Saturday, July 29, 2017

Saturday Spankings - Worst Nightmare

Saturday's back and we have more snippets to check out. I'm going to stick with the Cassie books for a few weeks, hoping to get some of you acquainted with this couple. This snippet is from Cassie's Space, the first book. 
I think most spanko have fantasied a 'what if' about the dilemma that faces Cassie here. But in real life, it would be a horror. This takes place in the early years of Cassie and Tom’s marriage, the spanking this is leading up to is what Cassie has, over the years, called her most memorable spanking ever. 
Cassie realized she might have a slight problem with gambling, she even ask for Tom’s help to stop – unfortunately, stopping was hard and whenever Tom found she had slipped, the ivory brush came out in full force. She did try, but one particular night when they were on a cruise with friends the need to be in the casino overwhelmed her and she snuck out after Tom was asleep. She felt if she got back to the room by four, she just might pull it off. Unfortunately…

Just a bit after three a.m. I looked up to see the most terrifying sight I'd seen in my life. Tom stood in the doorway, arms crossed, holding the ivory hairbrush. I was familiar with that clenching, tingling feeling I get when I know I’m going to get a spanking and there’s nothing I can do about it. Well, this was not that feeling. This felt like I had just grabbed a live wire. Every fiber of my being pulse with panic and my mind went black with dread. I knew that Tom meant to spank me right there in the casino in front of friends and strangers alike.

Cassie’s Space (book one)

Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. Cassie has survived emotionally distant parents and an abusive marriage. Widowed young, with plenty of money, Cassie turns her energies to partying twenty-four/seven, until Tom spots her at a party. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table. Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie shares many stories of their early marriage, as she tried to adjust to Tom’s belief in the power of the hairbrush. Although Cassie agrees in theory that Tom is the head of their home, she spends much of her time doing exactly what she wants and hoping Tom won’t catch on. Over thirty years later, she still does what she wants and Tom still catches on.

Cassie still doesn’t always act like the perfect lady and doesn’t always manage to follow Tom’s rules. She sneaks off with friends to visit an ‘adult’ toy store and she has begun talking to ‘strangers’ online and blogging about the private life she and Tom share, knowing full well if Tom ever does find out she’ll be sitting sensitively for days to come.

Cassie wouldn’t change her life for anything. As she says, “There are two things I want everyone to take away from our stories. First there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned marriage where the husband guides and protects the wife. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. There is nothing wrong with him giving the occasional spanking to make sure his wife is fully aware of who is in charge. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with the wife trying to get away with as much as possible.

Second, and most important, I hope our stories convey that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion between two people only grows stronger.

Other books by PK Corey: The Cassie Series

(If you haven't read a Cassie book, you need to give one a try!)

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Kryssie Fortune - Claimed by the Vampire, Seduced by the Werewolf

Claimed by the Vampire,
Seduced by the Werewolf

Kryssie Fortune

I'm happy to have Kryssie Fortune with me today. Reading the blurb and the excerpt I think Kryssie has produced quite a book here. I'm ready to dive in.

After seven centuries, Elias, a former Spartan turned vampire, finds his eternal bride.

Seth, Elias’s werewolf half-brother, scents his mate.

Vampire and werewolf loathe each other. The only thing they agree on is that Tempest is their mate--and they’re not sharing.

A prophecy will force Tempest, a twenty-first-century witch, to choose between them. As the half-brothers vie to win her heart, they teach her about spanking, the way pain heightens pleasure, and the joy of multiple orgasms.

A vampire can’t survive without his fated bride. A werewolf dies if he loses his mate. Their future rests in Tempest’s hands. Which one will she choose?
  • Note:While loosely linked to the Scattered Siblings series, this book may be read as a standalone story

