Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday Spankings - May 30

Welcome to Saturday Spankings, my favorite blog hop. Saturday Spankings really does help me find so many wonderful books to read and, gratefully, summer – and more time to read is just around the corner!
I’m continuing near where I left off last week, with snippets from my newest book, Cassie’s Influence. Cassie’s young friend Allie, is the one in trouble now, but she and Ryan are new to the whole idea of spanking. Ryan doesn’t want to be a bully, so he lays out a choice for Allie.

Ryan turned his attention to Allie, "I think you deserve to have your butt worn out, but if the idea of that turns you into a runaway and a car thief, maybe it's not what we should be doing." Allie looked startled. "You need to decide," he continued. "It's okay if you decide against it, it's not going to break us up or anything but, well, you have to decide, and whatever you decide, you can't run away again."
Allie sat there for what seemed like a long time looking at her hands, then she very quietly answered Ryan. "I think you should spank me," she said slowly. "I'm really, really sorry for everything, I won't ever run away like that again."
"We can handle it some other way," he told her. "Are you sure?"
Allie turned to look at Sue and me. "I'm sure," she answered. "I want what they have."

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.

     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.


  1. Brave girl. I love the way Ryan is showing his support, but Allie wants to experience the special closeness Cassie and Tom share. It won't always be easy, but it will be worth it.

    1. Allie is starting to realize that. Ryan is great. He still want's what's best for her.

  2. I love how he's letting her decide if this is what she wants. And how he assures her it won't break them up if she decides against it.

    1. He knows he's still learning too and he's willing to listen.

  3. Ryan sounds like a gem. I wonder how this will turn out :)

    1. LOL, sometimes I wonder too. He's never going to be as strict and old fashion as Tom, but he really loves Allie.

  4. I love Ryan - he is so tender yet firm. Cassie's Influence on both he and Allie really shines through in this scene.

    1. Cassie and Tom may not have kids, but they are helping theses two become adults.

  5. There sure are a lot of naughty girls asking for it this morning. Nice snippet, PK.

    1. Thanks Maddie, it does seem to be that kind of day.

  6. Hi PK. Ryan seems like a likeable HOH. Nice job with that. Sometimes my Dom's come across too mean and controlling so I know it isn't an easy thing to do! Congratulations on your new release.

    1. Ryan would probably be startled to hear himself referred to as an HOH, but he is, though a young one. I know some of my readers really don't like Tom and think he is too harsh. I totally understand, but he's my dream man. (not for real life, just for day dreams!)

  7. Nice conversation, no pressure and her decision.

    1. Ryan hasn't done this long enough to be completely sure of himself, but he's getting there.

  8. I love how he's not putting any pressure on her. Gives her the freedom to make the right choice for the right reasons.

    1. Ryan is a really good guy and he loves Allie. They are both figuring this out together.

  9. Loved this snippet PK. Love how Ryan gave her the choice. Brave of Allie.


    1. He was good giving her that choice, and I think she made the right one.
