Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Meet… sorry, it's just me today.

I know many of the writers here know each other well. I also know it’s intimidating when a new writer comes on the scene. You assume that you are the only one who doesn’t know everyone. I think new comers also feel that everyone who has published is an expert. I know I felt this way when I first got here. I’m finding out that my assumptions are not true. I’ve been published for almost a year now and despite the fact that everyone has been as friendly as can be, I still feel a little like an outsider and I’m as far from being an expert on publishing and promoting as you can get.

I’d like to do some interviews to help me get to know other and maybe it will help others too. I know we’re all trying to sell books and I what to features the books of those I hope to interview, but even more than the books I’d like to get to know the writer. I’m not asking for more information than you’re willing to share, I’m just trying to gather all the information that you are willing to share in one place rather than bits and pieces on FaceBook. I just feel that if I know the author, if I think of them as a friend, I'd have an added reason to buy their books.

I thought I’d interview me first, I’d like people to get to know me too. If anyone else is willing to be come and let us all get to know you better you’ll know the questions I’d like to ask.

PK Corey

Give us your basic bio, what ever you’re willing to let us know.

 I’ve been married for thirty-one years to Nick, the best guy in the world. I’m fifty-seven, and I have two amazing grown children. My son and his husband live in NYC and my daughter will be graduating from college this year. I’m a teacher who is looking forward to retiring next year and spending more time on my writing. I live in the southeast US.

When did you first realize that you were interested in the idea of spanking?

I’ve known since I was a little kid, as young as four or five. I began making up stories in my head when I wasn’t much older than that, and then as I reached adolescents they turned into more sexual fantasies. I had another whole world I lived in, another family… it was all very detailed and elaborate. I spent a lot of time in that ‘other’ world.

Were you spanked as a child? Whether yes or no, do you think this affected your interest?

I was, but rarely. I did not like it at all. I would avoid it at all cost. Mom had more of the temper and if you did something to make her mad you could expect a swat or two on the rear. Even less frequently dad would put us across his knee for a ‘spanking’, which probably consisted of only a few swats over clothes, with his hand. It was still more serious if Dad did it, because I knew I’d disappointed him.

I don’t feel it had any effect on my being a spanko. While I hated it in real life, I still made up spanking stories.

Did you, do you, or might you use spanking with your own children?

Yep, I did and I’m not embarrassed to say so. I used it very sparingly, but if they were around three, grinned at me and ran toward the road, or did something else they knew they weren’t supposed to do, they would get their behinds popped. Back talk got a swat on the butt, but I didn’t use it much at all after the age of five or six.

I would never ‘recommend’ spanking children, because while they’re so many of us who could use it as a rare discipline tool with out children, there are too many crazies out there would simply use it wrong with horrible results.

Are you in a relationship that includes spanking? How would you describe it?

My husband was blissfully ignorant of the spanking lifestyle until after twenty-three years of marriage I came out as a spanko and asked him to spank me. Before that, spanking me would no more have occurred to him that it would have to beat me with a baseball bat.  But he has since become an enthusiastic, if somewhat forgetful, spanker. While I’ve always fantasied about a little true discipline and power exchange, that won’t be happening with Nick and these days I very content with stress relief and erotic spankings.

When did you first begin writing spanking stories?

I have two answers here. I began ‘writing’ the stories when I was a kid. I called it day dreaming back then. But I would replay this in my head for years adding to them all the time. When I found blogs eight years ago I actually types out one of these long held stories and people like it. From then on, I was hooked on writing.

When did you first begin publishing? What caused you to jump in at that moment in time?

My first book, Cassie’s Space, came out in December of 2013. Publishing didn’t seem like a possibility to me. I was just happy others would come by my blog and comment. But I did finally put a book together, it was a friend who then gave me a push – and I still have the bruises of her fingerprints on my back – to send it to a publisher. When I hit ‘send’ for that first book I sat and cried for an hour. What had I done?

With so many wonderful writers here I can get confused as to who writes what. Would you list all the books you’ve published so far. I’m assuming most can be purchased through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but let us know where else your books are available.

I write the Cassie series. These books are about a mature woman who is more active than many half her age. Her wonderful husband, Tom tries his best to keep her out of trouble by keeping her across his knee much of the time. But Cassie manages to spent enough with her friends, Sue, Annie and Allie you can always could on more trouble to come.

 My books can be found at Blushing Books, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


*Blushing Books has just accepted the fifth Cassie book! More about this soon.

It was just me to day but on December 2, I get to interview Meredith O'Reilly! I'll be asking more of you to come if you will and, please, if anyone is willing send me an email at pk.corey@yahoo.com


  1. Hi PK, this is a great idea. Loved reading your self interview, great questions and I enjoyed reading your answers :)


    1. Thanks Roz, I guess you already know most everything about me by now.

  2. So nice to get to know you better, PK.

    1. Thanks Cara, I hope you allow me to interview you at some point.

  3. Great idea PK. Look forward to reading the interviews. Loved your questions and answers.


    1. Thanks Ronnie, I hope lots of people will be willing.

  4. loved your interview, PK :) I find it interesting that with spanking (as with so many other things in my life), how often the question gets asked about how things that happened in my childhood relate to it.

    1. Joelle,
      I guess our childhoods, good, bad, or indifferent had a lot to do with the adults we became.

  5. This is such a lovely idea! This is a feature I'm going to look forward to read each installment of!

    1. I hope lots of people are willing to participate. I really do want to get to know all of these great writers better.

  6. loved the interview, PK :)
    We have a lot in common.

    1. I'm glad we do Katherine. I hope you'll let me interview you.

  7. What a great idea! I loved this!! So much fun to get to know you better.

    1. Megan, I'm sure some out here must know one another well, but I'd really like a place to come back and look to make sure each writer is the one I'm thinking of.

  8. Great idea PK and Congrats on the 5th.

    1. Thanks Leigh - you know I'm going to strong arm you into an interview. I'll be more polite with those I don't know as well. LOL!

  9. We must be friends since I knew most of the information about you. Love you and love your books. And I adore Cassie and Tom. Proud of you for going after what you want.

    1. I feel we are Blondie! You know I love Cassie and Tom, they are nearly my oldest friends.

  10. Nice interview, PK. The Cassie series sounds intriguing. Interview me any time.

    1. I definitely will be contacting you about an interview. I hope you'll try at least one Cassie book. I've really enjoyed writing them.

  11. What a wonderful guest for your first interview. Look forward to more

  12. I also knew at 4-5 that I loved daydreaming about spanking even though my folks were of dr Spock age where kids were not spanked. I designed spanking machines in my head and thought about a strong dominant man spanking me and forgiving me. Wasn't spanked but wasn't forgiven my sins either. During adolescence my daydreams got dark and went places that I'd never want to go in real life. :-). Jackie

    1. Jackie, I'd forgotten about dreaming about a spanking machine, but I did the same thing! Many of my stories got pretty dark too and even with the Cassie books, I could never take what Cassie does.

  13. What a great idea PK!
    Great to get to know you better, Like Blondie, I knew a lot of it, but was still in for a surprise or two.

    1. Tara, I hope we'll all be doing a lot of sharing.

  14. Love this PK...look at the list of some of my other favorite authors who have come to visit...I'm looking forward to seeing more about them on your blog...possibly "Meet-Me Mondays?" :D

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I might just do that very thing. I'll be asking lots of authors but if you have some favorites let me know and I'll ask them.

  15. I love this idea as well. I dreamed of spanking at 5-6 too!
    Looking forward to reading the interviews!

    1. Thanks Minelle I'm looking forward to hearing from lots of folks.
