Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday Spankings - May 30

Welcome to Saturday Spankings, my favorite blog hop. Saturday Spankings really does help me find so many wonderful books to read and, gratefully, summer – and more time to read is just around the corner!
I’m continuing near where I left off last week, with snippets from my newest book, Cassie’s Influence. Cassie’s young friend Allie, is the one in trouble now, but she and Ryan are new to the whole idea of spanking. Ryan doesn’t want to be a bully, so he lays out a choice for Allie.

Ryan turned his attention to Allie, "I think you deserve to have your butt worn out, but if the idea of that turns you into a runaway and a car thief, maybe it's not what we should be doing." Allie looked startled. "You need to decide," he continued. "It's okay if you decide against it, it's not going to break us up or anything but, well, you have to decide, and whatever you decide, you can't run away again."
Allie sat there for what seemed like a long time looking at her hands, then she very quietly answered Ryan. "I think you should spank me," she said slowly. "I'm really, really sorry for everything, I won't ever run away like that again."
"We can handle it some other way," he told her. "Are you sure?"
Allie turned to look at Sue and me. "I'm sure," she answered. "I want what they have."

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.

     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday Spanking - May 23

     Welcome to Saturday Spankings on this beautiful holiday weekend. I’m here to fine more books to read on my Monday off. My snippet today is from Cassie’s Influence and it takes place shortly after last week’s snippet.
Allie had told Cassie that Ryan was being terrible unfair to her and Cassie was determine to talk Ryan out of spanking the girl – even though Allie had taken his car. However hearing Ryan version of the story Cassie realized that Allie had not come clean with her. Wonder from whom Allie had learned to be so creative with her version of the ‘truth’.

Every eye turned to Allie. I could feel that the child wanted to sink through the floor. But as what Ryan said sunk in – and I knew without a doubt every word he spoke was the truth – my anger began rising rapidly.
"Allie Marie, you lied to me, how could you? Now you tell me exactly what happened."
"I didn't lie, Cassie, honest I didn't, I just didn't want you to be mad at me so I just didn't tell everything exactly..." her voice trailed off.
"Didn't lie?" I stormed. "Not telling me the complete truth is the same as"
I stopped as I felt a sharp nudge in my back, shifting to look, I saw Sue who was sitting behind me, poking me. Grinning at me, she said, "You don't want to finish that sentence."

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.

     Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.
The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday Spanking - May 16

It’s time for Saturday Spanking, my favorite blog hop and I’m here to share from my new book, Cassie's Influence, and add to my kindle with other people’s books. I don’t have deep problems with the 8ish sentence rule, but I need to work on my complex, compound sentences. Until I do I may go slightly over with some very little sentences.
It’s Cassie’s young friend Allie that’s gotten herself in trouble this time. She tells Cassie she spent the night with a friend without mentioning it to Ryan and that when he found her the next morning he practically told everyone he was going to spank her. Allie decides to take off on a little trip by herself, but agrees to meet Cassie and Sue as she goes through their town. However, Allie’s been listening to Cassie explain her own actions to Tom for several years and Allie may be slanting the story in her favor. Cassie is very upset with Ryan since she had warned him about being too controlling and not giving Allie the freedom to enjoy college life. She asked, indignantly, if Ryan had spanked her that morning.

"No. He was going to, but I left."
"Ryan just let you waltz right out without stopping you?" Sue wanted to know. "That's hard to believe."
"He went to take a shower to calm down at least that's what he said, he told me to wait, but I left." Allie's eyes were big as she turned to me. "He's gonna kill me."
"Not if I have anything to say about it,” I told her firmly, “you’re coming home with me. Call Ryan and tell him to meet you there and I'll tell him what's what."
"He won't come," Allie told me firmly.
"Allie honey, that's not true, he may be mad but he loves you. He's worried about you and I know he'll come if you call him."
     "He can't come," Allie wailed, bursting into tears again. "When I left, I took his car."

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.

Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday Spanking - May 9

Welcome back to Saturday Spankings! This wonderful blog hop will give you many options for filling up your Kindle. Cassie’s Influence came out last week and I cheated just a bit with a longer snippet that you can find here. My snippet today takes place shortly after that one ended.
Sue lied when she told Cassie and Annie the boys were fine with them going to the comedy club. In truth the husbands were frantically worried about the girls and neither Cassie nor Annie had a clue why Sue had pulled such a stunt. As they arrive back at the hotel, Sue tells them she will only speak to Tom and Steve. Cassie isn’t about to miss out on why Sue did what she did and she let’s Sue know.

