Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday Spankings - Heartache times two

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. I’m getting excited about the new Cal’s Law book, Educating Jenny, coming out in less than a month. Today’s snippet is from Cal’s Law.
Cal is in love with Jenny, but he feels he’s all wrong for her. He’s too old for here and his salary doesn’t match what she’s used to. Jenny cares for him too, but can’t seem to break through his barriers. She even makes out with Kyle as Cal watches during a festival hoping to get a reaction from Cal. But in her mind, even that didn’t bother him. As Cal acts more and more distant Jenny asks what she’s done wrong.

Cal looked at her without answering. In his head he was thinking, I feel like you gutted me by letting that sweaty, little shit ass paw you at the festival. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and you pick that little prick. I want to fall to my knees and beg you to love me every time I see you – that’s all you’ve done.
Aloud to Jenny he said, “You haven’t done anything wrong. I guess I’m just overworked.”
“I saw you watching Kyle and me at the festival. He’s just a friend Cal, honest. We’re not together or anything. We just kissed, you know as friends.”
“Yeah, you looked like pretty damn good friends. I have some calls to make. Do you mind seeing yourself out?” Cal turned, went into the bedroom and shut the door.
Cold hearted bastard! She was trying to apologize, she was trying to explain but he didn’t give a shit. Okay then if Cal really didn’t want her, she knew someone who did.
Cal stood at the bedroom door. When he heard the front door close he went to the window. He stood still as stone as he watched Jenny drive away. Taking a ragged breath Cal realized that for the first time in nearly twenty years he was crying.

Other books by PK Corey in the Cassie Space series

(If you haven't read a Cassie book, you need to give one a try!)

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

    Cal's Law Series

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)

Check out more great snippet here.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kate Charlton - Her Convict Constable

Her Convict Constable 
Kate Charlton

Can Tilly confide in Constable Joel Agnew
 before it’s too late?

I'd like to introduce another new writer this week, Kate Charlton. Kate's latest book, Her Convict Constable has caught my interest and I think it will yours too.

She’s survived the mean streets of Manchester and slavery in a mill. Can she survive a brutal penal colony? 

Convict Tilly Marsden has to serve four years as an unpaid maid in Australia before she can get the prized Ticket of Leave.
With freedom only two months away, Tilly agrees to turn a friend’s shirt into a dress.  When she discovers it was stolen, she throws it in the river.

Watching her is Joel Agnew, a convict working as an unpaid police constable. Sensing Tilly deserves a break, he dishes out some old-fashioned discipline. They both think that’s the end of the matter.

Then a body is discovered and Tilly finds herself in danger. Can Joel help her before it’s too late?

Publisher's Note: Her Convict Constable is a sweet romance with a bit of mystery and old-fashioned Victorian discipline.

Buy link:

She could feel the constable’s eyes appraising her. Her cheeks burned and a million worries ran through her mind. Was he going to ask for sexual favours in exchange for letting her go? She’d have to agree if he did, even though she was scared and had no experience. She’d just have to pray she didn’t get pregnant or she’d end up back in Crime Class anyway. And they’d take the baby away from her when it was weaned, she’d never be given a chance to look after it.
            Tears welled up again. Irritated, she blinked and swallowed hard, determined not to show the constable how upset she was.
            “Well, by the look of you, you’re sorry about what you did,” said the constable. “And if you’ve come this close to getting your Ticket of Leave, I think maybe a different kind of lesson will do you more good than marching you back to the Female Factory.”
            The relief that washed over Tilly was brief. The constable gripped her arm more firmly and pulled her closer towards him.
            She steeled herself. This was it. She had to do whatever he wanted, whether that was sucking his cock or letting him take her up the arse or whatever he was into. If she wanted her Ticket of Leave she had no choice.
            She gasped as he tucked her under his arm so that she was bent over, bum in the air. Oh, lawks, he was going to spank her. She hadn’t been spanked since she was fifteen and the supervisor at the mill had punished her and Sarah for being half a minute late for work. He’d put her first, then Sarah, over his knees, lifted their shifts and spanked their bare bottoms in front of everybody at the mill, including the men and boys. The spanking had left painful black bruises, but the humiliation had been worse. She hadn’t been able to meet the eyes of the other mill workers for days. 
            Now, Tilly kicked out at the constable in panic. “Enough!” he said firmly, gripping her harder. “Do that once more and I’ll fasten you in the stocks to do this.”
Tilly forced herself to calm down. She braced herself for the constable to bare her bottom.
            But he didn’t. Instead he smoothed the shift down, making sure her bum was covered. But when his large hand descended in a scorching slap that made her squeak, Tilly realised the thin, rough material didn’t offer much protection.  Time stood still as the constable peppered her backside with slap after slap, each one as loud as it was painful. All she could do was gasp, squirm and yelp, and pray that no-one would come along to investigate the noise and see her being spanked. Desperately, she tried to move away but this only resulted in him grasping her even more firmly and smacking even harder.

