Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday Spanking - Slight change of plans

Are Saturdays rolling around faster? Not that I’m complaining, I enjoy Saturday Spankings and reading everyone’s snippets. I’m sticking with Cassie’s Road Trip today. Last week Tom put off a spanking at Cassie’s request. But the time of reckoning could not be put off forever. A few days later Tom decided it was time and has Cassie join him in the bedroom.

Tom headed to the dresser and picked up the brush. Before he turned our eyes met in the mirror, it seemed that they were locked. I don’t really know what my expression was, but I was drinking in his. Slowly, Tom laid the brush back on the dresser and turned to me.
Very deliberately his hands fell to his belt buckle, I felt a clinching sensation throughout my entire body. It was as if a switch had been thrown. I felt no anger, I simply felt like I was his. Watching Tom remove his belt does things to me I’ll never understand or be able to explain. There’s a tinge of fear, I can’t deny that, but it triggers a longing and lust that overwhelms every other feeling.

There is a new review for Cassie's Road Trip at Ella Ever After.

Buy links:

Check out all the Cassie books:
Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Allison West - Little Prim and Proper

Little Prim and Proper
by Allison West
Genre: Age Play, Victorian
Published: July 19th, 2016 by Blushing Books

I'm so happy to have Allison West visiting today.  I think you're going to enjoy her latest!

When Kathryn Arrington is kidnapped from the streets of Victorian England, and forcefully taken against her will, all she can do is go along with what is required of her at the Academy of Submission, until she can plan her escape.
Being dressed and treated as a little is tedious work.
When Mr. August Sanders visits the academy in search of a little bride, he sets his eyes on the alluring Miss Kathryn. Desiring her to be his little Kat, August declares he wishes to purchase her outright, for the intention of marriage. She hastily agrees so that she might leave with him. Perhaps she will find a better life away from the care of her strict nanny and the despicable Mr. Edwin.
What Kathryn hopes is a fresh start turns out to be a constant reminder of those she left behind at the academy. With the threat of harm to her family looming overhead, she must find it in herself to trust August.
Little Prim and Proper contains elements of age play, anal play, spanking, and graphic sex.
Available now from
Barnes and Noble
Blushing Books

The gas lamp nearest the station flickered and fizzled out, basking the station in pure darkness. “What the blazes?” she said, standing and stumbling as her eyes had not yet adjusted to the newfound darkness.

From the opposite side of the platform, a dark figure basked in the shadows of night jumped the tracks. Kathryn could not tell if it was a man or an animal, the way it moved with stealthy precision. She stumbled away from the bench and back several feet before she felt a warm set of arms cover her mouth and grip her waist, pulling forcefully against her.

She tried to scream, to shout at him to get away from her, but the words could not find her lips, his thick palm forcing her to just remember to breathe as he covered her lips and nose. Kathryn kicked and flailed, the second man, further restraining her form. A needle pierced the skin of her neck, as the second man sedated her, forcing her body to go rigid and unable to fight back. Paralyzed, they carried Kathryn from the train to their carriage waiting just a few meters away. The drug they had injected her with made it impossible to fight back, but her mind had not been clouded or darkened. Fear swept through her insides, forcing her heart to race and her stomach to churn.

About the Author
Allison West is a #1 International Best-Selling Author in BDSM, Science Fiction, Victorian, and Historical Erotica. She also writes young adult novels under the name Ruth Silver.
Allison West has been inventing worlds and writing stories for years. Her favorite novels are those that leave a lasting impression, long after the final page is read. You can find more about Allison on Facebook, Twitter, and her blog “Spanking Author.”
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Don’t miss these exciting titles by Allison West and Blushing Books!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday Spanking - Not tonight

I enjoy have Saturday roll around again and I can participate in Saturday Spankings. I’m hoping I can talk some of you into spending some time with Cassie, Tom and their friends. This snippet is from Cassie’s Road Trip and takes place shortly where we left off last week.
Cassie had received two spanking earlier in the afternoon and as they walked home from Annie’s she remembered Tom had promised her one more. As they reached their deck Cassie had something to say.

I went up a step so I could look Tom straight in the eye. We neither said anything for a moment. He looked so beautiful, his blue eyes seem to have a way of seeing right into my soul. Every look, every touch lets me know how much he loves me, yet it can’t possible be as much as I love him.
I put my hand on his face, “I don’t want anymore spanking tonight.”
Tom sighed, “I don’t either, but I can’t let this slide, it was too serious. And you always tell me you don’t want a spanking hanging over your head, you like to get things over with.”
“I’m not asking you to let it slide, and I don’t like having it hanging over my head, but… not tonight.”
Tom looked at me intently, and a slow smile spread across his face. “Not tonight,” he agreed.
     Holding hands, we headed to the bedroom.

Buy links:

Check out all the Cassie books:
Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

BJ Wane - Blackmailed

by: BJ Wane

Thank you for having me today, PK.  BLACKMAILED ends my four book Virginia Bluebloods series with Wes’s story.  I’m so thrilled with the success of this series-readers wonderful comments have made the past year of hard work worth every moment!  All four titles can be read as stand-alone books, but, of course, I recommend reading all four!

