Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday Spankings - No way out, July 25

Happy Saturday everyone – welcome to Saturday Spanking the blog hop with the best books around. I'm headed out on a weekend trip so I'll try to read everyone's snippet when I get back Sunday. I’m sticking with Cassie’s influence again this week. And I’m taking up just after where I stopped last week. Allie got her bottom reddened for not standing in the corner when Ryan told her to. After that spanking there was corner time anyway as Ryan took his shower and got ready for the real thing. 
Here Allie continues to tell Cassie how the afternoon played out.

“Cassie, when I turned around, he looked so hot, tight jeans, no shirt – that beautiful six pack, his hair wet and combed back. He was gorgeous except for that awful black brush he was holding. I went to him and gave him a really good kiss and said, ‘Please Ryan, I’m really sorry. But you’ve already spanked me. Can’t you just forgive me and skip any more. Maybe we could just spend the afternoon in bed.’” 
“He stopped me from kissing him anymore, and told me, ‘You know you’re forgiven, but that doesn’t make the spanking you’ve got coming go away.’ He took off my bathing suit top. I mean geeze, I was completely naked, and he’s more interested in spanking than making love. What’s wrong with him?”

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.
     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Saturday Spankings - No Choice, July 18

It’s Saturday again! I always enjoy Saturday Spanking. It’s a blog that help everyone find the books for them. I’m sticking with Cassie’s Influence for my snippet and I’m picking up just where I left off last week. Cassie’s young friend, Allie got herself in trouble with her boyfriend Ryan.  He ordered her to the corner while he takes a shower to calm down. Allie balks at corner time even after Ryan gives her his reasoning. Finally, as she explains to Cassie, he gives her a choice…

"Here's the deal, you can stand there with a white butt or a red one – you pick."

"That's no choice!" I spat at him. 

"Fine," he answered. "Red it is!"

“Don't even say it, Cassie, I know I was stupid, and it gets worse. Remember I was just wearing my bathing suit – about zero protection.
“He pulled me over his knee and started with his hand just about as hard as he could, I was realizing fast that I should have just let him take his stupid shower and calm down. He was spanking really fast and I finally yelled, 'Stop. I'll do it, I'll do it!'"
"You'll do what?" he stopped and asked me. 

"I'll stand in the damn corner!"

I stared at Allie in horror, what on earth had the girl been thinking?

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.
     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday Spankings - Corner time, July 11

Check out Donna Steele at  at 11:00 AM 

Welcome to Saturday Spankings the wonderful blog hop hosted by Mistress Blake – and many thanks to her for doing so. I find most of my reading material here. Today I’m continuing with another snippet from Cassie’s Influence.
Today it’s Cassie’s young friend Allie in trouble. After failing to persuade Ryan to take the morning off to spend with her she flings a few harsh words at him and then takes off in her dad’s boat alone, even though it was against her parent’s rules and Ryan’s too. After Allie runs out of gas and is rescued by Cassie, Ryan takes Allie to his house and orders her to the corner while he tries to cool off.  Allie refuses, telling Ryan that standing in the corner is childish and she won’t do it.

Ryan said, "You are going to stand in that corner and let me tell you why. For ninety-five percent of our relationship we're equal, I don't try to boss you or tell you what you can do or not do. But we agreed on a few rules and when you break one of them, then I'm in charge and I'll handle things the way I see fit. That's going to include corner time, and after that I'm going to spank your butt. Your temper tantrum put you out on the river, drifting, no gas, no way home. If you had forgotten your phone, you would have been really screwed, wouldn't you? You think standing in the corner is childish? You tell me one thing about your actions today that weren't childish. When you screw up like that, you give up your right to say what you will and will not do. Get it?"

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.
     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday Spankings - Harshest punishment, July 4

I hope everyone in the States is enjoying their 4th of July! To the rest of the world, happy Saturday Spankings! I realize many folks are gone this weekend but I’m putting up a snippet anyway for those still around. I think it’s time everyone tried a Cassie book and this is a good weekend to begin.
In today’s snippet from Cassie’s Influence, Cassie has just received a hard spanking after ignoring Tom’s dictate that she should wear more appropriate bathing suit. Instead Cassie and Sue go out to purchase an even smaller suit for her to wear to the pool party. As painful as the spanking had been, Tom wasn’t quite finished with her yet and here he deliverers the harshest punishment of the day.

Looking me right in the eye he told me, "Cassie girl, you are the most important thing in my life. I am more proud of the wife I've been blessed with that anything else in my life. Bringing you around my friends and colleagues and showing how lovely you are is a joy to me, but you hurt me today. Your stubbornness and your anger turned you into another person. You hurt me and disappointed me."
Well that tore it - I bawled, I loved Tom more that you can imagine. I could be bratty, I could fight against what he told me, but to know I had really hurt him and disappointed him tore me up. I cried for a long time while Tom just held me.

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.
     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.