Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday Spankings - Sympathy

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings. Hopefully reading all the snippet today you’ll get everything from a tingle to a giggle. My snippet is from the ninth Cassie book, Cassie’s Road Trip.
In last week’s snippet the boys insisted on the truth about what had happened on the last day of the trip. Sadly, Cassie’s version of the truth was not as complete as Tom required and because of this she had had a rough afternoon. Later everyone met at Annie’s for dinner. Finally having a moment alone, Sue asked Cassie if she was okay.

Glancing around to assure we were alone, I told her, “My ass feels like it went twelve rounds with a heavy weight and definitely lost the fight.”
Sue, who rarely gives any details of her spankings, told me, “Yeah, I think this was about as hard as Steve’s ever spanked. Apparently being hung over and cussing and kicking a cop as he arrests your friend is high on Steve’s ‘do not do this’ list,” Sue chuckled. “Who knew?”
“I got one for all the crap with the gun and then again for lying, although I never actually lied,” I told her, dropping my voice so Tom couldn’t possible overhear. “And he hasn’t even gotten to the drinking and getting arrested.”
“Shit!” she said with feeling, then reverting back to her old self, added, “Sucks to be you,” and laughed.
“Your sympathy is overwhelming,” I snapped.
“Dinner’s ready, y’all come on in now,” Lily called.
“It’s beautiful out here tonight, let’s eat out here and watch the river,” I suggested, it was at least worth a try.
“Get in here and sit at the table like somebody, you two don’t want to sit on sore behinds you better learn to behave.”
     Sympathy, it was running rampant.

Buy links:

Check out all the Cassie books:
Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Check out more great snippet here.


  1. Ahhhh...Words of wisdom from Lily. I wish that woman was running for President. Then I would have a candidate I really liked.

    Ella Being Honest

    1. Boy you're right, Lily would get this country straightened out right quick!

  2. OY! If Tom gets to the drinking and getting arrested part - I'm guessing NO sympathy will be in the air when that happens! LOL!

  3. Yeah, sometimes well-needed sympathy comes in short supply.

  4. LoL PK, wise words from Lily indeed. Yikes, I have a feeling there may be more to come for poor Cassie...and no sympathy :)


    1. Tom lets nothing slide - but I liked the way he handled it.
