Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Amber Daulton's Lost Heart in the Bayou

Great summer read!

Amber Daulton
one of the seventeen great authors!

Short Story Anthology Release Date: July 3, 2020  
Genre: Erotic Romance 
Length: 301 pages

Sultry Summer Sizzle Anthology

Sultry Summer Sizzle brings you 17 torrid and taboo tales of sin, seduction and sweet scandal. Featuring hot stuff by: Liv Honeywell, Ava Night, Viv Velvet, Kerry Killeen, River Steele, N.J. Adel, Charlotte Storm, Lily Wickes, Layla Piper, Fern Fraser, Amber Daulton, Kaia Bell, Adele Morè, Geneva Maunder, A.K. Lilith, Carmen Webb, and Steph Brothers.

Blurb for Amber Daulton’s Lost Hearts in the Bayou

After Julie crashes her helicopter in the Louisiana swamp, she finds help from a sexy scientist—who happens to be her ex! Too bad Seth is the all-work-and-no-play type. How will she convince him to set aside his work and take a chance on her? Or is a second shot at love too much to hope for?
Excerpt from Lost Hearts in the Bayou

She flattened her palms on his chest to push him away, but then she gripped his shirt. Heat radiated around him and flushed her skin. Her mouth dried. “We shouldn’t do this.”
“Why not? The rest of the world is gone, at least for now. The storm has made sure of it.” He feathered his fingertips down her neck. “I’ve missed you. Have you missed me?”
“More than I can say.” One more time—a summer fling amidst a storm—wouldn’t hurt. Right? Her heart leapt as he kissed her. She moaned and swept her tongue along his teeth. His taste tantalized her. Yummy. His stubble teased her skin. She clutched his back, squeezed his firm muscles, and yanked up his T-shirt.
He pulled back, jerked the garment over his head, and swooped her into his arms.
She gasped, then giggled. How long had it been since that feminine sound escaped her mouth? She skimmed her fingers through his coarse chest hair as he strode to the other room. The full-sized bed welcomed her, and she gripped the standard bluish-gray blanket.
Seth flipped the light switch by the door, sinking the room into shadows, and turned on the bedside lamp. The yellow glow sharpened the planes of his face. He jerked off his remaining clothes and pumped his erection. A drop of pre-cum seeped from the slit. His broad shoulders and toned chest tapered into a narrow waist and a pair of long legs.
Thank God for good physical genetics. Most geeks weren’t so cut. She stripped nude, then reclined and spread her legs. For some reason, she’d made sure to shave her legs, bikini area, and beneath her arms before leaving home. Was it intuition?
“You’re so beautiful.” He knelt between her bent knees and slid his fingers along the inner curve of her thigh.
“Oh, my.” His heated touch trailed higher and enflamed the fleshy folds of her pussy. Her clitoris swelled. She gripped the blanket for leverage and arched her back.
“Squirt for me, Julie. Let me taste you.”

Buy Links

About the Author

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats. 
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. Feel free to visit her at 

Social Media Links

Facebook Author Page – www.facebook.com/amber.daulton.author
Amazon Author Page – http://amzn.to/14JoZff

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Saturday Spankings - By the skin of her teeth

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m still in book five of the Cassie’s Space series, Cassie’s Conflict. Cassie is still having problems with Clara from the club. Tom is content to let the lawyers handle everything while Cassie and Sue possibly had other, additional, ideas. Ideas that Cassie wasn’t eager for Tom to discover.

