Saturday, May 27, 2023

Saturday Spankings - Just a little bratting


Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I’m in Cassie’s third book now, Cassie on the Move. As Christmas approaches Cassie is annoyed that Tom is away from home many afternoons. She does hate feeling ignored. When he rushes in just in time to get ready for a Christmas party, she finds a way to get his thoughts back on her. And maybe got a little more attention than she planned on.


Tom finally rushed in with a quick kiss for me and hurried upstairs to shower and change. Poor man, he had no idea I’d been lying in wait for him. I know how long, nearly to the second, Tom will be in the shower. So, with everything I needed I strolled into our bathroom just as he was finishing.

The second the shower went off I made my move. I’d filled the largest tumbler I could find with ice-cold water. Just as the warm shower went off, I reached up and poured the ice water over him. Oh my, you should have heard him bellow. I was off like a shot, and I didn’t stop until I reached the end of the hall and rounded the corner.

I stole a quick glance ’round the corner to see if I was being followed. Towel clutched at his waist, dripping wet, and scowling, my dear husband stalked toward me.

“Cassie Jane, I’m going to wear you out. What’s gotten into you?”

I know I should have at least pretended to be contrite, but he looked so funny scowling and dripping that I couldn’t stop laughing. With a determined look on his face, Tom reached for me.

Still laughing, I sidestepped him, “No, not now. I’m already dressed. Don’t get me wet or we’ll be late. Go on and get ready.”

“We’re going to be late all right,” Tom agreed. With one quick swoop, he had me over his shoulder, wetting my blouse and slacks completely.

“Stop, I’m getting wet!” I fussed, slapping him on his back. I thought I’d feel much more powerful being all dressed while he was essentially nude, but somehow it just didn’t turn out that way. Moments later, my wet slacks pulled down, I was over his knee and trying to answer his question between yelps of pain and uncontrollable giggling.

“What possessed you to try and freeze me to death?” he wanted to know.

“Stop, Tom, I just wanted to get your attention. You’ve been ignoring me lately.” Oh, my goodness, wrong thing to say!

“Ignoring you? Ignoring you? What have I been doing every morning?”

Truth be told, Tom had been bringing me my coffee in bed every morning, since he hadn’t been working, and often breakfast too.

“And in the evening?” Tom pressed on after I’d answered him.

In the evenings, Tom often gave me a massage before bedtime, and read to me as I fell asleep. I tried to correct myself.

“I didn’t mean you were ignoring me, I just meant I’ve missed you all these afternoons you’ve been gone.” 

Tom pretty much ignored what I was saying and finished up with some stinging swats. Finally, he set me on my feet and tried to suppress a grin at my spanking dance as I tried to rub away the sting.

I still felt a little like giggling at him, but I couldn’t help fussing a little, too. “Look at me. You’ve ruined my outfit, my make-up, and my hair. What am I going to do?”

“You’re going to be ready to walk out that door with me in fifteen minutes or you’re going back over my knee,” he told me. His good humor was coming back, but I had a sneaky feeling he was serious too. I could have continued to fuss, but I didn’t have time.

I made it, barely. I’m sure I didn’t look my best, but we made it to the party and had a wonderful time. Perhaps I can be a bit of a brat at times, but when you get right down to it, I don’t think Tom minds.

Cassie it truly on the move now. A new home on the river brings excitement – a new house, new neighbors and new adventures. She learns to shoot paint-ball guns and play at water parks with the children of the neighborhood.

Cassie’s traveling too. She’s taking trips with just the girls, attending conventions for Tom’s work and vacationing with Tom and their friendsBut when Cassie begins having dizzy spells Tom thinks a slower pace is in order. Getting Cassie to slow down and take care of herself proves to be quite a challenge. A challenge Tom is more than determined to take on.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one)


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saturday Spankings - Not being completely honest

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I’m taking a snippet today from the second Cassie book, Cassie’s Tale. Coming home from a trip Cassie has seemed especially tired. She won’t tell Tom how she feels and he tried to get her to go to bed early.


“Honey, just give me a few minutes here. I just want to check my email and then I’ll come lie down. Maybe we can watch a movie or something.

Tom came to stand behind my chair. He rubbed my shoulders a bit and massaged my neck. His hands felt so good and I closed my eyes and lay my head back against him.

