Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Amber Daulton - Timeless Honor

Timeless Honor 



by Amber Daulton 




Jaye Ramsey decides to prove to her eccentric grandmother that time travel only exists in movies by vacationing in Bolivia with her friends. After she wakes up in Hawksatter, England, 1735—the same town her grandmother supposedly vanished from as a young woman—Jaye finds refuge at a hunting lodge, but the strapping, reclusive baron who takes her in reminds her all too well she was a lone woman at his mercy. 


Accused of murdering his newly wedded wife a decade earlier, Lord Lucas Kenway closed the family farm and shut out the world. He never expected the little spitfire he claims responsibility for would turn his quiet life upside down. Pushed together by fate and his meddling servants, Lucas wants Jaye on his own terms and refuses to surrender his hardened heart.  

Then a mysterious wise man offers Jaye a way home. 

Should she return to the future and the only life she’s ever known, or stay in an uncertain past as a stranger in a new world?



“You asked me earlier if I just wanted your body and I should’ve denied it. I appreciate your bluestocking ideals and your ability to hold an intelligent conversation. Those qualities are what men of standard should look for in a mistress.” 

A frown crossed her face and Lucas held up his hand before she interrupted him. “If a man is smart, he’ll seek out a confident woman who can hold her own in any given situation and marry her if he’s lucky. If marriage is not permissible, he’ll visit her afterhours and support her if he has the means.” His father took mistresses no matter how much it pained his mother and Lucas had vowed never to hurt his wife the same way—but he didn’t have a wife to betray. “I’ll be loyal to you for as long as we are together. I hope we’ll part ways amicably and rendezvous again in the future―at least until you marry a man worthy of your esteem―but you have no reason to deny me since your purity is not intact.” 

“You crude, insufferable prick. I should take this candle and shove it up your ass.” 

His brow arched to his hairline. “I’m the crude one?” He laughed coldly. “That’s one thing I admire about you, Jaye. You’re not afraid to use foul language around me, but you watch yourself around others. You feel comfortable around me, yet I’m always on edge in your presence. Do you know fire rages in my groin every time I look at you?” He stepped closer to her and Jaye backed up against the door. Fear flashed in her eyes, followed by another spurt of anger, and Lucas retreated to give her breathing room. “Women of substance are hard to come by. Do you understand why I fancy you?”

“Yeah, I do, and it’s not romantic in the least.” Jaye clasped her hand over her chest as though her heart thumped too hard. “I’m not in the market for a spouse or a real relationship—I doubt you’re the right man for me anyway—but I accept your proposition as long as you keep the affair quiet as promised. That’s what I planned to tell you tonight.” She tunneled her hand through her hair. “This is ridiculous. Making love or dating someone shouldn’t feel like a contract.” 

Annoyance flared in his veins. She doesn’t want to marry me? He should’ve felt relieved but she’d bruised his ego. 

Lucas stroked his fingers down her cheekbone and blew warm air in her ear. “I promise.” He reached behind her, opened the door and waited for her to decide. 

Her throat convulsed in a small bob and she backed up to enter the room. Lucas followed her and closed the door behind him. The heat in her gaze nearly melted him into a puddle at her feet. She placed her candle on the nightstand, he left his on a white-wood vanity, and the orange flames penetrated the shadows in the room. 

Lucas closed the space between them. She stared up at him with trust in her eyes but she trembled as he clasped her waist. The silk bunched under his palms, heat radiated around her as though a fire burned inside her, and he parted the lapels of her robe to push the silk off her shoulders. Air lodged in his throat. Light gleamed off her nude body and highlighted her supple curves and dips. He cupped the creamy underside of her left breast as Jaye nuzzled his chest with her nose. 

“Lie down, little jaybird,” he murmured as need pounded through him. He barely held himself together, but then Jaye pulled from his embrace, climbed on the bed and propped herself up on a mound of pillows by the headboard. Her hair fanned out like silk strands, her full breasts jutted out as though to tease him and the dark hair at the apex of her legs curled in little twists. 

