Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday Spankings - January 31

Welcome back to Saturday Spanking. I’m back to find more books for my Kindle. I’m also hoping some of you will give Cassie a try. I’m sticking close to where I was last week. Tom had his fill of Cassie’s bad attitude at the doctor’s.  Once he got her home, he was more than ready to relieve the itch in his spanking hand.
“Oh, no,” Tom said, holding me firmly. “I think we need to have a talk. You’ve been keeping health problems from me, you pitched a little temper tantrum last night, you wouldn’t talk to me, you were extremely rude to the nurse, and your language was not that of a lady.” He’d begun spanking as he talked and the swats were coming hard and fast.
I wanted to answer the charges – I wasn’t really hiding anything, I just didn’t think it was really important. I didn’t have a tantrum, I was just mad at him. He told me not to talk, he had said ‘not another word’ I assumed that included speaking with the nurse too. And he had told me to be truthful with the doctor – and in my mind telling him that not a damn thing was wrong was telling him the truth as I knew it! But while all these things were true, I didn’t imagine expounding upon them was the way to shorten or end the spanking.

Cassie’s Conflict is available now at
Blushing BooksAmazon and Barnes and Noble

Blurb : Cassie is one busy lady. The new country club/spa has opened and the whole gang is enjoying all the amenities. That is until a new club member, Clara, begins to ride roughshod over everyone.  The situation worsens until it becomes physical, but even that doesn’t stop it.

Cassie seems to find little conflicts everywhere she turns, but it’s not always her fault. Tom is over protective about her health, sending Cassie into a tantrum. In addition, a few things happen on the girl’s trip that lands Cassie, as well as the other ladies, in even more hot water.  Through it all Tom is there to love and protect Cassie in his own unique way.

I hope you'll give all the Cassie books a read.



  1. Oh dear, that is a lot of charges lol. Didn't think Cassie would get away with her antics at the doctor.


  2. LOL, she was telling the truth. I adore her!

    1. Thanks Katherine! She is nearly always honest with Tom, at least in her mind.

  3. lol. She never drops her spunk, does she?

    1. Very rarely. The woman can stand up for herself.

  4. Her version of the truth didn't suit Tom, what a surprise.

    1. LOL, you're going to make me think you don't like sweet, lovable Tom.

  5. Uh's never good when the husband starts listing offenses like that!

    1. You're right it is a really bad sign. And Tom always seems to keep long lists.

  6. Well... I think that Cassie is trying her best... In the Cassie way that we know and love! OUCH! LOL! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. She has certainly had enough practice trying to get herself out of trouble.

  7. I love Tom. He's so stern yet caring. Cassie is one lucky lady :)

    1. I'm glad to hear you say that. Many aren't wild about Tom, but I really do love him for the reasons you said.

  8. Replies
    1. Cassie will be repentant when she thinks she wrong, but she rarely feel that way.

  9. Great snippet - and I love that cover!
