What a
wonderful Saturday! My thanks to Mistress Blake and Love Spanks, for allowing
us to post longer snippets this week. The timing was perfect; Cassie’s Tale was released just this
past Wednesday. It's another cold weekend - a great time to get in some reading.
Today’s snippet
follows an incident where Cassie, thought she would be quick to tell you she didn't do anything really wrong, frightened Tom badly. Regardless, her activities and freedom had been severely curtailed since and
she is rapidly coming to the end of her patience.
Somewhere in
the back of my mind I knew I needed to calm down and listen to Tom. I could tell
he was nearly at the end of his patience, too. Yes, that might have been the
best choice, but it wasn’t my choice.
I chose to
throw my book across the room as hard as I could. “You made me look like a damn
fool!” I shouted at Tom.
I knew even at
the time it was a mistake, but it had just been such a horrible day and I had
sat there seething for most of it.
Believe it or
not Tom didn’t take well to my cursing and throwing things. He didn’t even sit
down; he just tucked me under his arm and sailed into my rear. Tom doesn’t
usually spank when he's really angry, but he doesn’t mind giving me a sample.
My bottom was
stinging after only a few swats and, leading me to the bedroom door, he told me
firmly, “I’ve had enough. Get up on that bed and don’t you move.” Tom needed
time to calm down. Evidently completely calming down would take him quite a
He left me
alone for a long time. Way too long, I thought. I had spent the day just being
mad, but sitting there waiting on him, gave me the time to realize that a big
part of my anger came from guilt.
Since the
incident, when I’d scared him and Sue so badly, Tom had been on me like a duck
on a June bug. I’ve lived with his over the top restriction and he seemed to be
spanking for one thing or another ever since it happened, but things still
weren’t resolved in
my mind. I felt weighed down by guilt.
I can’t stand
feeling guilty; it is absolutely the worse feeling for me. If Tom were to find
out I had stolen a car and robbed a bank, the first thing I would probably say
is, “Well it’s your fault, you wouldn’t give me my keys and I didn’t have any
money!” Guilt was horrible. There was only one thing that cleared guilt from my
mind. Sadly, I knew what would do it.
knowing what I needed didn’t mean I could ask for it. I never asked for any
type of spanking except maybe a good girl. Even with the guilt I felt, I just
couldn’t bring myself to ask him to take care of it.
Sitting there
on the bed waiting for Tom, I began to feel worse and worse, and the tears had
begun before Tom came into the room.
“What is it,
girl?” he asked when he saw my tears. I believe Tom knew me better than I knew
myself in some ways. He knew at once these tears and the emotions behind them
had nothing to do with the fact I was about to be spanked.
He sat on the
bed and put his arms around me. “Tell me,” he said quietly.
I blurted out
most of what I had running through my mind, my sorrow – my sincere sorrow for
all that had transpired that night.
“Cassie, we’re
done with that – I think I’ve spanked you more than enough since then for you
to let it go.”
“But it’s not
over,” I wailed. “You’re still mad at me. You still don’t trust me.”
“I’m not mad
and I do trust you – but yes, I still worry.” He hugged me tightly against him.
“Honey, do you think we still have more to take care of before you feel right?”
I slowly
nodded into his chest. I guess that’s as close as I could come to asking.
“All right
then,” he said quietly. He stood and helped me up, too. I momentarily panicked.
What had I done?
“Wait, Tom,
I’ll be okay, really, I...”
“Hush girl.
You’re not in charge. I am.”
Tom began unbuckling his belt. He seemed to be
doing it slowly, or else whenever he touched his belt the world just seems to go into slow motion for
me. A small shudder ran through me as he pulled it through the loops. I don’t
hate Tom’s belt; my feeling about it are very complicated. As an implement for
punishment, it can be frightening, yet at other times it’s sensual and there
are times it can be both.
