Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday Spankings - Only recourse

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I got several books from last week’s blog hop – maybe you will this week. And hopefully you’ll give the latest Cassie book, Cassie Corralled, a try. But if you like to read everything in order you can get the first book, Cassie’s Space, for .99 cents at Amazon.
In today’s snippet Cassie is sitting sensitively after Tom fully explains his feelings about her visiting with ‘strangers’ from the internet. Yet Tom wasn’t quite finished. His next idea stuns Cassie and the realization he’s completely serious has Cassie taking a drastic step.

I froze as I stared at Tom. “You mean a bodyguard? Is that want you’re telling me, you’re thinking of hiring me a babysitter?”
“I said a driver and that’s what I meant,” Tom said calmly.
“I know how to drive,” I told him, careful to keep my voice calm and neutral. Get it out of your head, because it’s not going to happen.”
 “The decision’s mine, Cassie.”
Tom came around the counter and kissed me on the cheek, and headed back to his study as I went back to the bedroom.
It only took about ten minutes to throw what I needed in an over night bag. I was quiet as I grabbed my keys and headed to the car. Tom may or may not have heard me as I started the convertible, but I have no doubt he heard me as I roared out of the drive and up the street.

Amazon UK
Blushing Books
Barnes and Noble


Cassie Corralled (book 8)

    Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie about long ago shooting incidents, and playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Great new book! Begin Again, by Jane Henry

I love meeting new writers. I only met Jane Henry a few weeks ago and I enjoyed talking to her. I'm excited for her because her first book just came out. I bought it on the first day and I'm anxious to share it with you. I enjoyed this book very much. It presented some true dilemmas and I read anxiously to see how they were going to be resolved - I kept putting myself in the heroine's place and spent some time wondering what I would have done.  I hope you enjoy...

Begin Again by Jane Henry


Publisher:          Blushing Books
Released:           February 16, 2016

Genre:               Contemporary D/s romance


Life is good for Meredith and her husband Paolo, when a terrible car accident leaves Paolo disabled. As he distances himself emotionally, Meredith seeks consolation in her fantasy world. Escaping into her erotic romance books not only helps keep the loneliness at bay, but also awakens in her a curiosity about the Dominant/submissive lifestyle. 
The day she stumbles upon a website forum of actual submissives and dominants, her life is forever changed. These are not characters created by authors. They are real people who engage in real life dominance and submission. As her knowledge grows, she learns there is one question only she can answer—is she truly submissive, or is the fantasy better left on the pages of a book?
In a last ditch effort to discover who she really is, Meredith agrees to pledge her obedience to an anonymous on-line Dom. She convinces herself it can't be considered cheating if her Dom is just a faceless entity in cyberspace. But the first time she's given an order, it all becomes too real. Will her devotion to please her on-line Dom take precedence over her flesh and blood husband? Will Meredith's journey of self-discovery destroy their marriage or will they somehow find a way to begin again?

Your disobedience is forgiven now, Bonita. I'm proud of you for fulfilling your punishment. I have no way to ensure your obedience, so this is entirely on your honor. You've done well. Tell me how you felt being punished, and how you feel now.
She felt the warmth of his praise, as she explained everything to him, how at first she'd been embarrassed, then she'd welcomed the quiet. But her conscience pricked her. How she felt now? She felt like shit. Now she'd lied not only to Paolo, but Mr. Brookstone as well.
 Meredith pushed all thoughts of guilt aside, as Mr. Brookstone continued.
Very nice, Bonita. It pleases me to hear this. You know I require your obedience because it's for your own good, don't you? I did not enjoy having to punish you.
Yes, sir.
And I won't have to punish you again?
No, sir.
Very good. A dom's job is to make sure he leads well. In the future, if you have an excuse for not doing as I ask you, I need a plausible explanation. Mean what you say, Bonita. If you tell me you'll do something, I want every effort from you.
Yes, sir.
She felt guilty. She had never before lied, not ever. But she had no idea how she would make things right, not now.
Good. Now let's discuss the next set of rules I'd like to propose. I want your full transparency. Tell me how you feel about each rule.
Her brows furrowed. Each rule? How many did he expect to enforce?
Excuse me?
Hands shaking, she quickly remedied her error.
Yes, sir.
Do I need to have you kneel again?
Her cheeks flushed pink. Oh, no, sir. I was just lost in my thoughts and forgot my place.
It's unfortunate we have this distance between us. I feel firmly as if a good session over my lap would help you remember your place.
Her heart pounded. It would, no doubt. God, she wished she could feel what it would be like to be really spanked...

