Saturday, March 31, 2018

Saturday Spanking - Cal and Jenny meet

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings! I’m going back for the next few weeks to highlight my Cal’s Law series by giving some snippets from the first two books. The third book, Educating Jenny will be out mid-May. More details on that to come.

Today’s snippet is from the first book – Cal’s Law. Cal and Jenny first meeting wasn’t the stuff of moonlight and roses. You might say that first meeting was a bit rocky.

The sudden light in her eyes blinded her. She heard the man shout and her mind screamed in panic with only one thought, get away! In her terror, she sprinted for the door but the man was on her. His arm snaked around her waist and she was yanked backwards and off her feet. She dropped her bag in her mad effort to get away but she was half dragged, half carried back into the bedroom. She let out one strangled scream and the man tightened his grip pushing all the air from her lungs.
He pulled her to the dresser as he fumbled inside the top drawer. Her mind was still reeling when she felt cold steel on her wrist and another wave of sheer panic shot through her as she realized she was now being handcuffed to the bed. Every story she’s ever heard about kidnap and rape raced through her mind.
Once she was secured the man stepped away from her and back toward the dresser. His eyes were cold and hard. He could hurt her badly and her eyes swept the room looking for an escape. Nothing! There was no hope, finally her eyes came back to the man and she saw the gun lying on the dresser by his hand.
Fear froze her as the man began firing questions at her, “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house? Damn! I could have blown your frigging head off. And what the hell are you doing with my shoe?” Jenny looked down to see that she was still clutching the man’s shoe she had so quietly slipped into the closet to take.

Other books by PK Corey in the Cassie Space series

(If you haven't read a Cassie book, you need to give one a try!)

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

    Cal's Law Series

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Branid Evans - Reading His Submissive

(book 2 in Restrained Fantasies series) 


Sometimes, submission is the ultimate freedom.

 I'm happy to have Brandi Evans here with her latest work. This one has all the twist and turns you'll want.
Sales Blurb


I’ve spent my life depending on one person: myself. I’ve learned the hard way other people will only let me down. I’ve worked for everything I have, but thanks to my drug-addicted mother, I’m about to lose the one thing I’ve craved for years. Needing to make some extra cash, I ask my boss at Restrained Fantasies, a Dallas BDSM club, for some extra shifts. Much to my chagrin, Master Carter Burkes is with him, and Carter leaps to my rescue, bound and determined to save me—only I’m not the kind of girl who needs to be saved.


I can’t sit by while Raven, a recurring figure in my fantasies, is in trouble. My job as a detective keeps me busy, but I’m not looking for a relationship, just a sub to assist with a class I’m teaching: Reading Your Submissive. Raven always claimed she wasn’t a member of the lifestyle, so imagine my surprise when I discover a budding submissive inside her. She gets under my skin in ways I can’t fight, but emotions are dangerous. I learned that the hard way.  Is getting close to Raven a mistake? Will I destroy her life like I destroyed the life of the only woman I’ve ever loved?

This is book two in the Restrained Fantasies series but can be read as a standalone.

Publisher’s Note: This romance is intended for adults only. It contains elements of danger, suspense, mystery, BDSM, sensual scenes, romance and adult language. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.