“That woman is unreal, she knows no bounds,” Tom told Steve. “I really think she’s nuts and I’m glad they barred her from the club.” Tom chuckled as he continued, “Her latest wild accusation is that the four of us rolled her yard last week.”
“We did what?” Steve asked, laughing.
“Last Wednesday night she thinks we snuck out in the middle of the night to toilet paper her trees.” Tom laughed again. “We weren’t even here last Wednesday, we were…” Tom stopped talking. Sue and I hadn’t moved a muscle. I could feel Tom’s eyes boring into me as clearly as if he were using a hot poker.
Slowly he repeated, “We… weren’t… here… last… Wednesday. You and Sue stayed here with Drew and Cameron. Two young teenage boys and that was the night Clara’s yard was TPed.”
“Cassie you need to look at my flower beds and help me make some decision,” Sue said, as if we weren’t listening to the boy’s conversation at all.
“Sure, I’ll come look,” I told her as we quickly got to our feet and hurried down the steps, feeling like the hounds of hell were nipping at our heels.
“Hold it right there,” Tom commanded the minute we hit the lawn. We didn’t have a prayer. My heart pounded as all we’d done raced through my head. Tom had told me more times than I cared to count to stay completely away from Clara. We’d drug the children into our foolish, not to mention illegal, activities and I was sure Tom would see TPing someone’s yard in the dead of night as dangerous on many levels. We turned to face Tom. Sue reached quietly to take my hand and we stood united waiting for Tom to continue.
“Cassie Jane, did you actually go to that woman’s home and…”
He stopped talking and I stole a quick glance at him. He was staring at us intently. Abruptly he said, “Never mind, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” Turning back to Steve he said, “I think the golf tournament’s still on, lets catch the ending.” And they disappeared into the house.
I felt as if I was rooted to the spot. I slowly turned my head to look at Sue. She looked as stunned as I was. 
“That has never happened before,” I told her in wonder as we walked slowly toward Sue’s house. I took a few deep breaths. I know the term, dodging a bullet and I knew I had truly done that very thing, but this one was so close I’d felt the wind as it whizzed by.

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday Spankings - Without a word

Happy Saturday! I’m still using snippets from the Cassie series. But I am currently writing and hope to have a new book out in the coming months. Today’s snippet is from book five, Cassie’s Conflict.

Poor Cassie is still having trouble with the horrible woman from the club. After Clara slapped Cassie, Cassie came back with a punch that broke Clara’s nose.  And now they’ve heard from the woman’s lawyer.

That hideous woman wanted medical costs plus $50,000 in pain and suffering. I went ballistic. “Tom, come down here,” I yelled up to his study. “That sorry bitch! How dare she?” I yelled. “Who does that spiteful woman think she is? Does she know with whom she’s dealing? If I get my hands on her again, I’ll give her $50,000 worth of pain and suffering.” Tom had taken the letter from my hand and let me continue my rant as he read it. 
“If you’re through with your hysterics,” Tom finally said, “I’ll call Arthur and find out what’s going on.” I was still muttering and grumbling as he placed a call to our lawyer. They talked a while and finally I heard Tom say, “So all you think they’re really expecting is a quick monetary settlement?”
Oh boy, that set me off again. “We’re not giving that bitch one thin dime! Don’t you dare agree to a settlement! I won’t have it.” I stormed into the kitchen and slammed my hand down on the island in emphasis.
“Arthur, can you hold for just a second?” Tom never even looked at me as he opened the drawer and got out our biggest, heaviest, wooden spoon. He laid it on the counter between us and went back to his phone call. I supposed it had the effect he wanted. I hushed. I wasn’t about to let Clara cause me one more spanking, and I particularly didn’t want to tangle with that spoon.

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ashe Barker - Sassenach Bride

Sassenach Bride
By Ashe Barker

When a bride is used as a weapon…

Sassenach Bride is a stand-alone sequel to The Laird and the Sassenach.
#eroticromance #ashebarker #discipline #dominance #spanking #Scottishromance #Highlanders #historicalromance #meninkilts


James McGregor would never have imagined himself taking an Englishwoman as a wife, let alone a disgraced lady-in-waiting, but when he is ordered by the king to marry twenty-two-year-old Eleanor Falconer he is left with little choice. His reluctance is quickly overcome by his bride's beauty and grace, but he soon realizes that she will still require firm-handed correction.

Even with her cheeks blushing and her well-punished bottom burning, Eleanor cannot hide her body's response to James' stern dominance, and their wedding night leaves her sore, spent, and shamefully satisfied. But when the king seeks to use her as a pawn in his scheming against her new husband, can Eleanor trust James with the truth even with everything she loves in jeopardy?

Publisher's Note: Sassenach Bride includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

Sassenach Bride : Author Synopsis

Forced to wed by a vengeful monarch intent on ruining both their lives, Jamie MacGregor, Earl of Etal and Eleanor of Ashingburn have nothing in common.  He is the son of a Highland laird, and she a gentle born lady from Dorset in England.

Shy and lacking in confidence, Eleanor’s past is laced with tragedy. She is an unwanted bride but resolves to face her humiliation with quiet dignity and as much courage as she can muster when faced with her formidable new husband.

Jamie can see no option but to do as his king demands and marry the disgraced lady from the other end of England. He doesn’t have to like it, or her, but he will do what needs to be done to save his earldom.

Against all the odds, mutual attraction flares between the mismatched couple. Jamie and Eleanor find they actually like each other. Could they, against all the odds, be happy together? 