Now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Blushing Books

Social links:

Jane was kind enough to answer a few questions for me as well.

You’re fairly new here, could you tell my readers a little about yourself?

 I've been writing as long as I can remember. I've been married to my first love for fourteen years this spring. We were one of those “love at first sight” and decided only a few short months after dating that we wanted to be married. We were married within the year and have been crazy in love ever since. We began raising a family, so for many years I didn't write. My husband has always encouraged me to, though, and several years ago I began writing again. It was only about three years ago I discovered my love for writing D/s fiction, and that's where I've found my passion. Last fall, I finally got up the courage to submit some of my work, and I'm excited to be publishing a few of my books this year.

If a friend ask you about this book what would you say about it?

This book is a pretty intense read from the opening line, and without exception beta readers have told me it was “gripping,” “compelling,” and they “couldn't put it down.” Meredith's husband was injured in a car accident, and their marriage is strained. She is lonely and hurting, and tries to fill the void she feels by reading, and exploring this new world online. It's an exploration of one woman's introduction and fascination with the world of dominance and submission, as she experiments with the lifestyle choice in an effort to determine whether or not she is truly a submissive. Every one of the readers told me they took a little something away from this novel, and I hope my other readers find the same.

Describe your perfect writing day.

I like to write in peace and quiet (who doesn't?). The large majority of my writing time is spent very early in the morning, before my house wakes, and I write in my living room which has nothing but a sofa, my grandmother's rocking chair, shelves filled with books, and a piano. I focus best when I'm alone in a peaceful setting. So for my perfect writing day, I would be in a secluded but peaceful area, like a cabin retreat or a quiet spot on the beach. I would have my trusty thermos of coffee and something yummy to eat to fuel my energy, and a lovely place where I could stretch my legs and walk in between writing spurts. Then at the end of the day I would meet my husband and family for dinner – I love my family and hate cooking, so that would be ideal!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday Spankings - Cassie loses it

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I’m so excited to have Cassie Corralled out! I’ve had some really good reviews and it’s great to hear from people who enjoy your book.
Today in my snippet I’m afraid Cassie really cuts loose. After Tom spanked her for meeting Kat and Natalie alone he has the girls checked out to assure himself they were really who they said they were. Although they knew nothing about it Cassie is furious over Tom invasion of their privacy and she clearly lets her fury show.  Tom is stunned at her reaction and he asked her, “Didn’t you think I’d check them our?”

“No! Damn it, I didn’t, I thought you trusted me to be telling you the truth. But no, you think of me as some fucking idiot child that doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground!” I know I shouldn’t have said such a thing, but you have no idea how furious this invasion had left me. I turned to storm off but I didn’t get far.
I was sore as a boil from the brush the night before and he started full force on a hard, hard hand spanking. I couldn’t believe the big bully was spanking me again when he had to know how tender I was. But I’d gotten too carried away in my rage to stop myself and I cut loose. 
“You son-of-a-bitch,” I continued using a phrase Tom particularly hated. “Let me go! Damn it! You bastard…” Well, I suppose you get the idea. It’s not going to be my reckless ways, but my temper that going to be the death of me some day.

Amazon UK
Blushing Books
Barnes and Noble


Cassie Corralled (book 8)

    Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie about long ago shooting incidents, and playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
      Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Best of Times - come visit!

As a writer it doesn't get much better than this.  I win the Best Spanking Romance for a series, my latest books is released and I am visiting with two great writers. Jane Henry has an excerpt from the book at her place and an interview with me. And Patty Devlin has the interview where Cassie, Tom and Sue answered question. I hope you'll go by both!