As his hands came around and he touched my cheek, he stopped and asked, “Cassie, do you have a fever?”

For some reason that flew all over me. What I had taken as a loving gesture had been nothing more than a sneaky trick to “check me out.” I was furious.

Leaping to my feet, I shouted, “Take your damn hands off me!” I jerked away from him, planning to sweep out of the room in anger. Oh, it would have been such a dramatic gesture had I not passed out before I’d made it to the door.

According to Tom, I didn’t come to immediately. But by the time the ambulance arrived I was aware that they were there. I didn’t want to ride in the darn thing, but no one seemed interested at the time what I wanted.

Truly, it was way too much drama for so little to be wrong with me. Tests showed I had a urinary tract infection and that I was a little dehydrated. I could have gone home after some fluids and a prescription for antibiotics. But Tom insisted they keep me overnight, and everyone seems to listen to Tom. Well, almost everybody.

Within a few days I was perfectly fine, except for one thing. Tom was not happy with the answers I had given my doctor at the hospital. Tom realized that I’d been feeling bad for a while, but I hadn’t said anything to him about it.

“Now Tom, don’t get in a tizzy. I haven’t felt sick, just a little tired.”

“I’m not buying that for a second. But for now, concentrate on getting your strength back, we’ll talk about this later.”

You’ve heard of being caught between a rock and a hard place – I’m not sure which Tom is, but I was caught all right.

Tom doesn’t like me “keeping things” from him, especially about my health. I knew that when I told him I was back to perfect health, his spanking hand could begin to itch. I milked it for a while. That tactic also had its problems. That old devil took my keys under the pretense of not wanting me to drive until he was sure I wouldn’t black out again. I was stuck. If I played sick, no car, but if I told him I felt fine, he might find a reason to turn me into rump roast. What’s a girl to do?

By Thursday I’d been home from the hospital for five days and I’d about had it with his smothering. We were finishing breakfast when I told Tom, “I have things I need to get done this morning. I want my keys.”

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I was rapidly losing patience with him and perhaps I was a little snippy, but I’d had a frustrating week.

I repeated, “Give me my keys! I’m not your prisoner.”

“I’m assuming you’re well enough to discuss why you hid the fact that you weren’t feeling well from me,” Tom said quietly.

I knew it wasn’t in my best interest to continue being hateful, but I’m afraid that didn’t stop me. “Good grief, Tom. I’m in my sixties. If I tell you every time I have an ache or pain, we won’t have time to talk about anything else.” I was definitely releasing some inner frustration and Tom did not like my tone. 

Tom asked, “Are you sure this is the way you want this conversation to go?”

I’d gotten up to take my dishes to the counter, and I turned back to yell at him, “I don’t want this conversation to go anywhere. I want my damn keys!”

I know, I know, I’d yelled a bit, and cussed just a little. But I did not break the glass on purpose. It was just that everything seemed to happen at once. When I sat my plate down, maybe a tiny bit hard, my glass fell into the sink and shattered.

Tom jumped up and grabbed both my hands from behind before I could reach into the sink for the broken pieces. Tucking me under his arm, he sailed into my rear with a hard hand. Goodness, nightgowns offer such little protection. Or so I thought, until he pulled it up and let go with another volley.


Cassie continues to live life to the fullest, from wheeling around in her new sports car to mastering the art of riding a motor scooter with no hands, she manages to keep Tom on his toes. The fly in the ointment is that Tom’s firm wants him back for a project and Cassie wants him all to herself.  When Tom takes the job, Cassie is left lonely and bored – never a good combination for her.

 Left to her own devices Cassie makes some poor decisions, frightening Sue and causing Tom to lower the boom. Tom's new schedule for Cassie, including her getting a job, leaves her little time to get herself in trouble – yet she still manages.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one)


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Saturday Spankings - Hot tub fun


Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m taking snippets from book two, Cassie’s Tale, for this week.


While on vacation Cassie and Sue had gotten themselves in trouble for doing a  little skinny dipping one night. They both got disciplined by their husbands, but Sue totally blames Cassie. The next day, in the hot tub, Annie mentions that the hot tub is the only place she would feel comfortable being without her suit. Sue encourages her to give it a try and Cassie and Sue slip their suits off too.


“Cassie, can you read the thermometer?” Sue asked.

