Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday Spanking - What did you say?

Here we are back at Saturday Spankings for more good spanking story snippets. Two of the Cassie books are now being offered at the special price of .99, Cassie’s Space – the first book and Cassie’sRiver Living.
Today’s snippet is from Cassie’s Ordeal and takes place shortly after last week’s snippet. Tom is back and we join them in the middle of the spanking.

 “Girl, I hope, for your sake, that eventually you are going to learn to listen to me. I don’t boss you around that much – but if I tell you to do something, you do it.”
I knew I needed to keep my mouth shut, but I couldn’t, “You don’t boss me around much! You did not just say that?”
I’m talking now,” Tom said firmly, shifting the awful slipper to my upper thighs. I clamped my mouth shut as he continued his lecture. It was probably about minding him and doing as I’m told. My mind wasn’t exactly on conversation at that moment. Once he stopped and let the slipper fall to the floor I was throbbing, and his target area had been completely covered.

Here's the latest Cassie book

Buy now at 

Blurb for Cassie’s Ordeal - book 7
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.
The police began an all out search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?


  1. Yeah, it's really not wise to sass them back when you're positioned over their knee. They tend to take it personally. Great snippet, PK

    1. You're right about that, but sometimes it's sooo hard to keep your mouth shut! Especially for Cassie.

  2. Great snippet PK. I bet Cassie's mind wasn't on conversation lol. Not the best idea to make such comments while in that position.


    1. But for Tom to say he didn't boss her much - she just couldn't contain herself.

  3. Tom is a master that brooks no sass and Cassie, well, Cassie just can't help herself.

    1. You got that right. Keeping her mouth shut is something Cassie will never learn.

  4. I guess I'd be like Cassie! I just can't shut up at times! But Tom spanks thoroughly. Cassie should wait until she is across the room or on the other side of the bed to speak her mind! Lol

    1. That would be the best thing to do. I can't even believe he said that though.
