has begun talking to ‘strangers’ online and blogging about the private life she and Tom share, knowing full well if Tom ever does find out she’ll be sitting sensitively for days to come.

Cassie wouldn’t change her life for anything. As she says, “There are two things I want everyone to take away from our stories. First there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned marriage where the husband guides and protects the wife. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. There is nothing wrong with him giving the occasional spanking to make sure his wife is fully aware of who is in charge. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with the wife trying to get away with as much as possible.

Second, and most important, I hope our stories convey that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion between two people only grows stronger.

Check our all this weeks snippets.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday Spanking

On a personal note:
This is a special day. We are flying out this morning to out son’s wedding in New York City. My wonderful son is marrying the man he’s loved since he was sixteen years old.  They have been together for over nine years and I’m thrilled that they are finally tying the knot.

I enjoy Saturday Spanking so much, I still wanted to participate today – but I hope you’ll understand why I won’t be around to read or answer your comments until later in the week.

Last week my snippet told of Tom’s prank before they headed out to attend a wedding. Today’s snippet, taking place shortly after they return to the hotel from the wedding, show’s yet another side of Cassie and Tom’s relationship – a relationship still full of passion for one another.

Stepping out into the bedroom nude, after removing my uncomfortable dress and undergarments, I saw Tom fully dressed in his formal suit. The air seemed filled with electricity and desire as Tom stared at me. I stood before him totally exposed and completely vulnerable as he stood looking so handsome and confident. When his eyes locked on mine he began to unbuckle his belt.
I guess if you are not one of us – someone who truly loves the sensation of a loving spanking–I cannot explain the feelings that coursed through me as I watched the leather slide through the loops. Those who do understand, know the feelings of excitement, fear, longing, anticipation, dread, and pure lust that this sight can stir. Tom gently bent me over the end of the bed and I lay across it anticipating the first swat with a mixture of longing and a little fear. When it came I jumped and moaned and clung tightly to the bed covering as hard swats followed one after the other on my backside and thighs. I wanted him to stop, and I wanted him to never stop – the sound, the sensation, and the longing flooded my mind.

Cassie's Space, release date December 11th 

Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. Cassie has survived emotionally distant parents and an abusive marriage. Widowed young, with plenty of money, she turns her energies to partying twenty-four/seven, until Tom spots her at a party. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drink him under the table. Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie shares many stories of their early marriage, as she tried to adjust to Tom’s belief in the power of the hairbrush. Although Cassie agrees in theory that Tom is the head of their home, she spends much of her time doing exactly what she wants and hoping Tom won’t catch on. Over thirty years later, she still does what she wants and Tom still catches on.

Cassie still doesn’t always act like the perfect lady and doesn’t always manage to follow Tom’s rules. She sneaks off with friends to visit an ‘adult’ toy store and she has begun talking to ‘strangers’ online and blogging about the private life she and Tom share, knowing full well if Tom ever does find out she’ll be sitting sensitively for days to come.

Cassie wouldn’t change her life for anything. As she says, “There are two things I want everyone to take away from our stories. First there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned marriage where the husband guides and protects the wife. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. There is nothing wrong with him giving the occasional spanking to make sure his wife is fully aware of who is in charge. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with the wife trying to get away with as much as possible.

Second, and most important, I hope our stories convey that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion between two people only grows stronger.

Here are all the other snippets for the week.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Help for Writers Block!

A good friend and a great writer had her article picked up by Tumblr.  If you've ever been plagued by writers block you need to read this. Donna does have one major flaw as a writer and that is that she does not write spanking fiction. But we can't all be perfect and perhaps someday she'll see the light. Meanwhile I think she has some suggestions we can all use.

Some encouragement from author Donna Steele

Okay, we’re more than half way there and your word count is not where you wanted it to be. Join the club–no really you’re not alone there. The thing is, if you quit, I’ll never get to read your story. Think about that.

 You’ve fallen behind, real life has intruded, and the kid spilled juice over your keyboard. Okay not that bad, but you’re ready to throw up your hands. Been there. But that happened behind you, now we have to face forward again, pull up our big girl panties and get back on track.     

It’s not easy (and childbirth is not just pressure–see I’m not lying to you) but you can do it. Go shut yourself away for ten minutes (bathrooms work) and think about that last scene you were able to get down. Feel it, live it, visualize it and make it come alive in you again.

You know what happens next. But you’re shut up in the bathroom, so just sit there and let it play out in your mind. No pencil, no keyboard, visualize it. No one knows these characters like you do, let them play. If they zig left and away from the story, let them go for it. This is their freedom, you’re just watching.

This is something I do all the time, not just for NaNoWriMo. When I go to bed at night I run that scene through again and set it in my mind. I feel like I’m slipping a cassette into the VCR (I’m old, I understand that technology better) and just watch. It’s amazing how freeing that is. I’m not writing, I’m literally letting them play. They need that since I had them harnessed to my story all day. They need to stretch their legs. The first thing in the morning, before the alarm goes off and ruins it is another good time (probably best for Saturday or Sunday). This also works great for when I’m stuck. These characters can come up with great ideas too, you know, if you’ve made them real enough.