Not only had I been drinking quite freely since about lunchtime, I was furious. I headed toward Sue, I'm not sure exactly what I'd have done, but quite probably it would not have been pretty.
"You damn well better start talking!" I yelled, Tom had actually stepped between us as I moved toward Sue. "I'll knock your damn head off!"
I caught Tom off guard and nearly got around him. I was so mad! "Cassie Jane!" he barked. "That's enough!" It was a standoff for a minute. I really did want to have a go at Sue, but I retained enough common sense to know I did not want to tangle with Tom for the privilege.

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.

Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Visiting over at Megan Michaels

It's been so much fun visiting around! Today I'm over at Megan Michael's place with a new excerpt from Cassie's influence. If you're a lover of spanking stories, I really think you'll enjoy Cassie and her friends. I hope you'll head over to Megan's.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Visiting at Natasha's

I'm enjoying having Cassie's Influence out for any and all to read. I'm also grateful to have friends to help me promote 

I'm going to be visiting with Natasha Knight today and I was over at J.S. Maylee on Tuesday. Come by and say hey and read each of the excerpts! 

This is the sixth of the Cassie books - but they don't have to be read in order, just give her and her friends a read. I bet you'll like them.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Spankings - May 2

Welcome to the wonderful blog hop - Saturday Spankings. This very special day for me! Cassie’s Influence is live and ready to read! Release day is always exciting and I’m celebrating by posting over the eight-sentence limit. Now if you aren’t one who likes to break the rules you just read to the pause – that’s eight sentences. But if you’re willing to risk it you can read a little further.
In today’s snippet Sue ‘explains’ why they get to go to the comedy club, despite Tom’s earlier refusal.

In answer to our questioning looks, Sue responded, "The boys are flying down to San Diego to see some kind of exhibition ball game and we get to go to the comedy show! Your husband, pompous as ever," Sue informed me, "said 'I still don't approve, but since we'll be gone I suppose it's all right this once. Tell Cassie she has a two drink limit.' Honestly, Cassie, he can be such a jerk at times."
I'm so used to Sue and Tom being at crossed swords I ignored her last statement. I was delighted that Tom had changed his mind and I was looking forward to the show. I never gave a minute's thought to questioning Sue's statements. Too bad. Every word she had just uttered was a bald face lie.
The show was fabulous! So raunchy. The language used is one thing that Tom seriously objects to, but it doesn't bother me unless Tom's listening too, then I get uncomfortable. We left the show in good spirits. Perhaps I had exceeded my two-drink limit by a bit, but we had hired a car and driver so I wasn't worried. Although Sue had seemed to enjoy the show as much as we had, she seemed to grow quiet and brooding almost as soon as we got back in the car.
"What's eating you, gloomy?" I asked her.
Sue stared at me, an angry look on her face. I stared back until I began to get angry. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, not trying to conceal my annoyance.
Sue began digging in her purse and then tossed my phone into my lap. Picking it up, I look at her in confusion. "What are you doing with my phone?"
"I stole it," was her cryptic reply.
"Sue, what the hell's going on? Why do you have my phone?" Annie and I were both completely in the dark as we stared at Sue questioningly.
"I lied," she said simply. "The boys aren't at a ball game. They're probably at the hotel pacing and wondering where the hell we are. They never called. I lied," she repeated.
It was taking just a minute for me to get my brain around this confession. As it began sinking in, I thought I was going to be sick. "Sue, why... I mean... are you trying to get me killed... did you get my phone... why?" 'Why' was my biggest question. I knew it had to be more than just wanting to see the show. Something was going on but I hadn't a clue.
Sue chose to answer a different question. "Tom did call at dinner when you were away from the table. I told him you were getting your ass tattooed and hung up on him."
I was going into panic mode. Turning on my phone, I saw I had nine missed calls. I simply couldn't comprehend what Sue was telling us. "Why did you do this?" I yelled. "Don't you know Tom is going to kill me? I didn't do a damn thing wrong this time and you're going to tell him that. Do you hear me?" Sue seemed oblivious to my anger. She simply nodded her head in agreement and stared out the window.
Annie looked as bewildered as I was. "You've got to call Tom," she urged. "Andy's going to be frantic too." Annie never even carries a cell phone.
Call Tom? My mind was spinning. Call Tom and say what? 'Honey, I didn't do anything wrong. It was all Sue's fault.'? Somehow I felt I had used that excuse one time too many, and I knew Tom wouldn't even want to hear it.

Intentionally or not, Cassie’s influence spreads. Sue’s marriage had improved through Cassie’s influence.  However when Sue’s marriage unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse, Sue pushes for the solution she feels will work, a solution that could put Cassie on a collision course with the ivory brush.

Allie and Ryan are both feeling influence from Cassie and Tom. Cassie doesn't mean to lead Allie astray - but Allie sees Cassie as a role model. Every adventure, old or new, captures Allie's attention which increases her desire to be more like her mentor. But for better or worse, Ryan is just as determined to be like Tom.

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, but if you are ready to jump in the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Keep on reading for more great snippets this week.