Cassie on the Move was released early and it's available now at
Barnes and Noble
*Please come by Donna Steele's blog today, she has been kind enough to host me there.

To celebrate the release of Cassie on the Move, I’m giving away a copy – actually I’ve decided to give away three copies, to some luck commenters this week. Your name goes in the hat each day you come by and comment this week from last Thursday May 29th. To help get everyone get into the mood for more Cassie and Tom, I’m putting up a story from their past this week. I hope you’ll come each day for the next part of the story.
I couldn’t believe what Tom had just said. “What do you mean?” I
asked in shock. “You just wore me out. Tom, I can hardly sit. You can’t spank
me again.”*Please come by Donna Steele's blog today, she has been kind enough to host me there.
I'll draw three names at six this evening and I'll post them here and contact you by email. I hope you have enjoyed this story and that you'll read the new book.

To celebrate the release of Cassie on the Move, I’m giving away a copy – actually I’ve decided to give away three copies, to some luck commenters this week. Your name goes in the hat each day you come by and comment this week from last Thursday May 29th. To help get everyone get into the mood for more Cassie and Tom, I’m putting up a story from their past this week. I hope you’ll come each day for the next part of the story.
“Cassie you ran away. If you ever do that again you can expect
that exact reunion. You can call it a warm up for all I care, but when we get
home we’ll address the issues at hand.”
My bottom was throbbing. Every turn of the car was a painful
reminder of our ‘reunion’ and the thought of more on top of what I was feeling
was something I couldn’t think about, “Honey, please,” I started. “I’ve told
you I was sorry can’t you…”
“Cassie, I said we would discuss it at home, not in the car. You
need to hush.”
I hate it when Tom won’t let me talk and it’s ever worse when he
won’t talk to me. I liked the idea of talking it out while both of his hands
were firmly on the wheel. So I tried again, “Tom please don’t be like that. I
was coming home this morning. You’ve spanked me. Let’s forget it.”
Tom slowed the car and pulled to the side of the road and turned
to look at me. “Do I need to make sure I have your full attention before I
repeat myself one more time?”
Suddenly realizing he was perfectly capable of blistering my
bottom again right there on the side of the road and knowing I would still get
another at home. I hastily apologized and promised to be quiet until we
“That’s a very good idea.” Tom told me in a serious voice and he
pulled back onto the road. My heart was pounding but I stayed quiet as a mouse
until we arrived home. Tom came around to open my door and just getting out of
the car and standing was an ordeal.
As soon as we got in I had to keep trying. “Tom I’m so sorry. I
really am. Honey, I didn’t get any sleep. I need a shower. Can’t we discuss
this later, maybe over a glass of wine… maybe in bed… let me show you how sorry
I am…” Unfortunately, Tom was not accepting my offer.
“Take your shower, and then we’ll talk.” Tom told me as he led
me to the bedroom. I sighed and headed toward our bath. “Leave the door
opened,” He told me. “I want to keep my eye on that window.”
Under the circumstances I wasn’t comfortable undressing in front
of my own husband, but I did as I was told. I so wished he would join me in the
shower. But I knew that wouldn’t happen. I showered as long as I dared. I knew
he was waiting on me. Tom was sitting in a chair in the bedroom watching me as
I dried off. It gave me such a strange feeling. I finally took a deep breath,
donned my robe, and joined him.
Actually, I sat on the bed clutching a pillow as though it were
armor. I didn’t say anything. I knew there wasn’t one thing to say that was
going to change his mind. He kept staring for the longest time.
Standing up he finally spoke. “You messed up girl. You didn’t
stay home when I told you to, you were going to lie to me about it, you ran
away from me, and then you hung up on me when I was worried to death about
where you were. You’re not going to do that again.”
Sadly, for my behind, that wasn’t exactly true, but I surely
would have been willing to swear at that moment that I would never do any of
those things again.
Tom picked up the ivory brush from the dresser and coming to the
bed took both the pillow and the robe. I was protesting, but he was listening
to nothing I said. He then sailed into my extremely sore bottom full force, and
suddenly he was full of questions.
“What possessed you to leave the house when I told you not to?” How
can he expect me to answer question while he is scorching my bottom?
I knew he wanted an answer, so I managed to gasp, “Sue called
and begged me to go to the casino with her. She had some free tickets to the
buffet and didn’t want them to go to waste. Owww,” I added as he continued to
“So you thought going with Sue when I told you to stay home was
a good idea? What do you think now?”
“Owww… No, it was a horrible idea. Please stop,” I wailed.
Tom paused a moment the asked, “When you went out the window
what happened, where did you go?”
“Westly.” I answered truthfully. Four more licks had me squirming
like mad to get off his lap with no success.
“I mean right then!” he said angrily. “I looked all over for
I didn’t want to say, but I didn’t dare hesitate. “I stuck
around and hid in Sue’s car. I was in it when she left.”
Tom paused, “Do you mean to tell me Sue knew exactly where you
were all night? I’m going to ring her neck.” I felt like suggesting he run
right over to their house and take care of that immediately, anything to get
him to stop spanking.
“You didn’t use a card last night. Where did you get the money for
the hotel?” I was impressed at the incredible speed at which my mind sorted
through and discarded various scenarios even with my backside ablaze. I could
tell him I borrowed some money from Sue – then I could keep the money I won
gambling. But I wasn’t sure how soon I could get to Sue to tell her. If Tom got
there first and found I had lied again… well, that was something I simply
couldn’t risk at the moment.
