Monday, June 9, 2014

H is for hiding

Some times I feel like I’ve been hiding my whole life. I don’t think anyone ever told me I should be embarrassed to be interested in spanking, but the urge to hide this interest seems instinctive. I was so scared when I started my first blog. What if my family found out, especially my kids? What if my boss found out? Would I lose my job?  If anyone found out would I be able to stand the embarrassment?

I’ve relaxed a lot over the years, my parents are gone, my kids are grown. As I’ve written more I’ve become very proud of my writing. I began sharing what I was doing with close friends and family, most I’ve told have been both amused and supportive. I’m not planning on sending my boss a copy of my book, but when you get right down to it there in nothing in my Cassie stories he could say anything about. They’re happily married, they have a satisfying sex life – none of which is described in detail and they happen to engage in consensual adult spanking. Nothing in my books is illegal, immoral or even fatting.

If anyone should ask about how TTWD comes into play for Nick and me I probably down play it unless I knew it was someone interest in learning about a DD relationship. We don’t do DD, but I feel I understand it and I’d discuss it. But for a vanilla, I’d probably down play it as mostly a slap and tickle game. First, it’s none of their business and second, for most vanillas, it’s all they are going to be able to understand.

I love not having to hide much anymore. I know that has come with being out here so long and getting to a point in life where the possible negative views of others don’t concern me much. There are real and serious reasons why the love of spanking and the fact we are writing novels about it might need to be hidden from others. Some of you are at a place in your lives where it is very necessary But I want you to know, when you reach the age when you don’t feel the need to hide any more it’s wonderful!


  1. Excellent post PK! Wouldn't it be lovely if no one had to hide...hoping for that day to come soon.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. It would be great, but there are so many factors. Some days I feel we're moving to a more open minded society, other days not so much.

  2. PK,
    I stopped hiding years ago.
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. Love your H post. Now being older I don't hide now.


  4. Great post PK! I'm with Cat, it would be so great if none of us felt the need ti hide.


    1. I guess some are hiding for others, maybe a husband or kids would be embarrassed. Thankfully Nick's fine.

  5. Terrific post - most people wouldn't care as much as we think they would, but I'm still hiding.

    1. Everyone should be what's comfortable for them.

  6. Great post, PK! I agree with what Leigh said, that most people don't care as much as we think they will. BUT there's always that worry that they will. It does feel good to be out of hiding though, very freeing!

    1. Dad used to say we wouldn't as much what people though of us if we realized how little they did. Very true.

  7. I feel the same! I have a lot of people in my real life that know to an extent. they either know this, or they know that, but very few know the full story.

    1. I guess that's true for me too. When you talk about it a little you can tell who doesn't really want to hear any more.

  8. You are free! But you have liberated yourself and you should be very, very proud of that. Look around you, how many people can say that about themselves. The courage post of Trent Evens last week was inspirational to those who have to make the giant step.

    To feel free feels so good, I can't tell you how good.
    Your post made me think again, PK, thank you for that.

    1. Thanks Han, it does feel good and I am proud. It took a while to get here. But as I get older I am getting more and more comfortable in my skin.
