Saturday, January 30, 2016

Saturday Spankings - The Gift

I’m always happy to be part of Saturday Spankings – especially when when I have a new book coming out. I enjoy sharing my snippets and reading everyone else’s snippet. There is still more winter to come, lets get those Kindles loaded!
Today’s snippet is from Cassie Corralled, coming in February. It’s Cassie’s birthday and Tom is the ultimate gift giver. Previous birthday gifts have included diamonds, a convertible and even a house on a south sea island. Tom is a always good for a surprise gifts and this birthday is no exceptions.

It was a long box, longer than a flower box and just for a second the idea of a school cane flashed through my mind – I do not want one, nor did I think Tom would have me open such a gift at a party, but I did remember the honey colored crop he gave me one year in a box I had thought to be flowers.
I stood to pull the lid off the beautifully wrapped gift and I heard several guests gasp at the contents. I don’t know whether it was in delight or horror, because I couldn’t take my eyes off my magnificent gift. 
When I finally looked up at Tom I had tears in my eyes. He was smiling from ear to ear at his surprise. Sue and Annie were grinning at me, but both Allie and Ryan looked as if Tom had just gifted me with a live grenade. Then again they don’t know my complete history.


Cassie Corralled (book 8)

     Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie stories about everything from long ago shooting incidents to playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire her a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
      Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday Spanking - The talk after

I hope everyone got their fill of playing in the snow yesterday and you’re content to stay inside and read Saturday Spankings snippets today. There are always some great one to read.
I’m sharing another snippet from Cassie Corralled – coming out in February. Last week Cassie told Allie about an incident early in her marriage where she got spanked for coming home late from the casino with Sue. After the spanking Tom talks with Cassie.

“Cassie,” he began softly, “I love you so much, I don’t like to have to spank you like that. But you have to learn to listen to me. I know you think you can handle every situation you come across, and maybe you can, but you don’t have to anymore. I want to take care of you.”
“But you weren’t there…” I said in a quiet voice.
“That’s what I mean, girl. You have to listen to me even when I’m not right with you. If you had done as I told you, you wouldn’t have been out on that dark lonely road with two men trying to hurt you.”
I was tired and getting sleepy. On one level I believed, or wanted to believe, what Tom was telling me, on the other hand part of my mind was saying, ‘if I start to depend on you, what will I do when you leave me?’ It was so many years before I really, really believed that Tom wouldn’t eventually wash his hands of me and leave.


Cassie Corralled (book 8)

     Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie stories about everything from long ago shooting incidents to playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire her a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
      Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday Spankings - When to keep your mouth shut

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings! There is a new Cassie book coming out in February, Cassie Corralled, and I’m excited about this one – there were such big parts of it that wrote itself. In today’s snippet Allie has talked Cassie into telling a story from her past. She tells of a time when she and Sue had gotten in trouble for an incident that occurred as they came home late from a casino when they were all living in Nevada. This was early in their marriage, obviously Cassie hadn’t yet learned how to answer a spanker while the spanking was going on.

I tried to brace for what was coming – but bare-bottomed, over your husband’s lap is about as defenseless a position as you can find yourself. Tom danced that brush all over my rear before finally speaking. “Are you ready to listen to me now?” he asked.
“Good grief, yes!” I gasped.
He rested the brush against my hot rear; even the brush felt hot as he began speaking, “Do you know why you’re getting this spanking?”
“Because you’re mean! And you’re a bully! And you would have rather had those men molest us than for me to have embarrassed you in front of your police friends.”
     Umm… must not have been the answer Tom was looking for. He just went to town spanking.


Cassie Corralled (book 8)

     Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie stories about everything from long ago shooting incidents to playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire her a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
      Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~