Your mind is working all the time, whether you’re conscious of it is another thing. I was recently on a long car trip. I told myself before I started the engine for the return trip that I wanted to write a Christmas story, just a short little thing, for this year. That’s all I thought. Seven hours later when I got home, I had a story mostly written in the back of my mind. It’ll be published this holiday season – Nowhere for Christmas. It didn’t write itself, I wrote it, but it’s because I let them play the whole time I was in the car.

Another trick I use when I’m stuck is to rewrite the scene in a different POV. He sees things a lot differently than she does. Use that, get it down. You don’t have to decide which to use right now, so write them both. He might have noticed things she missed entirely and ramp the story up a notch or two. I tend to write my manuscripts in one POV. Then when I’m “finished” I write the other person. Seeing it from both sides adds a lot of depth and layers to the scene. He might not notice or care if the curtains are drawn, but she’s not going to do anything the neighbors might see. Same setting, same people, totally different scene.   

You’ve got tricks too whether you realize it or not. Share them (in December after you’ve finished this book) and try someone else’s idea. There’s no right way to do this, only what works for you.

Big girl panties on straight? Get back to it! My TBR pile is calling you…

Stop by and see me! – you can check out the blurb for Nowhere for Christmas there.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Spanking

Time to enjoy another Saturday Spankings, full of great snippets. In my snippets this month I want to show you different aspect of Cassie and Tom. Last week I gave you a glimpse into Cassie’s temper. This week I wanted to show you another side of Tom. I worry that some will see Tom as too harsh, when in reality he is a funny, kind and loving man. In this snippet, Cassie and Tom are getting ready to attend a wedding. Tom has been fussing with Cassie because she insists she needs to wear an old fashion girdle – or body armor, as Tom calls it. Cassie tells him to hush, she just wants to look good in her dress. Just before Cassie finishes dressing Tom pulls her across his lap for an expected spanking, just a way to reconnect before heading out to an event.

Tom’s firm spanks created an intense burn and I was past ready when he finally stopped and began to rub gently. “Let’s use a little lotion.” Tom offered, as I felt the cooling lotion being rubbed in. But it only took a second to realize something was terribly wrong. That devil hadn't used lotion – he had used Ben-Gay! And let me tell you, their claim of deep, penetrating heat: not false advertising.
Tom grinned like a schoolboy who had gotten away with a delightful prank. We had used this before because I like after burn, but I always knew when he planned to use it and we only used it at bedtime when I wouldn't be wearing anything. Now I was on fire and I had to put on that darn (shoot, Tom's not going to read this) that damn rubberized, skin tight, heat retaining, girdle. I was burning up.

Less than a month to go before the release of Cassie’s Space!

Blurb: Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. Cassie has survived emotionally distant parents and an abusive marriage. Widowed young, with plenty of money, she turns her energies to partying twenty-four/seven, until Tom spots her at a party. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table. Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie shares many stories of their early marriage, as she tried to adjust to Tom’s belief in the power of the hairbrush. Although Cassie agrees in theory that Tom is the head of their home, she spends much of her time doing exactly what she wants and hoping Tom won’t catch on. Over thirty years later, she still does what she wants and Tom still catches on.

Cassie still doesn’t always act like the perfect lady and doesn’t always manage to follow Tom’s rules. She sneaks off with friends to visit an ‘adult’ toy store and she has begun talking to ‘strangers’ online and blogging about the private life she and Tom share, knowing full well if Tom ever does find out she’ll be sitting sensitively for days to come.

Cassie wouldn’t change her life for anything. As she says, “There are two things I want everyone to take away from our stories. First there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned marriage where the husband guides and protects the wife. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. There is nothing wrong with him giving the occasional spanking to make sure his wife is fully aware of who is in charge. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with the wife trying to get away with as much as possible.

Second, and most important, I hope our stories convey that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion between two people only grows stronger.

And now for your enjoyment, more great snippets

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cassie's Space Blurb

Cassie’s Space will be out in less than a month.  I’ve enjoyed Saturday Spanking and the ability to give you some snippet. Today I wanted to share the blurb for the book.

Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. Cassie has survived emotionally distant parents and an abusive marriage. Widowed young, with plenty of money, she turns her energies to partying twenty-four/seven, until Tom spots her at a party. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table. Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie shares many stories of their early marriage, as she tried to adjust to Tom’s belief in the power of the hairbrush. Although Cassie agrees in theory that Tom is the head of their home, she spends much of her time doing exactly what she wants and hoping Tom won’t catch on. Over thirty years later, she still does what she wants and Tom still catches on.

Cassie still doesn’t always act like the perfect lady and doesn’t always manage to follow Tom’s rules. She sneaks off with friends to visit an ‘adult’ toy store and she has begun talking to ‘strangers’ online and blogging about the private life she and Tom share, knowing full well if Tom ever does find out she’ll be sitting sensitively for days to come.

Cassie wouldn’t change her life for anything. As she says, “There are two things I want everyone to take away from our stories. First there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned marriage where the husband guides and protects the wife. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. There is nothing wrong with him giving the occasional spanking to make sure his wife is fully aware of who is in charge. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with the wife trying to get away with as much as possible.

Second, and most important, I hope our stories convey that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion between two people only grows stronger.