Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday Spankings - Evasion

Welcome to Saturday Spankings, today is a special day for me – my new cover reveal for Cassie’s Corralled, which will be out very soon. I think this cover is classy and Cassie would definitely approve!

Shorty before today’s snippet begins, Cassie spent some time with friends she’d met on line. After the fact, she realized that Tom would probably not approve.

“Honey, you went to town yesterday, who did you say you had lunch with?” Tom asked.  It wasn’t an inquisition, simply conversational, but I was quickly uncomfortable.
As I look back on everything now how much trouble and worry could I have saved everyone if I had just lied and given him the name of a friend in town. For better or worse, I’m afraid Tom has trained me better than that. I don’t mind omitting things, even misleading occasionally, but I can’t look Tom right in the eye and lie to him. I did, however, try to keep it light and casual.
“I ate with Kat and Natalie, I don’t think you know them,” I answered as innocently as I could, and nearly in the same breath I asked, “Allie, do you have to go back tonight or can you wait and go back in the morning?” Unfortunately, I’m married to a bloodhound and he had caught the faintest scent of avoidance. 


Cassie Corralled (book 8)

    Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie about long ago shooting incidents, and playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
      Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~


  1. Hi PK, absolutely love the cover. All of the Cassie covers are simply beautiful and I agree, this one is classy.

    Awesome snippet, Kat and it:) Love her avoidance tactic trying to get Allie to stay. Made me giggle. Always enjoy Cassie's antics :)


    1. Cassie would much rather ease around Tom than have him come at her head on. Sadly it doesn't always work.

  2. Hmm. I wonder if it's the same Kat and Natalie I met through another author's books. A mutual friend? Great snippet. Not sure how Cassie and Tom are going to resolve this issue.

    1. It surely is the very same two! Ana tells about this meeting in her book, Lighting the Way. And now you can find out about the aftermath of this meeting.

  3. Beautiful cover, and I loved this excerpt!

    1. Thanks Jane, Cassie's going to evade as long as possible.

  4. Never lie to them, it will only make things worse when they find out and they always seem to find out. Great snippet!

  5. Adore the cover! Congrats!!
    I believe she's in trouble!

  6. Great title. Great cover! and I love the tension in this scene.

    1. Thanks Libby, I hope you'll read the book - trust me the tension gets much worse!

  7. Cassie just can't keep herself out of trouble!

    1. And although it doesn't seem so - she really tries. Sometimes.

  8. Kat and Nathalie! How exciting. release the bloodhound!