“I won a little at the casino,” I managed to gasp out.
“How much?” he asked
Heaven help me I hesitated a moment too long and three blistering
licks land at exactly the same spot on my upper thigh.
“Not there,” I screeched before I managed to gasp out, “seven
hundred dollars.”
“Alright Cassie,” Tom said as he began to lightly rub the smooth
side of the brush around my bottom, “Do you feel I’ve gotten through to…”
“Yes, yes, Tom. I’ll never do it again,” I promised.
That only earned me another hard pop, “You listen to what I’m
saying before you answer me.”
I shut up and listened to every word he had to say. I had no
idea what the words actually were, but he wasn’t spanking and I surely didn’t
what it to start again. He finally ended with “… do you understand?” And I
sincerely and readily agreed, to whatever it was he’d said.
He rubbed a bit, but I could hardly stand it. He sat me on my
feet and said, “Go get me the money before I take care of your bottom.”
I wasn’t about to argue. Tom has never allowed me to have large
amounts of cash. Please understand, he denies me nothing, but it goes on a
credit card and he sees everything. I liked having a little ‘mad money’, but I
quickly got what cash was left and turned it over.
I lay on the bed then as Tom gently rubbed lotion on my bottom.
I was so raw it felt like he was pouring on liquid fire. But I gritted my teeth
and said nothing. Tom hadn’t slept the night before either so he joined me in bed
and held me. I was drowsy, but despite the pain, I felt so content in Tom’s
I was near sleep when it hit me. Something had happened that day,
that in my dread of the consequences, I had completely missed. I had bolted, I
had run away from Tom… and he had come after me. That had never happened to me
before. When I had been in relationships with other men and bolted, or they had, there was
nothing more than a ‘good riddance’. Tom had cared that I left, he wanted me
back, and he came for me and claimed me as his. As I thought about it I was
blown away.
Gingerly I turned over so I could look at Tom as he slept. This beautiful man was mine. He loved me. He wanted me with him. He would protect me. He would guide me and always, always keep me safe. Turning back over I gasped as Tom pulled me close even in his sleep and my thoroughly spank bottom was pressed against him. That wasn’t the last time I ran. It was years before I really, fully believed that Tom loved me and wasn’t going to leave. It’s almost hard to believe now, but I had had no experience with real love before. It’s been an amazing journey. One I wouldn’t have missed for the world.
Gingerly I turned over so I could look at Tom as he slept. This beautiful man was mine. He loved me. He wanted me with him. He would protect me. He would guide me and always, always keep me safe. Turning back over I gasped as Tom pulled me close even in his sleep and my thoroughly spank bottom was pressed against him. That wasn’t the last time I ran. It was years before I really, fully believed that Tom loved me and wasn’t going to leave. It’s almost hard to believe now, but I had had no experience with real love before. It’s been an amazing journey. One I wouldn’t have missed for the world.
I think Tom was a little extreme. It's sad that to think this was one of the first times in Cassie's life that she felt like someone even cared enough to look for her and take care of her even if it meant a spanking.. I love this couple they obviously love each other very much!
Cassie's life before Tom was horrible. He was heavy handed in the beginning and still doesn't let much pass, but he was the best thing that ever happened to Cassie.
DeleteI admit sometime envy those whose husbands have adopted the ttwd lifestyle, and are more consistent than my husband. I do not envy Cassie at the point of this story, at all. -Belle L.
ReplyDeleteI don't envy her this spanking - but I envy the undying love they show for each other.
DeleteOh gosh what a spanking! Never learns though :(
ReplyDeletelove Jan,xx
Nope, you can't say Cassie is a quick study! But she's a surviver.
DeleteOh wow, Tom is serious! Poor Cassie ... one very sore bottom! I love how Tom took care of her afterwards and how loved and taken care of she felt. I love her epiphany too. Bitter sweet.
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed this story PK and just love Tom and Cassie. Thank you :)
Roz, Cassie never knew real love until Tom. Well, that not true. Sue and Annie love her, but you know what I mean.
DeleteTom certainly gave you a thorough spanking. I hope you don't run away again.
I've just bought Cassie on the Movex
Ronnie, It took her a long time to stop running. Maybe she just have to see if he still cared enough to come for her.
DeleteUgh, sounds like Tom was a little harsh for my taste and Cassie's too! But if she ended up feeling loved, then I guess it was worth it...maybe ;-)
ReplyDeleteRough spanking - but total love! I think it's worth it to Cassie. I'm with you in the maybe department.
DeleteOnce again, I think Tom is a little to strict for me, but Cassie loves him and he loves her, soooooo
ReplyDeleteNeither of us could possible stand being married to Tom - good think Cassie got him first.
DeleteI think Tom knows Cassie well! Yes he was hard on her, but running away was bad. I know we always think about Cassie, but poor Tom. He probably hurt something awful. He knows Cassie needs his attention to understand he will ALWAYs be there for her.... No matter what!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to re-visit these years!!!
It's true, we don't think of Tom's feelings much. He love her and worries about her so much and the spanking, well that's just his way.
DeleteI do believe Tom was a bit on the rough side but then again, Cassie did run away and put him through a night of hell and worry. The other thing I keep forgetting is that Tom and Cassie are much younger in these stories and have yet to learn as much control.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
Hugs and Blessings...
It's very true about them being younger. In fact Tom in a tiny bit younger than Cassie (something that has always bothered her.)