With no clue of impending problems, I leaned forward to check the temperature. Quick as a flash Sue grabbed my suit and tossed it into a chair on the other side of the deck. 

I couldn’t believe what she had done. What a dirty trick! The deceit, the treachery, the conniving. Why hadn’t I thought of it first? Sue was grinning from ear to ear. Poor Annie, in a panic, grabbed her bathing suit for dear life and began putting it back on.

“You better get that back to me!” I hissed.

Sue had grabbed her suit and tried to get it on, but that wasn’t happening. I made a grab for it and we had quite a struggle in the water. Desperation must have given me strength. I was not going to have Tom find me naked again, and certainly not the only one. I felt like I was wrestling a ‘gator, but I got it away from her.

“Now you better get me my suit,” I whispered fiercely. I knew the boys would be back soon.

Sue looked furious and in her old way snapped at Annie, “Go get her damn suit!” Annie gave her a cool stare and said, “Not on your life, I’m enjoying this too much.” I was shocked and just a little proud. I did want my suit back, but I was happy to see Annie standing up for herself. Sue sometimes intimidates her.

“Are you going to get it?” I asked Sue.

“No,” she snapped, and I sent her suit flying. I figured if there was going to be one old naked broad running around the deck, there might just as well be two. I aimed for the chair beside where she’d thrown mine, but I missed and her suit sailed over the rail.

Damn! Time was running out and we had to make a move. “Annie, watch for the boys,” I begged as I pulled myself from the water.

“Shit,” was all I heard from Sue as she scrambled out after me.

Sue disappeared down the stairs as I grabbed my suit only to hear Annie’s panicked whisper, “They’re coming!”

I knew I didn’t have time to get my suit on or get back to the water. I had grabbed a small towel I’d had by the tub as I got out, and you can be sure I’ll never go in again without a beach towel nearby. The towel I’d grabbed wasn’t large enough to go around me, but in desperation I sat on my suit and threw the towel over me. It barely covered what it had to if I kept my arms to my sides and didn’t move.

I don’t know what my face looked like, but Steve was instantly suspicious and asked, “Where’s Sue?”

Tom came over to me. “What’s wrong?”

I think my mouth was opening and closing like a fish, but nothing was coming out.

Neither Annie nor I spoke and Steve asked again, “Where’s Sue?”

Right then Sue sauntered up the stairs, suit neatly in place and not appearing flustered in the least. “Keep your pants on, honey. I’m right here. I just dropped something.” She looked over at me and said, “Come on in, Cassie. We need to start getting ready.” I could have shot her.

Tom was watching me closely and saw the look I gave her. Leaning down, he asked quietly, “Do you have anything on under that towel?”

“No,” I answered miserably. “Make them go away.”

Tom turned and said casually, “We’re going to stay out here a bit. Go on in. We’ll be right along.”

Sue told me later that the look Tom gave her made her feel like doing exactly what he said, a look I knew well. Everyone else went in and Tom, without a word, stepped inside and returned with a large towel. He wrapped it around me and we headed to our room. Once in the room, Tom turned and stood looking at me with his arms folded across his chest, waiting for an explanation.

I fell back on my old standard, but it was the truth. “Tom, it was all Sue’s fault.”

Tom’s eyebrows arched. “All Sue? I can’t imagine how she managed to remove you bathing suit without you even noticing.”

“I don’t mean that…” I began and I told him the whole story in great detail.

Tom would have made a great poker player. I was nearly through with the story and I still couldn’t tell exactly how he was taking it. When I finished, he just kept staring at me until he finally sighed. “Cassie Jane, what am I going to do with you?” He stood there another minute and started laughing. Shaking his head, he said, “Wrestling naked in the hot tub over a bathing suit. Honey, please let me know if the next round is going to be in Jello or mud, because I don’t want to miss it.”


Cassie continues to live life to the fullest, from wheeling around in her new sports car to mastering the art of riding a motor scooter with no hands, she manages to keep Tom on his toes. The fly in the ointment is that Tom’s firm wants him back for a project and Cassie wants him all to herself.  When Tom takes the job, Cassie is left lonely and bored – never a good combination for her.

 Left to her own devices Cassie makes some poor decisions, frightening Sue and causing Tom to lower the boom. Tom's new schedule for Cassie, including her getting a job, leaves her little time to get herself in trouble – yet she still manages.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one)