Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday Spankings - April 25

Yeah! You’re back for Saturday Spankings – best blog hop around when you need to fill up your Kindle or Nook. If I continue buying as I have been, I may have to put off retirement for another year.
Today’s snippet is from Cassie’s Influence, which will be out early next month. In last weeks snippet Tom is just beginning to realize Cassie and Sue flew off somewhere without consulting their husbands. As Tom put her over his knee, he makes sure his feelings about the incident are clear.

"Cassie, I believe we have had many discussions about the letter of the law and the spirit and you know my feelings." He was pulling me across his lap and began using his hand to express his feelings fully at that moment. "Giving me correct facts while intentionally misleading me is not telling the truth, it's lying by omission."
I've always thought that this was a warped way to think about lying.
Tom went on, "Talking to me at lunch and not saying a word about being out of the state, telling me you were stuck in traffic..."
"I never said we were stuck in traffic!" I gasped as he continued to pepper my behind. "I said traffic was heavy. And it was!"
"But," Tom maintained, "you failed to mention that you were speaking of air traffic."
     "Owww... Stop!" I shouted. "I can't remember to give you every little detail over the phone."

Cassie's Influence coming soon.

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Wonderful new series by S. J. Maylee

Are you looking for some great reading? You'll do no better than jumping into S. J. Maylee's new series! I'm happy to have her here today. 

Desire Unexpected

Assassins and Sweethearts Series Book 1

by S.J. Maylee

Contemporary Erotic Romance

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-77233-313-8

Released: April 9, 2015

Desire Unexpected – Ten Things about the Assassins and Sweethearts Series

  1. Desire Unexpected is the first of four stories.
  2. In each book in the series, I will attempt to find a sweetheart for an assassin. This first book tells Ethan’s story.
  3. The three other assassins are Aidan, Max, and Gavin. You get to meet each of them in Desire Unexpected.
  4. Aidan and Gavin are brothers and they’ve known Ethan all their life. Eventually you’ll see how Max fits in. He keeps telling me I can’t share his secrets. I’ll get him to open up. I’ll keep trying anyways.
  5. Each assassin has a skill that helps them to excel in this chosen profession. They are each smart enough to know when they should lean on one another. They’re a team in more ways than one.
  6. Ethan has a head for business. He takes full advantage of his success and often hides in plain sight.
  7. Aidan is a ghost. You’ll never see him coming.
  8. Max is brute strength, but don’t let that fool you. He’s also the sweetest one of the bunch.
  9. Gavin is the foundation and looks out for everyone, keeping his eye on the big picture.
  10. The sweethearts play a huge role in the series. Not only do they need to find a way into the hard hearts of these assassins, but they’ll unravel the threat that will be growing throughout the series.

Life is passing Nadia Duskin by from her position in the mailroom. It only fulfills two necessities, keeping the repo man away and keeping her up to date on her sexy CEO.

Ethan Wright is prepared to frighten and fire the nosey girl who sorts his company’s mail. After engaging with her at one of his favorite places in the world, he digs deeper.

Together, they find the kind of pleasure that could keep them satisfied for a lifetime. Her love may be the key to putting both of their lives back on track, but to what end? When a man he’s been contracted to kill threatens Nadia’s life, he forces her to face reality. Either they’ll delve deeper into the desires neither expected or they may die trying.

Be Warned: spanking, light BDSM, public exhibition

Where you can find DESIRE UNEXPECTED:


“It reminded me of you.” He shook his head. “It’s just from the museum gift shop. I wanted to give you something for putting up with me. I hope you like it.”
“Thank you.” She took the little box and sat on her battered sofa. “Please, take a seat.”
He sat next to her, but kept to the edge, confirming there was nothing relaxed about this visit.
After slipping the green ribbon from the box, she pulled off the lid and pushed back the tissue paper, revealing the item she’d so long desired. Her heart raced and she scooted closer to him. He had no idea what he’d done. Her secret crush giving her the piece of jewelry she’d long desired was incredibly perfect. Neither were really her style and she wanted them all the same. She looked at him with heavy tears stinging her eyes. Brushing the box from her lap, she slipped the bracelet onto her wrist.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’ve enjoyed our time together.” He brushed away the tear that had rolled down her cheek and cupped her chin.
“Don’t say that like it’s over.” She took a hold of his wrist and pulled it into her lap. “It’s not, right?” Panic raced over her. If he wanted to leave, she wouldn’t stop him, but her whole body hurt with wanting him to stay.
“I’m no good for you, Nadia.” He took hold of her hands. “You deserve a nice man with an uncomplicated life. I can’t give you what you need.”
“That’s not true.” She put her fingers to his lips. “Don’t.”
He took a hold of her shirt, not pulling her closer, just squeezing the fabric in his fist.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you.” She brought her touch back to his hands, trying to ease the pressure. “I just know the only time I feel alive is when I’m with you. You’re on my mind constantly.” She lowered her gaze, losing her courage by the second. “There’s something between us and I want to explore it. I want to know what drives you insane with need. Don’t you want me too?”
“Shit, Nadia, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the first day at the windows.” He let her go and pulled out of her reach to slip around to the other side of the couch with his back to her. “I want things from you that I’m certain would frighten you.”
“I doubt that.” Knowing she had to make her move now or risk losing him forever, she pulled her shirt over her head and tugged off her sweatpants, tossing them both on the chair. “Do you remember the questions I asked about you before we met?”
“You’re playing with fire.”
“No, I’m not into fire play, but I have a feeling you know what I need.”
“What …” He turned, his gaze swept over her body and he brushed his hand over his mouth. “You take my breath away.” He stepped toward her, adjusting the bulge in his pants. “You think you want to play?”
“I do.” She sucked on her lip, wishing she’d worn her one set of matching bra and panties.
“Fuck, I want this” He brushed her skin ever so slightly up her arms, across her chest, and down between her breasts. “I’ve had dreams about this moment.” He raised her chin, forcing her to look at him. He dragged his fingers through her hair and tugged the length of it back. “I want you at my mercy. Do you have any idea what it’s like to give someone like me control?”
“Yes, sir.” She arched her back, revealing her neck. He kept pulling and tingles of pain danced along her scalp. “Please.”
“Are you already asking for mercy?” He tugged her hair again “I don’t think you know what you’re starting.”
“I don’t want you to stop. I want more, sir.” Her breasts pushed against his chest and her grip on his arms tightened. “I want to know.”