Using only his
eyes, Tom indicated for me to lie across the bed. I did as he directed. The
ivory brush makes me want to fight or flee, but seeing the belt double in his
hand turns me into a true submissive for the duration. Tom flipped up my skirt,
and I caught my breath as he slowly pulled my panties down and out of his way.
My eyes
squeezed tightly closed as Tom ran his hand over my exposed bottom. “Open your
eyes,” he directed me.
I did, only to
see the belt lying there beside me. It seemed like a living thing. Placing his
left hand on the small of my back, Tom began warming me up with his hand. Over
and over he spanked while my gaze never left the belt. Only when he reached for
it did my eyes close of their own accord.
You can read
‘the rest of the story’ in Cassie’s Tale. If you’d like to know more about
Cassie and Tom, including how they met you can find that in Cassie’s Space.
Both books can be found at Amazon, Barns and Noble …
Blurb: Cassie’s Tale
Cassie continues to live life to
the fullest, from wheeling around in her new sports car to mastering the art of
riding a motor scooter with no hands, she manages to keep Tom on his toes. The
fly in the ointment is that Tom’s firm wants him back for a project and Cassie
wants him all to herself. When Tom takes the job, Cassie is left lonely
and bored – never a good combination for her.
Left to her own devices
Cassie makes some poor decisions, frightening Sue and causing Tom to lower the
boom. Tom's new schedule for Cassie, including her getting a job, leaves her
little time to get herself in trouble – yet she still manages.
Blurb: Cassie’s Space

Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who
even after thirty years of marriage, never hesitates to put Cassie over his
knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people
other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.
Cassie and Tom show that love and
passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and
changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges – the love and passion
between these two people only grows stronger.
Don’t forget to read the
rest of today’s snippets
ReplyDeleteI'm 30% through Cassie's Tale, so I'm not reading any snippets.
Love and warm hugs,
DeleteYou're sweet to come by anyway.
ReplyDeleteHaven't started Cassie's Tale yet so not reading snippets.
You can read it if you want to Ronnie, I didn't give any secrets away.
DeleteIt's on my Kindle, now I just have to make the time to read it.
DeleteWhen you figure out how to make time, please let me know.
What an intriguing snippet! Very erotic, and very well-written!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sidney,
DeleteCassie and Tom are so real to me it's easy to write them.
Enjoyed this longer snippet, PK! Tom is tender but oh so authoritative.
DeleteI think you've described Tom perfectly.
Ooh - the belt! What a great scene...thanks, PK!
ReplyDeleteThanks Shelly,
DeleteThe belt does things to Cassie way before it's ever used.
Interesting peek inside her head and into her character. Cassie's Space has a "Dear Diary" feel to it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you feel that Cara. It how I came to know her and I hope others do too.
DeleteLove the warmth in this snippet. The psychological effect is intriguing.
DeleteCassie doesn't always want to look deep into her needs, but sometimes she can't help it.
I really do think these two are the perfect couple. Not in perfectionist sort of way, but perfect in the sense that they are so in tuned to one another. I loved his laying the belt next to her while he warmed her up. Her thinking of it as a living thing was quite a nice touch to how a woman views the implements often used on her. They might be only objects, but when they are crashing down on tender cheeks they do indeed come to life.
ReplyDeleteLoved this PK!
Thank you LA, I love that you sense their closeness. Strange how women can become attached to and personify some implements.
DeleteI love reading the contrast between the mature couple and the young couple. Very nice snippet.
DeleteThank you. Above all else I want Cassie and Tom to seem like real people. I love all different types of spanking stories and I really think that they fill a void in the array of stories I've read.
Thank you for the snippet.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you stopping by.
Delete"...or else whenever he touched his belt the world just seems to go into slow motion for me." - I love that!!
ReplyDeleteLove seeing you here Renee.
DeleteWonderful snippet, PK, and congrats on your new release. I love Tom and Cassie. As long as they have been married, they're still learning things about themselves and each other.