Raven punched the elevator button and waited for the doors to open. Damn her fucking mother. Damn her, damn her, damn her. Ten thousand dollars. How the hell was Raven supposed to come up with that kind of money by the end of the month?
Who fucking screwed over their own child this way?
She fisted her hands at her side and fought the urge to punch more than the elevator button. Taking out another loan or getting new credit cards with credit limits large enough to help was out of the question. She was over-extended as it was; served her right for trying to help the bitch in the first place. After helping her mom out with attorney fees and bail after her last arrest, Raven had been left holding the bag. She still couldn’t believe her mom had skipped on bail. Again. And crazier still, Raven didn’t know why she’d bothered helping in the first place. That had been her first—twentieth?—mistake.
Meth was slowly destroying Raven’s life, and she’d never touched the stuff.
The elevator doors slid open, and Viv Michaels strutted through. Viv was the boss’ sub and the love of his life. She was a sweet, vivacious woman Raven had come to like a lot.
Viv was dressed in her usual club fare. Black fuck-me boots, red miniskirt, and a matching leather corset which barely contained her ample breasts. She was the boss’ perfect match in every way—and it made Raven a whole lot envious. She’d never trusted anyone enough to let them in, let alone have what Viv and the boss had.
Viv’s lips curved into a friendly smile. “Hey, Raven. How’re you?”
Raven forced herself to return the other woman’s smile. “I’m good.”
Viv’s gaze sharpened. “You sure? You look… upset.”
“Just having a bit of a tough time today, but everything will work itself out. It always does.” More likely it won’t. It never did.
Over the years, she’d gotten damn good at lying about her emotions or redirecting the conversation, so with luck, Viv would take the near-lie at face value and move on. Because this problem wouldn’t work itself out. She might as well face reality and get used to it.
She’d be homeless by the end of the month.
Viv placed her hand on Raven’s arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Okay. Just know I’m here if you need to talk.”
The offer warmed Raven. Part of her acknowledged the impulse to accept Viv’s offer, hug her close, and let the tears come. The other part, however, the stronger part, reminded her trusting another person only ended in disaster. She’d had enough tragedies in her life already. The only person she could depend on was herself.
“I’ll keep your offer in mind,” Raven lied.
“Good.” Viv flashed another smile and then headed toward the boss’ office. She seemed so sweet and sincere. Maybe, if Raven was very lucky, she could trust Viv.
Yeah, and maybe someday, Raven would have more than two fond memories of her mother.
Raven stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. She still needed to go home before her regular shift. She’d come straight from the bank, and she wasn’t exactly dressed for—
“Hey, Raven, wait up!” Someone forced their arm through the sliding doors and kept them from closing. When they opened again, she found herself staring at the handsome face of Carter Burkes. And her libido jumped to immediate attention; it usually did when he was around.
The sexy cop might be close to ten years her senior, but he wore his age like a badge of honor. Defined biceps and triceps bulged from the sleeves of his black T-shirt. The cotton stretched over his trim torso in all the right places, and his leather pants did little to cover the contour of muscular legs she’d admired more than once in the club.
A few strands of gray decorated the hair at his temples; otherwise, the perfectly messy brown locks appeared thick and lush. More than once, she’d had to squash the temptation to bury her fingers into the strands just to see if they were as soft as she’d imagined.
A day’s worth of growth covered his cheeks and square jawline. And damn those dimples. Why’d they have to amp his fuckability to stupid levels? Didn’t she have enough shit to worry about?

Author Bio:

Brandi Evans was raised by a caravan of traveling Gypsies. She spent her days learning the ways of her people and her nights lost in legends as old as time. Okay, not really, but that's way more interesting than the truth!

In reality, Brandi grew up the oldest child of an ordinary family. Grade school, middle school, high school. Nothing extraordinary happened until she left the nest. She joined the military, went to college, got married, and became a mom. And somewhere along the way, she discovered she liked to read—and write!—stories hot enough to melt eReaders.

Book Trailer: This is the Video URL. If you need something different, just let me know.

Spotify Playlist: Did you know the author has a personal Spotify Playlist for Reading His Submissive? Just head on over to Spotify and search “Reading His Submissive”, and you’ll get to listen to the music featured in the book, as well as the music that inspired the author. Either way you look at it, these tunes will get your hips swaying and your libido pumping!

Pinterest: Want to visit the author’s Reading His Submissive Pinterest board? See the images that inspired the book.

Behind the Pages: Want some bonus content? These are fun little story tidbits from the author straight to you.

Fun Facts from Reading His Submissive

1.     I added the following lines because this IS me. Raven is me! It’s just a little part of myself I put into her.

When Raven was finished dressing her coffee—two sugars and just a splash of cream—she took a sip and sighed. “I swear I could live off coffee.”

2.              The following is also a little bit of me I crafted into Raven.

“So, you’re not big into cooking, I see.” She flashed a dick-hardening smile. “I actually enjoy cooking. I suck at it, but I enjoy it.”

3.              The following line is actually inspired by Robin Hood. Ya know, the old Disney animated movie. Two cookies for anyone who gets it, LOL.

“And I’m so very glad she did.” He made a twirly motion with his index finger. “Let me see the back.”

4.              The following post-sexy-times exchange is a bit of a nod to the show Lost Girl.

He was tracing a straight line of her arm tattoo when she finally spoke again. “Is it always like that between Dom and sub? The sex, I mean.”

“Well, I like to think I add a little something special to the mix.”

5.              For anyone who knows me, you know I’m a giant nerd, and I like to put geeky references into all my stories. So here’s a Doctor Who (Ten) reference.

“I’m sorry, Genny. I’m so, so sorry.”

6.              And this one is pretty obvious. I’m not sure I even need to say where it’s from, but for those who don’t know, this is a nod to Danny Glover’s character in Lethal Weapon.

“He was seriously getting too old for this shit.” Nod to Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon.

7.              Near the end of the story, when the hero meets a fellow detective from Oregon, the woman is wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt, jeans, and Converse high tops, which just so happened to be the same outfit I was wearing when I wrote the scene. ;-) Is this an example of art imitating life?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Saturday Spankings - Cassie's Thoughts


I’m happy to be back for Saturday Spankings again. I hope you'll read all the snippets and find just what you’re looking for to load your Kindle. I’m putting up a snippet from Cassie’s Life today.
     In this snippet, Cassie has had a hard few days dealing with a blackmailer, the police and Tom’s shock. In this last snippet I put up, Cassie has let Tom know that she needs a spanking even though Tom had been willing to let it go. Once she told him it was something she needed, Tom knew he was the only one who could help.