Charlotte Heffington can no more ignore Wes Montgomery's coercion into a short affair than she could forget the erotic experiences he gave her their one night together.  After several exciting, pleasure-filled trysts, she starts questioning whether she would be able to walk away unscathed and accept the future her cousin has mapped out for her or be left to crave the pleasures only Wes could give her.  When Wes turns on her, she’s finally had enough of others manipulating her life and vows to take control of her future.
Wes swore off relationships after a betrayal left him bitter towards women, but he reluctantly finds himself drawn to a woman who looked completely out of her comfort zone when she walked into a downtown bar one Friday night.  After caving to her inexperienced come-on and his uncharacteristic response, he spends an unforgettable night with her.  A week later, a chance meeting reveals her true identity and he feels taken in all over again.  In a rash move, he blackmails her into an affair that turns the tables on him when he finds himself feeling things for her he’s never felt for another woman.  Hearing she’s engaged shatters his belief in happily ever after again and his angry tirade when he confronts her separates them on a bitter note.  
After learning the truth, Wes tries to make amends, but when that fails, he resorts to drastic, pleasurable means to convince her to give him another chance, but will it be enough?    
Check out these other titles in the Virginia Blueblood series:  Blindsided, book one, Bind Me To You, book two and Surrender To Me, book three.

DISCLAIMER: This book contains the spanking of adult women, explicit sexual scenes including BSDM. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase this book.

EXCERPT : In this scene, Wes is about to test his feelings for Charlie as he allows others to pleasure her.
He took Charlotte’s breath, and her panic away with his soul stealing mouth.  Within seconds those talented lips had her moaning with the slow rise of renewed lust.  As he pressed his hard body against her, enveloping her in his strength, she barely registered the hands pulling her feet apart, hardly felt the soft cuffs wrapping around her ankles.  It wasn’t until she tried to tighten her spread legs and couldn’t she realized the other two men had bound them between a rod.
She whimpered into his mouth, pressed her naked body even closer to him until the rough denim of his jeans abraded her thighs and bare pubis and his belt buckle bit into her stomach.  His tight clasp of her face kept her secure, helped the panic to recede as he ravaged her mouth over and over, his lips molding hers, his tongue stroking her tongue and everywhere else he could reach.
And then warm breath tickled her ear, teeth nibbled down her arched neck as Wes tilted her head and the other two men shifted closer.  Close enough to touch.  Hands, so many hands, as if an octopus had her in its tentacles, molded, shaped and squeezed the pliant flesh of her breasts and buttocks and everywhere in between.  Pure, uncensored sensation took over, so when Wes released her mouth and asked in that guttural tone she loved so much, “Yes or no, Charlie?” there was only one answer she could give him.  “Yes!” because it would be sheer lunacy to turn down what they were offering her, what they were doing to her, what they were promising her.
“Would you rather be blindfolded?” Wes asked her, her response to Dale and Eli’s hands on her going straight to his already engorged cock.  
“No, I-I can close my eyes, if I need to.”
“That’s my girl,” he murmured.  “We’ll take good care of you, baby.”


Do you have a specific writing style?
Yes-I include both the male and female character’s points of view when writing, most times in the same scene.  In the ten years I’ve been doing this, I’ve only received 2 negative comments-all other reader & reviewer comments on this style have loved it.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
The book I just finished-still untitled!- is about a sister determined to find clues to her sister’s disappearance and the sheriff and Scotland Yard detective who don’t want her interfering with their investigation.  Not only can she not resist getting involved, she also can’t resist either of these guys or her response to their means of keeping her line!
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Dialog.  I’m a quiet person by nature-would rather listen than converse-so I struggle with dialog, especially lengthy conversational scenes.
Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday Spankings - Sympathy

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings. Hopefully reading all the snippet today you’ll get everything from a tingle to a giggle. My snippet is from the ninth Cassie book, Cassie’s Road Trip.
In last week’s snippet the boys insisted on the truth about what had happened on the last day of the trip. Sadly, Cassie’s version of the truth was not as complete as Tom required and because of this she had had a rough afternoon. Later everyone met at Annie’s for dinner. Finally having a moment alone, Sue asked Cassie if she was okay.

Glancing around to assure we were alone, I told her, “My ass feels like it went twelve rounds with a heavy weight and definitely lost the fight.”
Sue, who rarely gives any details of her spankings, told me, “Yeah, I think this was about as hard as Steve’s ever spanked. Apparently being hung over and cussing and kicking a cop as he arrests your friend is high on Steve’s ‘do not do this’ list,” Sue chuckled. “Who knew?”
“I got one for all the crap with the gun and then again for lying, although I never actually lied,” I told her, dropping my voice so Tom couldn’t possible overhear. “And he hasn’t even gotten to the drinking and getting arrested.”
“Shit!” she said with feeling, then reverting back to her old self, added, “Sucks to be you,” and laughed.
“Your sympathy is overwhelming,” I snapped.
“Dinner’s ready, y’all come on in now,” Lily called.
“It’s beautiful out here tonight, let’s eat out here and watch the river,” I suggested, it was at least worth a try.
“Get in here and sit at the table like somebody, you two don’t want to sit on sore behinds you better learn to behave.”
     Sympathy, it was running rampant.

