Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday Spanking - Listening… maybe, August 15

I’m so happy to be back at Saturday Spanking.  I think this is a great blog hop and I know many people find the books they want when they come by. I’m very happy to say that the latest Cassie book, Cassie’s Ordeal, will be released this coming Wednesday. This is a special book for me. There are plenty of laughs and scrapes with Sue and Annie, Tom spanking hand itches often, but there is more to this book and I enjoyed writing it as it developed. If you’ve come to know Cassie and Tom and their friends you don’t want to miss this one.
In today’s snippet (which does run a bit over, but I hope you’ll understand my exuberance for this new book) Cassie and Sue have planned a day trip to visit friends and shop. Tom, as usual, has to put his own rules for the day.

The next morning Tom had to stick his nose into our business. I was still in bed when Tom leaned down to kiss me good- bye. I think I made some sweet loving sound while not really wakening until he said, “Honey, Steve’s driving us in today. I don’t want you going on the highway in the Toy, take the big car.”
I was awake in an instant and completely annoyed, but I didn’t let on to either. I simply murmured again, which could have meant anything or nothing.
“Cassie, did you hear me?” Tom asked.
I mumbled something unintelligible once again and gave a faint nod, which could have been just adjusting my head on the pillow.
The next moment faking sleep was no longer possible and Tom whipped back the covers and popped my bottom so hard I nearly come up swinging. “What was that for?” I demanded.
“Are you awake and do I have your attention?” Tom asked sweetly.
“I heard you,” I snapped. “You told me you were interfering with my day by telling me I have to drive that horrible old tank instead of my beautiful, sleek, safe, toy!”
“And you,” Tom told me, grinning, “were planning on ignoring what I said and telling me later that you were asleep and didn’t remember me saying a thing about it. Girl, don’t you think I can tell by now when you’re faking sleep?”

Blurb for Cassie’s Ordeal - book 7
Cassie loves her life on the river with Tom and her friends. She feels Tom has her wrapped in a safe and protected cocoon of love.  But her world is jarred when the phone calls begin. Cassie hesitates to tell Tom about them knowing he’ll over react and she will be the one under ‘house arrest’. But when the calls go from annoying to frightening she has no choice. Tom brings in the police to find out who is behind the harassment and make plans to keep Cassie safe, but he’s too late – Cassie is gone without a trace.

The police began an all our search, but there are few clues to go on. Will life on the river ever be the same again?

The Cassie books don’t have to be read in order, so jump in with this one. But if you like to read in order  the first four can now be found in the  Cassie Box Set. It’s a great deal.

Check out the snippets from these great writers.


  1. Ooh, Tom is onto her tricks lol. Congratulations on the upcoming release PK, can't wait!:)


  2. Congrats on your new release, PK. Looks like this one is going to be a roller coaster ride for Tom, but I love the way he's caught on to her tricks.

    1. Thanks, Kathryn. This one is a little hard on Tom, roller coaster is a good way to put it.

  3. Excited about the new book!
    Cassie should have denied understanding after he popped her one! Lol, then he would have felt bad!
    Love this storyline!

    1. Minelle, good idea - but Tom wouldn't have bought it for a moment.

  4. Damn! It sounds like Tom has Cassie's number. She can't get anything past him!

    1. Now that the truth! Tom does have her number!

  5. I bet Tom can tell when she's faking anything. Darn those perceptive men! Nice snip, PK.

    1. Tom is way too perceptive for Cassie's own good! Always has been.

  6. OH this looks like a great one, PK! :) I cannot wait to read it. Sounds like it is going to be quite suspenseful too. Poor Cassie! Loved the snippet- cracked me up! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Cassie always has such good ideas, they would easily fool most husbands - but she really has a hard time getting anything past Tom.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Aubrey, every time I see a new cover it becomes my favorite!

  8. Replies
    1. That's what Tom hopes - 40 years and he's still trying.

  9. Sounds great, PK. Popped her bottom? That's a really cute line.

    1. You couldn't really call it a spanking, but it sure got her attention.