I rarely cry during a spanking, but I often do once it’s over. The tears were coming early and I let them silently flow. When he reached for the brush beside him my tears became sobs and I knew Tom was conflicted. Usually by this time in a spanking I’m shouting for him to stop, or telling him that’s enough or promising to never again do whatever I’m being spanked for. But this time I’d said nothing.
     I felt Tom sigh and he rubbed for a moment before he began with the brush. He didn’t go easy, for which I was grateful, but neither did he use it for long. By the time Tom pulled me up into his arms the sobs were taking my breath away and he held me on his lap for the longest time, rubbing my back and telling me how much he loved me.
     Finally, he lay me softly on the bed and pulled up our throw. He brought a cool washcloth and bathed my face. My bottom hurt, throbbing with each heartbeat, even as my heart swelled with love for this wonderful man. Now it was over. Case closed, sealed in our own special way.

Cassie’s Life (Book 10)

Ask Cassie about her life on the river and she’ll tell you it’s lovely and peaceful. But while Cassie loves the life she lives, peaceful is not always an accurate description. Whether she’s confronting an armed man who’s in a drunken rage, planning a friend’s wedding or dealing with a ghost in a backwoods lodge, Cassie is going to deal with it the best way she knows how. And peaceful doesn’t always work.
When a mysterious phone call comes for Cassandra Wentworth – Cassie’s past is suddenly back to haunt her in a devastating way. Tom has always said nothing from before the time they met counts, but he didn’t know about this.  Sue, Annie, Allie and Jenny are all willing to help, but will it be enough?

Other books by PK Corey in the Cassie Space series

(If you haven't read a Cassie book, you need to give one a try!)

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

    Cal's Law Series

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ashe Barker - Rough Diamonds

Rough Diamonds
By Ashe Barker

“…you are delightful company and absolutely beautiful. You take my breath away. I really should tell you now, if I can find any way to convince you to remain with me tonight, I will do so."

Buy Links


What if someone handed you over a million dollars in uncut diamonds, and a note? For services rendered…
A random act of kindness years earlier gives rise to an astonishing chain of events. Johan Klaas holds the key to the mystery and he will help her – for a price. Can she trust him? Should she? And what has Christa ever done to deserve such a reward?
Swept from her modest flower shop in England, caught up in the opulent global diamond trade in Antwerp and introduced by her millionaire lover to a sensual world of pain and pleasure, Christa is determined to solve the riddle.

Author Synopsis

Christa Barnes is baffled when the man of her dreams – or should that be her wildest fantasies? – turns up at her sleepy little flower shop and insists she has something he would like to purchase. But Johan Klaas is an international diamond dealer and he is not remotely interested in acquiring a bunch of geraniums, preferring instead to discuss gemstones.
Christa’s next unexpected caller is a motorcycle courier clad in black leather and bearing a package for her. She opens it, expecting the latest seed catalogue, and finds instead a fortune in uncut diamonds and a note.
For Services Rendered. See what you can make of these.
Johan Klaas works at the heart of the global diamond trade based in Antwerp, and he agrees to use his contacts and knowledge to help trace the origins of these particular stones. For a price.
As the relationship between Christa and Johan deepens, so does her understanding of the way in which a natural, artless act of kindness years before can start an amazing chain of events.
This book was previously released with a different cover. The story includes sexual scenes and BDSM, and is intended for audiences of 18 and over.

