Saturday, May 7, 2016

Saturday Spankings - An Exception

Welcome to Saturday Spankings – I hope you’ll take time today to fill up your kindle. I think you’ll like my snippet today. It’s from Cassie Corralled.

Despite serious misgivings Tom had let Cassie have some contact with Janet, but events occurred causing Tom – and everyone else to demand Cassie stay completely away from the woman. But as usual, Cassie felt she knew best and met her again anyway, a dangerous decision. When Tom finally got her home Cassie desperately wanted to explain why she had gone.

“Stop,” Tom held up is hand, “not now, I don’t want to hear it.”
Abruptly he told me, “Go wait for me in the bedroom. Take off your slacks and panties, I’ll be there directly.”
I hated hearing it, I hated that he wouldn’t let me tell him what I’d heard Janet say. I hated waiting on him. I hated having to take off my own clothes. I hated having no real defense. I had to take one plea. 
“Tom you’re very angry, I understand why, but … you don’t spank me when you’re angry.”
Tom drained his drink and sat the glass down. Looking me right in the eye he said, “I’m willing to make an exception this time, now go.”

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Cassie Corralled (book 8)

    Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie about long ago shooting incidents, and playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
     Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~


  1. Oh dear, poor Cassie is for it, Tom really is angry! Great snippet PK, I enjoyed reading this :)


    1. He really is this time and with good reason. I wouldn't want to be Cassie at this point!

  2. Oh boy. That's not the kind of acceptation I think I'd like! Poor Cassy!

    1. The way Tom feels this is no little light spanking.

  3. Wow, that last line would get me going...and hiding under the bed! Hope she's smarter!

    1. Hiding somewhere she couldn't be found might be a good idea for the moment.

  4. Of course, Tom is not going to make an exception, sorry Cassie.

  5. I love Tom so much! hehe, "I'm willing to make an exception." yum!

    1. If that didn't send Cassie a dooms day warning nothing would.

  6. Yikes. Hopefully, he will calm down some before he takes her to task. It's too easy to do things in anger that you'll regret later. Love the snippet, though.

    1. Tom is more in control of himself than most men, but he's really upset with Cassie this time.

  7. Oh no! That was probably the last thing Cassie wanted to hear. But that line "I'm willing to make an exception" was super sexy. Great snippet!

    1. It sounded hot hearing him say it in my head, but I'm sure Cassie didn't hear it that way.
