Welcome to Saturday Spankings, my go-to place for finding
great spanking books. I hope you’ll check out all today’s snippets.
I love that there’s such diversity out here. We have dark
dungeon clubs with intense scenes, I’ve read excellent sci-fi spanking stories
and those with vampires well as. I’ve found great Regency and
westerns. I’ve loved them all. But I’m led to write about how DD might be in a ‘couple
next door’ setting. I know some might not think they’d have much in common with
a ‘mature’ couple such as Cassie and Tom – then again some of my readers may be
the same age as Cassie and maybe they want to read about a love story that’s
lasted over forty years. And those who have read will attest that Cassie and
Sue aren’t exactly your quite, docile, sweet little old ladies. I hope you’re to give one of the Cassie books
a try.
Today’s snippet is from Cassie’s River Living – on sale now
for 99 cent. Cassie and Sue were accidentally locked in a house under
construction causing a massive search. The news story that night is not what
Cassie and Sue wanted to hear…
I was exhausted and it
seemed time for every one to leave, but Steve turned on the news at ten to see
if they had a story about our ‘disappearance’. I was leaning back again Tom,
who was still being unusually quiet, as the story came on.
We all heard the first
sentence of the story – but that was all we heard. The announcer opened with,
“Today two local elderly women were found unharmed after being thought
missing...” and the room erupted. Sue and I were on our feet ready to spit
nails while the rest of the room exploded in laughter. I swear, Tom laughed so
hard I thought he was going to hurt himself.
I heard Sue yelling at
the TV, “That little son-of-a-bitch! I’ll show him elderly if I get my hands on
Here's the latest Cassie book
Buy now at
Blurb for Cassie’s Ordeal - book 7
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love. But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.
The police began an all out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, so jump in with this one. But if you like to read in order the first four can now be found in the Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.
Check out the snippets from these great writers.
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