He stripped away his clothes and crawled into bed with her. The scent of lilac clung to Jaye’s skin as though they lay in a bed of flowers. The goodness in her soul called to him, cocooned him in warmth, but his past year of celibacy rushed through him like a red-hot poker. Lucas readied her with his fingers, drew sweet gasps from her throat, and a mixture of innocence and carnal knowledge beamed up at him through her jade-green eyes. Just one look from her, sultry or otherwise, knocked the air from his lungs. He flattened his hands beside her head, eased himself between her legs and pushed his shaft inside her.

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Amazon – http://amzn.to/1NAaIaN

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Official Book Trailer




<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="344" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JjErBgw40M0" width="459"></iframe>


Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjErBgw40M0 


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About the Author


Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats. 

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.


Social Media Links


Website – https://amberdaulton.wordpress.com/ 

Facebook Author Page – https://www.facebook.com/amber.daulton.author

Twitter – https://twitter.com/AmberDaulton1

Street Team – https://www.facebook.com/groups/572204316296198/

Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/amberdaulton5/

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6624921.Amber_Daulton

Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/14JoZff

Book Bub – https://www.bookbub.com/authors/amber-daulton 

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/amberdaultonauthor1/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/pub/amber-daulton/87/538/368 

Books to Go Now – https://bookstogonow.com/tb-author/amber-daulton/ 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Spankings - Discipline or Distraction?


 Happy Saturday to you all. It’s fall and beautiful where I live! I’m not a fan of winter, but I’ll take fall anytime. I’m in the sixth of the Cassie’s Space series, Cassie’s influence. Last week we saw how Cassie’s young friend Allie got herself in trouble. 

After learning a few more details Cassie is quiet as Ryan and Allie leave to deal with her consequences. But of course, Cassie herself seems to always have consequences of her own to deal with when her loving husband Tom around.


"But not coming clean with Ryan isn't why I'm spanking you."

"Spanking me! You're not spanking me at all." I tried to rise, but Tom held me firmly. "Don't you even think about it, buster! I didn't do anything."

"Do you know how I feel about you texting me?" he asked. "Do you know how I feel about you turning off your phone?" Tom's tone was mild, but he wasn't letting go.

"Tom, I've turned off my phone at other times when I was eating with friends. It would be rude to take a call while at a lunch," I informed him.

"Girl, you weren't dining, you were trying to hide from Ryan and me. That's not the same thing."

Apparently, Tom felt he'd talked long enough. Standing up, he set me on my feet and led me, still protesting, to the bedroom.

"That's enough," Tom said firmly, putting his finger to my lips. With the skill of a man who has practiced a lifetime, I was bare bottomed and over his knee in no time.

Tom began with his hand, and the first volley of ten was so hard that it nearly took my breath away. Then he began rubbing. With his hand soothing my bottom, and some other intimate touching, I soon realized this spanking was not for discipline. Regardless, as he began again, I was squirming to get away. It still stung like the devil. He was keeping my mind in a constant swirl. Hard swats, then gentle intimate rubbing. His timing for each was erratic and I was having difficulty anticipating.

Tension, relaxation, pain, caresses, it was confusing, arousing. I lost track of time. My dear husband is an amazing man. By the time he laid me back on the bed to make love, I'm not sure I could have told you my own name.

Later, much later, we were curled up together on the bed. Tom was stroking my back and I finally realized that the whole wonderful afternoon had been Tom's way of keeping me occupied, and not fretting about Allie and what she might be going through. And let me tell you, his plan was an unequivocal success. He is welcomed to distract me in this manner any time he wants to.


Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage has improved through Cassie’s influence. However, when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush. 

Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention, which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom. 

Cassie's Influence 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday Spankings - Not her smartest move


We’re back for another Saturday Spanking! I’m still in book six, Cassie’s Influence, in the Cassie’s Space series. Although Cassie and Tom are a mature couple in a long and loving marriage, there are young people in these books too. 

Allie and Ryan are away at college. While Allie idolized Cassie, her boyfriend Ryan is becoming more and more like his mentor, Tom. Here’s the story Allie shared with Cassie and Sue about their latest disagreement.