S.J. Maylee is giving a $10 Amazon gift card and two swag packets, including cover postcards, bookmark, magnet, pen, zipper pull and book cover charm


S.J. Maylee fell in love with storytelling at a young age and with it came a deep-seated desire for everyone to find their happily ever after. She’s finding the happy endings for her characters one steamy story at a time.

When she’s not reading or writing, you can find her caring for her garden, laughing with her two young sons, or dancing to her husband’s music. She’s a PMP (Project Management Professional), Nia instructor, and coffee addict.

As a writer she has a tendency to break hearts, but she always glues them back together.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saturday Spankings - April 18

I want to thank all the wonderful people that participate in and read Saturday Spankings. This is a wonderful place for all of us to share snippets from our books.
Today’s snippet is from Cassie’s Influence – out in early May! Cassie and Sue have spent the day shopping, just as Cassie told Tom they would be doing. She just didn’t happen to mention where this shopping would be taking place. Arriving home late Cassie heads to bed looking forward to cuddling with Tom. All would have been fine had Tom not offered her foot massage. Realizing her feel are swollen he begins some intense questioning as Cassie vaguely mentions walking too much as she pretends sleep is over coming her.

“Walking doesn’t cause your feet to swell,” Tom said sharply. “They only swell when you fly – girl, where did you go today?” His voice was no longer gentle. “Cassie, answer me.”
There was no way I was saying another word, I stopped muttering and just concentrated on breathing slowly and deeply. I needed time to think. I knew the whole story was probably going to come out but putting that moment off was all that was on my mind.
Still standing beside me Tom laid his hand on my naked bottom. “I know you’re not asleep. We’ll wait until in the morning if that’s the way you want it, but understand this, pretending to be asleep is just one more deception.”

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Cassie Box Set

I love that the first four Cassie books have come out in a box set. I know many think that having a character above the usual twenty to thirty age is strange. I guess it might be, but if you are a fan of love stories that include loving domestic discipline I'm sure you'll love reading about Cassie and Tom. After all, don't we feel that this lifestyle is for a lifetime - it has been for them. I hope you'll read all about it.

The newest Cassie Book, Cassie's Influence, will be out in early May. You can read a snippet from that book here.

Barnes and Noble

by PK Corey

The first four books in the "Cassie" series.

Book One: Cassie's Space
Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you'll see that Cassie has another side - the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table.

Thanks to her loving husband Tom, who even after thirty years of marriage never hesitates to put Cassie over his knee when she strays too far from his view of ladylike behavior, few people other than close old friends know this side of Cassie exists.

Cassie and Tom show that love and passion are not the sole property of the young. Love and passion grows and changes with age. While aging may bring on challenges, the love and passion between these two people only grows stronger.

Book Two: Cassie's Tale
Cassie continues to live life to the fullest. From wheeling around in her new sports car to mastering the art of riding a motor scooter with no hands, she manages to keep Tom on his toes. The fly in the ointment is that Tom's firm wants him back for a project and Cassie wants him all to herself. Tom takes the job, leaving Cassie lonely and bored - never a good combination.

Left to her own devices, Cassie makes some poor decisions, frightening Sue and causing Tom to lower the boom. Tom's new schedule for Cassie, including her getting a job, leaves her little time to get herself in trouble - yet she still manages.

Book Three: Cassie on the Move
Cassie's on the move and loving life. Through paint ball game in the woods and water park adventure she's gets to know her new neighbors as the new house is renovated.

Cassie is traveling too, from trips with just the girls, to conventions, vacations, and cruises with Tom and friends, she's always ready for the next adventure. But when Cassie begins having dizzy spells Tom thinks a slower pace is in order. Getting Cassie to slow down and take care of herself proves to be quite a challenge. A challenge Tom is more than determined to take on.

Book Four: Cassie's River Living
Cassie and Tom are happily settling into River living. Cassie is sure this peaceful new home is enough to keep her out of trouble, but with Sue living there too, staying out of trouble proves just too difficult.

Cassie is further concerned about what relationship advice Tom may be giving Ryan. Overheard conversations and statements from Ryan has her worried that Tom may have shared ideas of adult spanking in his advice to Ryan. But when it seems Allie knows too, Cassie realizes she is going to have to try to explain things more fully. Can Cassie explain their way of life to an eighteen-year-old Allie?