Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saturday Spanking - Rethinking decisions

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I hope you have a great New Years Eve planned and I hope your New Year is the best yet! Did everyone’s find some time to read over the holidays? I hope so. There’s been a slight delay in the release date for my latest book, Cal’s Law – but hopefully it will be live by January 6th.
With the choice of being arrested or being spanked Jenny choses a spanking. She reasons that even little kids get spanked, so it’s shouldn’t be anything she can't handle. It doesn’t take her long to rethink her decision.

“Owww.” Jenny cried out in surprise, it was harder than she had been anticipating. When Cal landed the second swat on her left cheek Jenny realized with growing dread just what she had agreed to.
“Shit, that really hurts, not so hard!” Jenny cried.
“You’ve no say in this at this point, spankings hurt. You make stupid, dangerous decisions and you get spanked. It’s supposed to hurt so you’ll want to make better decisions and avoid the spanking in the future.”
This was not what Jenny had expected. She began kicking her feet. Cal easily penned her legs with his. He paused moments later – he was well aware that this was her first spanking and he had no intention of overdoing it, but he planned on her remembering it.


Jenny is the typical rich-kid, sorority girl. Getting good grades isn’t high on her priority list. In fact, that sits well below getting into the secret faction of her sorority. To do that she must pull off a daring bit of mischief. 
Cal Bennett is the town sheriff. He’s a relatively young, no-nonsense, kind of guy – with a good heart. He is the moral center of this small town in North Carolina. But when his and Jenny’s paths cross unexpectedly, things get complicated and he questions his morals and his heart.
His plan to save Jenny from herself by enforcing strict discipline seems like a sound one.  To both of them. At first. He enacts a touch of martial law and Jenny agrees to learn more than English Lit. Cooking, cleaning, and laundry are but a few of her new subjects. Along with time-management, telling the truth and doing homework. Breaking any one in this new set of rules will result in a sound spanking. It all sounds simple enough when she signs on the dotted line of the contract between her and her sheriff. 
But, life is messy and she is faced with one tough decision after another. She’s a college student! Shouldn’t life be easier than this? Less complicated? But she is pulled in two directions: her moral, upstanding sheriff leads her down one path, and a cute frat boy leads her down another. In one direction lies maturity, and a future. In the other, the simplicity of being a rich kid in college where Mommy and Daddy pay for everything. Now she must choose: Will she continue to let her parents pay for it all, or will she learn to pay the price for her own actions?

PK Corey's Author Page

Other books by PK Corey: The Cassie Series

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Check out more great snippet here.


  1. Jenny. Poor Jenny. She has so much to learn.

    Great snippet!

  2. Hi Pk,I'm with Libby, Jenny has a lot to learn.Am so looking forward to reading this!

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year. I hope 2017 is a wonderful year for you.


    1. Happy New Year to you too Roz. Jenny does have a competent teacher!

  3. Hi, PK,
    I'm so excited for you and cannot wait to read this book! Counting the days....

  4. I wondered what happened. I kept checking Amazon every day, now I know. Still anxious to read.

  5. Hi! I'm filling in for Kathryn as host of SatSpanks again! Something tells me that no matter what, Jenny will remember this spanking for a long time.

    1. Hope things are improving at Kathryn's house! Yes she's going to remember for sure.

  6. Her first spanking. Just those three words makes you wonder how many more there are to come. Did she learn???

  7. There's something about a first spanking! happy new year!!

    1. Can be a shock to the system, but such a lovely beginning.

  8. It looks like Jenny is quickly going to discover the error of her ways... I'm only curious as to whether she'll see the light... :) Great snippet! And a very happy New Year PK ;)

    1. She's awfully young - but maybe she's about to grow up.

  9. Love the cover and the author, too!

    Hugs From Ella