"I spent the night with some friends last night. I didn't tell Ryan, it was none of his business. But he found out where I was and stormed over there this morning and practically told everyone he was going to spank me when he got me home."

Clearly Allie was still furious and I was pretty upset myself. This was exactly what I had warned Ryan about, not letting Allie have enough freedom as she experienced her first year at college. There was certainly nothing wrong with spending the night with a friend and the very idea that Ryan had let someone know that he occasionally spanked Allie was unforgivable. Within our very own tiny circle, Tom and me, Sue and Steve and sometimes Annie, it was discussed a bit. But to let her college friends know. How could he? I certainly had a thing or two to say to the boy.

Although I was quite angry with Ryan, I wanted to get Allie home and calmed down. I didn't want her running off to the mountains alone, so I tried to be the voice of reason. 

"Honey, I know you're mad, and you have a right to be, but you need to talk to Ryan. Stand up for yourself and tell him you won't be treated this way. Did he spank you this morning?"

"No. He was going to, but I left."

"Ryan just let you waltz right out without trying to stopping you?" Sue wanted to know. "That's hard to believe."

"He went to take a shower to calm down. At least that's what he said. He told me to wait, but I left." Allie's eyes were big as she turned to me. "He's gonna kill me."

"No he is not," I told her firmly. "Not if I have anything to say about it. You are coming home with me. Call Ryan and tell him to meet you there. I'll tell him what's what."

"He won't come," Allie told me firmly.

"Allie honey, that's not true. You know he'll come. He may be mad, but he loves you. He's worried about you and I know he'll come if you call him."

"He can't come," Allie wailed, bursting into tears again. "When I left, I took his car."


Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage has improved through Cassie’s influence. However, when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush. 

Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention, which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom. 

Cassie's Influence 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday Spanking - Watch your language

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m putting up excerpts from Cassie’s Influence, the fifth in the Cassie’s Space series. 


Sue and Steve were enjoying their first Christmas season living at the river and Sue decided she wanted a tree, even though they rarely had in the past. She managed to picked out the largest one on the lot and get it home. The men, swearing they had never see a tree that size, decided it must be a redwood. 


Steve, Tom and Ryan walked around the massive tree simply staring. Steve began again with mock gruffness. "Do you have any idea how hard it's going to be to get this thing up and ready to decorate?" I could tell Steve wasn't really upset at all.

"I'm not worried," Sue said, smiling. "I have total confidence in you three. Now you all just pop the tree up and we'll decorate it and then Allie will feed us."

Steve's eyes began twinkling and I could tell, sure as the world, he was hatching a plan. He studied all the people in the room, then asked Sue, "Do you trust Ryan?"

"Do I trust Ryan?" Sue repeated. "Yeah, I guess," she agreed suspiciously. "Why?"

"You have just handed us a mountain of work without even asking. Our plans were to come home from golfing and take a nice quiet nap. I think to pay for this tonight, you're going to get one swat for every time this little chore makes one of us cuss. Ryan can keep score."

"Hell, no!" Sue said at once. "That's not fair. You could cuss a blue streak just for meanness."

"I promise to try to restrain myself, but that's the price you're going to have to pay for getting this tree put up." I could see that Steve was clearly enjoying himself and I was too.

"Son-of-a-bitch," Sue muttered quietly. "Fine," she snapped. "Just get on with it."

"No problem, Ryan, what's the score so far?" Steve wanted to know.

"Two," Ryan answered gleefully.

"Two?" Sue yelled. "He hasn't cussed once yet. What the hell are you counting?"

"Three!" the rest of us all shouted together.

We were all laughing as Steve reiterated, "I said if this little chore made any of us cuss."

Sue looked like she wanted to bite someone. And before I could quit laughing, Allie piped up with, "Oh hell, that's too bad."

She surprised me, but never one to be left out I shook my head at Sue and said sadly, "Yes, it's a damn shame."


Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage has improved through Cassie’s influence. However, when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush. 

Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention, which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom. 

Cassie's Influence 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Corbin's Bend

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