Kate Charlton
Kate Charlton loves romance, history, mystery and the occasional dose of old-fashioned discipline. She combines all four in her books.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Daryl Devoré - Two O'clock with the Billionaire


 I'm happy to have Daryl Devoré with me at the Reading Room today. I got to read several excerpts from this book and I can say for sure that this one is on my TBR list.  I bet it will be on yours too.

Heat rating – 4 hot peppers
Tags - billionaire romance, hot read, Daryl Devore, Two O’clock with the Billionaire, @daryldevore, #romance, #contemporary, #hotread


Arianne burst into her apartment, brushed past her roommate, threw her keys onto the coffee table and plopped onto her couch. “Men!”
Taylor looked up. “Me excluded, of course.
“Straight men. There, is that better?”
“Well, I can commiserate with that. I quite often find straight men difficult.” He glanced at the floor. "Some of them can be so cruel."
She pulled out her hair tie and shook her shoulder length hair free. “I hate my life.” After a deep depressed sigh, she snatched up Taylor's copy of the LGBT Community News. Wanting nothing more than a moment's distraction, she randomly flipped through it.
Taylor paused in keying in his text. “Now this sounds serious.”
“It's been two months and I still can’t find a job.”
“Then why are you annoyed with the straight men?”
“Because some man caused the downturn and made it difficult for people to buy stuff and now I don’t have a job.” Unsuccessfully tossing the paper across the room, it fluttered to the carpet near her feet. “And to top it off, Kyle broke up with me. He suddenly woke up and found that he’s in a different place and I don’t belong there with him. Whatever the hell that means.”
“This is where—”
“And, I’m living a stereotype. I’m like in one of those sitcoms. Straight girl lives with gay guy. Hell, I can’t even screw you ‘cause we like the same thing - men! Except, I hate men!”
When her ranting subsided, Taylor tried again. “This is where I get practical and ask, you do have some money saved up, right?”
Arianne shook her head.
“How can you be employed for two years and not have saved anything?”
“Well, I had to pay off my college loan.”
“Not to mention a new pair of shoes every other week. So how much do you have or do I have to start looking for a new rent paying roommate?”
“I’m broke. I was sort of hoping to move in with Kyle while I hunted for something.”
“I love you dearly Arianne, but I can’t afford the rent on my own. And I cannot afford to feed you. Guess I start looking for a paying roommate. Or you could beg a loan off mommy and daddy.” Arianne sighed. Taylor pointed at her phone. “Keep looking for a job.”
Arianne glanced at one of the newspaper pages. “Oh, look. The personal ads. And here’s a job for me. Woman wanted. Apply to e-box twenty-four. I’m a woman. So I’m qualified for that one. Was that a little sarcastic?”

Two O’clock with the Billionaire is Daryl Devoré’s latest hot romance. A contemporary romance sweetened with a bit of vanilla sexcapades.
Where Derek Davenport is concerned, women only had one thing in mind: trap him into a marriage. The perfect way out? Hire a courtesan. While partying with his buddies he places an online ad that reads – Woman Wanted.
Unemployed and nearing financial desperation, Arianne is forced to step out of her comfort zone and answers an ad that reads Woman Wanted. With minimal hours and excellent pay, she accepts the position of courtesan to a handsome billionaire.
Their sexual antics cause emotions neither is willing to admit it. Will Arianne and Derek drive each other crazy…or will they fall in love first?
Note: This book was previously published by New Dawning Bookfair under the title A Kept Woman.

Bio and Social Media
Two writers in one. Daryl Devoré writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines. Victoria Adams is Daryl Devoré's alter ego when she's inspired to write sweet romances with little to no heat.

Daryl (@daryldevore) lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, a large salt water aquarium full of fish, a black cat named Licorice and some house ghosts. Her daughter is grown and has flown the nest. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Saturday Spankings - A different perspective

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! It’s spring, maybe, hopefully to stay. No matter the weather, it always time to curl up with a good book. My newest book, Educating Jenny, will be out in May. My snippet today is from the first book in the series, Cal’s Law.
Although Jenny can’t stop thinking about Cal, he is still holding her at arm’s length. Even though he is falling in love with Jenny he worries that they are too different to ever be a couple. Jenny is frustrated and begins looking for better prospects. This guy is as different from Cal and she could get. Somehow, that doesn’t feel right either.