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Tempest shook her head, remembering how Elias claimed his family had abandoned him. Seth’s words turned everything on its head. Not that she could think straight around him. When he stroked one finger through her intimate juices, raised it to his lips, and tasted her cum, she’d never seen anything so sexy or wicked.
Seth stared into her eyes. “You make my world complete, but I’d better tell you the rest. Father tried to save Elias from having a Spartan warrior train him as a bedmate, but my father’s first and best-loved son rejected him again. When Elias turned twenty, he joined a Spartan mess when he should have taken up his responsibilities to Macedonia. When he died at Thermopylae, my father’s grief swept through the Macedonian kingdom, even though he hadn’t seen Elias for decades.”
Tempest’s eyes widened. “Elias tells it different, and I know he didn’t fight in any legendary battle. Besides, your father had a whole army of other sons. Why didn’t one of them step up as heir?”
Seth pulled her close and breathed in her wildflower essence. “Some of them tried, but the assassination attempts and political maneuvering didn’t interest me. I was happy for one of the others to rule. Besides, I preferred to train with the cavalry rather than flirt with some ambitious politician’s daughter. Nothing I did was good enough for my father. All he cared about was his precious Elias. Now you have fallen under his spell. Let’s see if I can seduce you away from my family’s black sheep.”
Seth leaned in and blew a raspberry on her stomach. She giggled and buried her hands in his hair, but the insecure part of her wanted to pull the covers over her excess skin. Instead, she lay there and let him kiss her belly button before he moved lower, and speared her pussy with his tongue.
His breath warmed her clit as his tongue penetrated and thrilled her. Pleasure headed like a fiery arrow to her womb, then blazed through her body in a rush of sensual heat. Her bones turned to jelly, and her muscles trembled. Her intimate juices flooded over his tongue.
She hadn’t expected oral sex, not after the way her last boyfriend had turned his nose up every time he looked at her body, nor had she known Seth’s going down on her would tumble her so quickly toward another orgasm.
Lost in Seth’s rich, earthy essence, she wanted to ignore the raised voices across the field. I’d best get out there and sort it, I suppose.
Someone banged on the trailer door, but Seth pulled her closer. “If we ignore them, maybe they’ll go away.”
The sound of metal ripping made Tempest sit up. Footsteps stomped toward them. The bedroom door flew open. It banged against the wall with a metallic clang. Elias stormed through to the bedroom. “What the hell are you doing?”

Author interview
About Kryssie
Kryssie Fortune writes the sort of hot sexy books she loves to read. If she can sneak a dragon into her paranormal books she will. Her paranormal heroes are muscular werewolves, arrogant Fae, or BDSM loving dragons. 

Kryssie likes her contemporary heroes ex-military and dominant. Her heroines are kick ass females who can hold their own against whatever life - or Kryssie - throws at them.

Kryssie's pet hates are unhappy endings, and a series that end on a cliff hanger.
Her books are all stand alone even when part of series. Plot always comes before sex, but when her heroines and heroes get together, the sex is explosive and explicit. One review called it downright sensual.

  1. What do you like best about writing ménage?

I find ménage difficult, although two of my books, Taken by Twin Doms, and Claimed by the Vampire, Seduced by the Werewolf are both ménages. I found it easier the second time around. The best bit is messing with the heroine’s head until she decides she wants the ménage. Then the men can move in.
  1. What usually comes first for you, characters or plot?
Plot. No matter who is in the story or how much sex they have, if there isn’t a great story behind it, I wouldn’t want to read it. The same thing goes for cliff hangers. I dn’t want to read them either.

  1. What genre do you enjoy reading?
I’ll read anything. Mostly I stick with romances. Any kind, from Regency, through military, to paranormal. I enjoy the occasional adventure / mystery too.
  1. How do you come up with your stories?
I’m a pantser. The best description I ever saw was that a writer has a series of islands to swim to before reaching the mainland. I start with a scene in my head and work out things around it as I go. Oddly, in a couple of instances, the scene I used for inspiration never made it into my book.

  1. Tell me about your series

I have two series. One is my Scattered Siblings paranormal series full of werewolves, Fae, and an ever-hungry dragon whose appetite get him into mischief. The old Fae king was a lecher who left children everywhere. Now his son, Leonidas has taken the throne, he’s trying to find them. Much to his ire, they keep mating with werewolves.

The second is my Heroes of Westhorpe Ridge series. It’s about former military men building civilian lives in Westhorpe Ridge. Of course, for warriors like them, true love never runs smooth. There are kidnappers, arsonists, and even spies hunting the women they love.