He was still lying on the bed when she emerged from the luxurious en suite clad in just her new pajamas and a generous splash of Chanel Coco, the expensive perfume a Christmas present from her sister. The sheer, camisole-style top tied in front with a couple of fragile ribbons of lace, and the fabric left little to the imagination. Her breasts were outlined clearly, the dark pink nipples pressing little points into the delicate material. The pants were long and loose and Christa thought they would not look out of place in a harem. Very appropriate, Christa reflected… Or inappropriate, depending on your view.
Christa paused in the doorway, self-conscious suddenly. She was normally so cautious, prim almost. This was so unlike her, really, she ought to—
“You were right, chérie. The outfit is very pretty indeed.” Perhaps he recognized her indecision, her wavering, but Johan allowed her no time in which to reconsider. Christa was glad of it as he rolled from the mattress and came to stand before her. He gently fingered the ribbon which masqueraded as some sort of shoulder strap. “May I…?”
“May you … What?” Her voice was a husky whisper.
“This.” He eased the strap down her arm, causing the gossamer-thin fabric to cascade away in a soft sweep. One breast was exposed. Christa held her breath. It never occurred to her to seek to cover herself.
Johan lowered his gaze, his lip curling in sensual appreciation. He cupped Christa’s face between his hands to hold her still for his kiss. She was going nowhere, in any case. His lips were warm, soft, teasing hers until she opened for him. His tongue explored her mouth, curling around hers in a hot, suggestive dance.
Christa mewled deep in her throat when he lowered his hands to stroke her shoulders, then trailed his fingers lower still to tease the erect, exposed nipple. He circled it with his fingertips, then took the hardened bud between his finger and thumb and applied just enough pressure to make her gasp.
“You like this, ma petite? Did I hurt you?”
“No,” she breathed. “It was just, I never…”
“Pleasure is good, is it not?” He cupped the full mound in his hand and caressed her slowly, stroking his fingers across the quivering peak before he caught it again and, this time, squeezed hard enough to make her squeal. “But pain is even more exciting, if properly applied. Do you not agree, little Christa, my beautiful flower-seller?”
Christa should have been frightened: his words made no sense. At the same time, she understood him perfectly, and was in no doubt as to his meaning. He intended to hurt her, and he meant her to enjoy it.
How had he known? How had he had even the slightest inkling that she might respond? She had hardly known, herself, until this moment.
“Yes,” she murmured. “Oh yes.”
He chuckled and kissed her mouth again, at the same time easing her other strap from her shoulder. A tug was all it took on the two fragile scraps of lace which tied in front to hold the two halves of the top closed. The garment opened and he was able to slide the top from her body and drop it behind her on a low sofa.
Now his palms caressed both breasts, his touch firm yet still gentle. Christa arched, presenting her body, asking for more.
Johan broke the kiss to trail a hot, damp path across her collar bone and down to her breasts. He locked his hands behind her, under her bottom and lifted her so he could better reach her nipples with his lips. Christa grasped his shoulders and flung back her head as he took first one peak, then the other, into his mouth.
Christa moaned. “That’s… That feels so…”
He sucked, curling his agile tongue around one engorged nipple. A crackle of electricity surged from the pebbled nub straight to her clit. Christa opened her legs and wrapped them around his body, not minding in the least that he remained fully dressed whilst she was as near naked as made no difference.
He turned, and walked back toward the bed, as Christa crossed her ankles in the small of his back. He leaned forward to tip her onto the duvet then followed her down.
His mouth closed around her nipple again, the suction harder now, the sensation more intense. Christa’s pussy tingled and clenched as she writhed against him, desperate, purring, seeking more.
“The pants are gorgeous, as are you, chérie, but I think we might lose them now. Do you agree?”
Christa did agree, whole-heartedly. She reached for the waistband, intending to shove them down past her hips, but Johan caught her hand and stopped her.
“No, allow me. Please.”

About Ashe Barker
USA Today Bestselling author Ashe Barker writes erotic romance and spanking romance in a variety of genres including contemporary, BDSM, paranormal, historical. ménage, gay romance and time travel. She is a #1 Amazon Bestseller and all her stories feature hot alpha males and sassy submissives, often with a lot to learn. Kink abounds, and there’s enough dirty talk to satisfy the most demanding smut lover. However dark and dirty the setting, love always emerges triumphant, and her stories never fail to deliver a satisfying happy ever after.

Social Media Links and Newsletter sign-up

And just a little more about the author:

Author Interview

Who or what was the inspiration for Christa? Is she anything like you?
Well I’ve never entertained a desire to sell flowers, but the mystery at the heart of Rough Diamonds is based on my experience working in the care system in the UK some thirty years ago so I suppose Christa does draw on something of me.

So, tell us a bit more about Johan. He’s stern and sexy, and obviously successful in his career, but what else is there to know?
Well, I think you just about covered the basics there. Johan is driven and successful, but he is also honest in his dealings with a strong sense of duty, and of justice. He wants Christa from the beginning, but he’s willing to work for it and takes nothing for granted. He’s kind to her, and generous, and he shares her sense of adventure and curiosity about the origins of her surprise windfall.

Do you see writing as a career?

Yes. I try to be fairly ordered about it. I like to be at my desk (well, more accurately the kitchen table) laptop fired up and coffee to hand, by nine in the morning and I tend to write for most of the day then. There are also a lot of related tasks to keep on top of, mainly to do with promo or research, or keeping in touch with readers and other authors. It’s definitely a full-time job for me.

What's your favorite love story? (movie or book)
I adore Love Actually and I can’t count how many times I’ve seen that movie. It has lots of love stories all rolled up and woven into each other, but I think perhaps my favourite is the one featuring Hugh Grant.
I also remember reading Katherine by Anya Seton many years ago, and I’ve never forgotten the magic that shimmers between Katherine and her hero, John of Gaunt. Their lifetime love affair is set against the dramatic backdrop of medieval England, a period I also like to write about.