Buy links:

Check out all the Cassie books:
Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jays Peaches - To Know You

Dominance isn’t always about love - 
until Gemma meets Jason.

Title: To Know You
Author: Jaye Peaches
Genre: Contemporary BDSM Romance
Published date: 13 July 2016

I'm so glad to have Jaye Peaches here today. She is such a great writer. I've heard from friends just how good this book is. I know you'll enjoy it.


What happens when a kink loving woman has to come to terms with a traumatic episode in her life? Can the broken submissive learn to trust again?
When Gemma Marshall resigns from a good job to work as a lowly intern in the heart of the City of London, immediately, the elusive company boss, Jason Lucas, seduces her.
Following a whirlwind of weekend trysts at his country mansion, Jason’s need to dominate her re-awakens her terrifying nightmares and leads to revelations from both of them.  What Jason seeks is an enduring relationship which means Gemma, if she wishes to win his heart and soul, has to return to the extraordinary life she’d left behind.
Can Gemma survive another relationship with an alluring master of the bedroom or will she finally turn her back on her natural desires?
Their passionate and highly erotic affair reaches crisis point when her ex-lover hunts her down, seeking retribution.
To Know You is a fictional account of two people who begin a journey together. It is a complete story.  Both characters are sexy and know what they want. Neither are novices, neither expect love in their relationship. One takes control and the other yields. In the bedroom, there are the erotic scenes of BDSM, discipline and romance.  The dynamic can be intoxicating—and dangerous.
(Previously published as Trust Me to Know You)

Buy Links:


Stand up and turn around.”
He snapped the handcuffs over my wrists and sliding his finger around the metal clasp, he checked they weren’t too tight. Taking my arm, he lowered me over his lap, so my head rested on the divan and my legs dangled on the other side.
I’m going to spank you, and then I’m going to tease you out for a while. We know each other well, but not with toys. I want you to enjoy the spanking and come for me. If the pain becomes too much I want you to tell me. We could try a one to ten scoring system to help you ease back into receiving pain if it helps you?”
I’m all right, sir. Erotic spankings I can manage.”
Oh my, I shut my eyes and waited.
His hand landed across my bottom right on the sit-spot and I jumped slightly. It smarted—a rude awakening from my spanking hiatus. After a few more smacks, he stroked my cheeks, making small circles to disperse the raw heat.
How’s that?” he asked.
About five, sir.”
Exactly where I want it.”
After Jason had repeated another set of spanks and rubs, he parted my legs and touched my folds. A multitude of goose bumps rose up in reply and I moaned. From the moment we entered the room, I wanted to come. Before he’d brought me in here, after our long discussion about sex toys, limits, scenes I’d experienced and bondage preferences, I was a desperate smoldering wreck of neediness running at full throttle.
You’re very responsive to my touch. I like this.”
Beneath my hips, his cock had risen and I felt the bulge. Jason was happy, oh yes!
He continued spanking me for several minutes. The blows weren’t excessively painful, on the contrary, the heated sensation was sensual and affecting. He accompanied the smacks with his teasing fingers, probing and massaging my tender parts. I started to build, heading towards the release my coiled body needed so badly. He inserted two fingers inside my drenched pussy and moved them in and out rhythmically.
I own this, Gemma. Your body belongs to me. When we aren’t together, I still own you, all of you. You’re mine.”
The words might have seemed harsh to a novice sub—controlling and demanding, but to me, they were enduringly seductive.

Author Bio:
I'm an author of erotic D/s romances including Amazon bestsellers. All my books contain an element of BDSM, spankings or erotic games of sensual exploration. If you desire a little thrill, something to entice, then please take the time to read one of my books. Thank you!
When not writing, I’m busy spending time with her family, enjoying music, sometimes drawing and if the weather allows, gardening.

Author Links:

A few questions to get to know our author better

So first, of course, the obvious question. How did you become a writer?
By accident more than design. I’ve always enjoyed writing since a young child. I filled exercise books with stories and diaries, so when my previous job ended six years ago, I had more time to take my hobby further. By then, I’d already penned a few spanking stories, and had ideas for more. My secret life as a kinky writer as Jaye Peaches wasn’t realised until I’d drafted nine books. To Know You was the first of these and this new version has been especially re-edited to celebrate my third year as an author.

How many books have you written? Are they all spanking fiction?
I’ve published twenty books, and written more. Most involve spanking, either as part of a domestic relationship or in the context of BDSM. Those books that don’t contain spanking are D/s romances and involve some degree of kinkery, usually bondage.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?  
I never know if I should tell people I’m a writer or an author. To me, anyone can be a writer, if they take pleasure in using words and communicating ideas or fantasies.  As a published author, probably this year was the first I consider myself a professional writer. I finally bought a web domain and had to register myself as a tax payer!  That makes it feel more real.