It was when Kyle wrapped his arms about her and pulled her to him that her mind snapped back. He felt skinny, scrawny, the smell was wrong – everything was wrong.
Jenny pulled back, “Kyle, stop. I’m sorry, I can’t do this.”
Kyle fell back on the couch with his eyes closed and a small groan. He stayed that for nearly a minute before opening one eye and looking at Jenny. “This guy has you screwed up about sex too, doesn’t he?” Kyle asked.
“We’ve never even talked about sex.” Jenny nearly snapped. “I just don’t feel like it tonight. I’m sorry, don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad Jenny. It’s just sex, I’ve got girls to call who would come right over if that was all I wanted. I really like you. Like I said, we’d be good together. Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
 “Are you sure you’re not mad?” Jenny asked.
Kyle grinned. “It’s just sex,” he repeated. “A wonderful activity people share like tennis or canoeing. Don’t put more importance on it than there should be. If you backed out of a tennis date with me I’d be disappointed, but I’d either get over it or find another partner for the day. Don’t make everything so deep and serious. Life is to be enjoyed. And, by the way,” he told her with a smirk, “I’m way better at sex than most people are at tennis."

Other books by PK Corey in the Cassie Space series

(If you haven't read a Cassie book, you need to give one a try!)

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

    Cal's Law Series

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)

Check out more great snippet here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

BJ Wane - Bound To Submit

BJ Wane

Teaching her to give up control will almost rob him of his own.

I'm so happy to have BJ Wane here with her latest book. I think you're definitely going to like this one!
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Hope Wallace left Atlanta after being betrayed by her family and friends in the worst way. Now, running a homeless shelter in downtown Miami, she was finally doing what she wanted with her life and working at putting the past behind her.  The only thing marring her happiness was the constant desire to explore the BDSM lifestyle her new friends enjoyed so much.  She had tried that once, and it led to disaster and losing everything, but the urges kept pulling at her until she finally succumbed and braved going to a club.
Miles Cavenaugh fell for Hope the minute he saw her bruised face and determination to protect a friend and resident at her shelter.  His violent childhood kept him from forming relationships, his fear of losing his temper if he came across someone harming an innocent woman or child made him anti-social and preferring to stick with his close friends for companionship.  But when he hears Hope is at a local BDSM club while there is a serial abuser of submissives making the rounds in Florida, he rushes to ensure she stays safe.
Unable to continue keeping each other at arm’s length, Miles and Hope agree to a short-term affair where he’ll introduce her to the lifestyle she craved until she got her interest out of her system.  But an unknown person is determined that Hope not find the happiness that has eluded her for so long and both Miles and her may have waited too long to come clean with each other about their pasts.  

Hope had been comfortable tucked away against the wall and obscured by the dim lighting but moving up close to the different stations reminded her of how excited she’d been when her and her friends toured the club in Atlanta.  It had been the first time in her adult life when sex had appealed to her, and when that Dom had given her a taste of what she’d been witnessing, and she’d responded to the pain and exposure more than she ever had to intercourse with her fiancé, she’d discovered she wasn’t the cold fish Craig often complained she was.  Maybe if he had screwed her in something other than the missionary position and added a little foreplay into the mix, she would have fared better.
Just as before, Hope’s blood heated when Miles halted in front of a spanking bench and they were facing the red buttocks of the woman strapped face down on the apparatus.  Her response was so quick, so fiery hot she squeezed her thighs together to contain the rush of juices gathering at her entrance and leaned against Miles’ arm without conscious thought until he spoke above her.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.”  His low, demanding tone brought out goosebumps along her arms and urged her to answer.
Embarrassed, she shook her head and tried to shift away from him but should’ve known better.  She knew enough about Doms to know they expected an honest answer to posed questions.  
“Hope.”  Miles tightened his hand on her elbow and gave her arm a small shake.
Hope didn’t look up at him when she said, “I’m wondering why the pain doesn’t turn her off.”  Or me either.  
“It’s easier if you accept some people get off on it, and some don’t, without trying to explain it or find a good reason for it.  If it works for you, go with it, if it doesn’t, try something else.”
“You make it sound easy.”  Doubt colored her tone.  
He raised her face with two fingers under her chin.  “It can be, with the right person.”  Dipping his thumb inside her lower lip, he pulled it down, his black gaze focused on her face as he skimmed over the soft, wet tissues.
Hope imagined him doing the same thing to the sensitive nerve endings lining her pussy and a curl of want unfurled between her legs.  She swallowed hard before taking a step back.  Miles released her lip and took hold of her elbow again, steering her down the row until they came to a woman gyrating on a dildo attached in the center of a mechanical vault.  The brunette’s soft mewls and tight grip on the pommel revealed her distress as the Dom standing at her side flicked a short leather strap on one, bright crimson nipple; the glistening dampness left on the condom-covered phallus each time she rose up proved she enjoyed his painful ministrations.
“You’re blushing but imagine how that would feel vibrating inside you as you bounced on it, maybe with someone slapping your ass as you ride it.”  Miles’ gaze swept down to her chest and she didn’t have to follow his eyes to know he saw the rigid outline of her painfully erect nipples through her bra and top.  “Are you sure you’ve never submitted before?”

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs.  I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles.  We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being homebody.  I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking.  My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic spanking romance with a touch of suspense.  My favorite genre to read is suspense.

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