But Henry VIII of England has a long reach and he will have his way. Eleanor must obey his demands that she destroy her new husband’s property and plot against the lives of his friends or the king’s vengeance on her fragile family will be even more terrible. 

When her surreptitious acts of sabotage and attempted murder are discovered, what penalty will Jamie exact? 

Will Eleanor die for her crimes? 

Can the wrongs of the past ever be righted?

Buy from Amazon      FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited


“Clumsiness and foolishness are poor traits in a countess, madam.”
She frowned, her expression first puzzled, then fearful. “Do you… do you mean to send me away? Please, Sir James, please do not. I swear, I will never—”
He silenced her pleas by simply raising his arm, palm outward. He regarded her for a few moments, noted the real distress he saw in her hazel eyes. She might not have much relished the prospect of their union at first, but she appeared genuinely eager for it now.
“I do not mean to send you away. But there must be a reckoning for this day’s events.”
“A reckoning? What do you mean?” She appeared genuinely perplexed.
There was no point beating about the bush. “I mean, Eleanor, that you will present yourself face down over the foot of the bed and you will raise your skirts for me.”
Her complexion paled. She took a step back. “You cannot mean to… to…”
“I think a dozen strokes with the strap will suffice on this occasion.” He left her to digest his words while he unbuttoned his leather riding tunic and removed it. Beneath he wore a loose-fitting undershirt of fine white cotton. He was aware of Eleanor’s eyes upon him as he sought the necessary instrument to administer the whipping she had earned. He flung open the lid of his chest, found it to be full of his bride’s frills and fancy things. “What did you do with my belongings?” he asked, his tone deliberately calm now.
“I… I think they are in this set of drawers, my lord. We had to rearrange things a little, and…”
He opened the drawer she indicated and found what he sought. A strap made of supple leather, perhaps three feet in length. It had at one time been part of a set of reins but had snapped and was of no further use in the stable. Rather than waste a decent length of fine quality hide, Jamie had set the strap aside for just such a purpose as this. It had lain undisturbed for several years. It was about to see service once more.
He inspected the leather, satisfied himself that there were no frayed of damaged parts along its edge, nothing to cause unintended injury. He folded it in two and enclosed the ends within his fist. When he turned to regard his bride again, she had not moved.
“Why are you not lying across the bed with your skirts about your waist?” he demanded softly.
“Please, my lord, there is no need for this.”
“I disagree, and what is more, I would prefer to get on with your punishment in order that we may at last consider the matter closed and enjoy that venison you mentioned.”
“No, you cannot. It… it is not right. Not seemly.”
“It is right, it is seemly, and it is necessary.”
“Why is it necessary? I have apologized, and you have accepted that it was an accident.”
“This is true. But it is still the case that ye put yourself in the way o’ serious harm. Ye were lucky tae escape alive, let alone uninjured. Thor, too, might ha’ done himself some damage.”
“But he did not. You said so.”
“Also true, but quite beside the point. Ye were clumsy and careless and showed a woeful disregard for your own safety. I cannot let that go unpunished. In the future, I trust you will remember the events of this night and adopt a more circumspect attitude.”

More about Ashe Barker

USA Today best-selling author Ashe Barker has been an avid reader of fiction for many years, erotic and other genres. She still loves reading, the hotter the better. But now she has a good excuse for her guilty pleasure – research. 
Ashe tends to draw on her own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to her plots and characters. An incident here, a chance remark there, a bizarre event or quirky character, any of these can spark a story idea. 
Ashe lives in the North of England, on the edge of the Brontë moors and enjoys the occasional flirtation with pole dancing and drinking Earl Grey tea. When not writing – which is not very often these days - her time is spent caring for a menagerie of dogs, tortoises.  And a very grumpy cockatiel.  
At the last count Ashe had over sixty titles on general release with publishers on both sides of the Atlantic, and several more in the pipeline. She writes M/f, M/M, and occasionally rings the changes with a little M/M/f. Ashe’s books invariably feature BDSM. She writes explicit stories, always hot, but offering far more than just sizzling sex. Ashe likes to read about complex characters, and to lose herself in compelling plots, so that’s what she writes too. 
Ashe has a pile of story ideas still to work through, and keeps thinking of new ones at the most unlikely moments, so you can expect to see a lot more from her.

Ashe loves to hear from readers. Here are her social media links:
Or you can email her direct on ashe.barker1@gmail.com
Best of all, why not sign up for her newsletter?