  1. What’s the best thing about writing a series?

I liked that the worlds were already built and readers would meet old friends as each stand-alone romance unfolds. The Scattered Sibling world I invented, but Westhorpe Ridge was harder.
I’m a Brit who doesn’t do long haul but I needed an imaginary town in North Carolina. Fortunately, my Facebook friends don’t mind me asking them stupid questions about their state. For the town itself, I mentally transplanted the Yorkshire town of Whitby to America. Of course, since the stories are contemporary, I left the Dracula connection back in Yorkshire.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saturday Spanking - Spicing up your sex life

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! If you're anywhere in the US it's probably too hot to go outside today. Stay in and read snippets, then get the books and keep reading.
     I'm taking a break from the Cal's Law series today. I've recently finished the tenth Cassie book and as soon as my husband finishes his edit, I'll be sending it off to Blushing. 
Today’s snipped is from my very first book, Cassie’s Space. And I’m using today’s snippet to help everyone know more about Cassie and Tom as well as to let you know something about the Cassie books.  Many snippets I read contain hot sexy scenes that I enjoy them immensely. Cassie and Tom also have a very active and satisfying love life, but Cassie tells these stories herself and, being the lady that she is, she'll never give too many details.  
I think some readers look away the minute they realize Cassie and Tom aren't in their 20's or 30's. I like to think that Cassie and Tom will appeal to twenty year olds as well as spankos in their eighties and beyond. I hope you'll give them a chance. I went a little over the eight sentences – but I’m trying to draw you in!
In this snippet Cassie is annoyed that Tom won’t accompany to an adult sex shop that they pass on a walk through a vacation town. She snaps at him, telling him not to be so stuffy and that the shop might contain things that could possibly spice up their sex life.

“So you don’t think there’s enough spice in our love life, that’s your concern?” Tom asked.
“Now Tom, I didn’t say that. I just meant…”
He shushed me, reaching into the drawer of my accessories, he brought out two scarves, managing to quickly change my mood completely. I hushed and let Tom undress me. He took one scarf and tied it around my eyes and pushed me gently back onto the bed. Using the other scarf, he tied my hands together and then to the headboard.
What happened for the rest of the evening could only be described as the most delicious torture imaginable. Tom used his best skills, which are considerable, and his knowledge of my most secret desires, proceeded in bring me again and again to the point of climax only to back away and muse aloud to himself, “Need more spice in our love life… I guess I’m just too old to remember how to please a woman anymore… maybe I should read some of those ‘how to’ books…”
He had me in such a combination of agony and near ecstasy that I was finally reduced to begging him to finish what he had started, and started. He finally relented and satisfied me so completely that I simply couldn’t move as he untied me. He tucked me in under the covers, but for some reason never removed the blindfold. As I woke during the night, tucked dreamily in Tom’s arms, I pulled it off remembering the evening. 
I take it all back, Tom needs no toys to spice up our sex life. I wouldn’t survive anything any spicier. 

Cassie’s Space (book one)

Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. Cassie has survived emotionally distant parents and an abusive marriage. Widowed young, with plenty of money, Cassie turns her energies to partying twenty-four/seven, until Tom spots her at a party. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table. Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie shares many stories of their early marriage, as she tried to adjust to Tom’s belief in the power of the hairbrush. Although Cassie agrees in theory that Tom is the head of their home, she spends much of her time doing exactly what she wants and hoping Tom won’t catch on. Over thirty years later, she still does what she wants and Tom still catches on.

Cassie still doesn’t always act like the perfect lady and doesn’t always manage to follow Tom’s rules. She sneaks off with friends to visit an ‘adult’ toy store and she has begun talking to ‘strangers’ online and blogging about the private life she and Tom share, knowing full well if Tom ever does find out she’ll be sitting sensitively for days to come.

Cassie wouldn’t change her life for anything. As she says, “There are two things I want everyone to take away from our stories. First there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned marriage where the husband guides and protects the wife. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. There is nothing wrong with him giving the occasional spanking to make sure his wife is fully aware of who is in charge. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with the wife trying to get away with as much as possible.

Second, and most important, I hope our stories convey that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion between two people only grows stronger.

Other books by PK Corey: The Cassie Series

(If you haven't read a Cassie book, you need to give one a try!)

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)

Check out more great snippet here.