Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday Spankings - Cassie loses it

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I’m so excited to have Cassie Corralled out! I’ve had some really good reviews and it’s great to hear from people who enjoy your book.
Today in my snippet I’m afraid Cassie really cuts loose. After Tom spanked her for meeting Kat and Natalie alone he has the girls checked out to assure himself they were really who they said they were. Although they knew nothing about it Cassie is furious over Tom invasion of their privacy and she clearly lets her fury show.  Tom is stunned at her reaction and he asked her, “Didn’t you think I’d check them our?”

“No! Damn it, I didn’t, I thought you trusted me to be telling you the truth. But no, you think of me as some fucking idiot child that doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground!” I know I shouldn’t have said such a thing, but you have no idea how furious this invasion had left me. I turned to storm off but I didn’t get far.
I was sore as a boil from the brush the night before and he started full force on a hard, hard hand spanking. I couldn’t believe the big bully was spanking me again when he had to know how tender I was. But I’d gotten too carried away in my rage to stop myself and I cut loose. 
“You son-of-a-bitch,” I continued using a phrase Tom particularly hated. “Let me go! Damn it! You bastard…” Well, I suppose you get the idea. It’s not going to be my reckless ways, but my temper that going to be the death of me some day.

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Cassie Corralled (book 8)

    Cassie is still living life to the fullest, telling Allie about long ago shooting incidents, and playing laser tag with the children. Tom keeps an amused, yet watchful, eye on his lovely wife. He tries to be tolerant of Cassie’s fun loving ways, but when she decides to spend the day with people she met through the Internet, without letting him or the girls know of her plans, Tom sees red. Tired of Cassie constantly putting herself in possible danger Tom decides to hire a driver. Cassie immediately sees this plan for what it really is. Tom wants to hire a bodyguard / watchdog / babysitter for Cassie. That’s something Cassie won’t tolerate and after quickly packing a bag, she’s gone with a roar of the engine. In this case Cassie is determine to have her way – and so is Tom, the final decision may change life on the river forever.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
      Cassie's Box Set - first four books

Be sure to check out all the other great snippets today~


  1. Wow! She's really angry. Yes, she may have been out of line speaking to him the way she did, but I think Tom should talk to her. If she's too angry to listen, then maybe they need to separate for a while until they can have a rational discussion. Intense scene. If I were Cassie, Tom would be the one in trouble now.

    1. She was not happy with Tom at all and handled it her own way. True he should have let her calm down a bit.

  2. Oh boy. Not a great idea to swear at a man ready to spank! Great excerpt.

    1. Ain't that the truth! Cassie is not good at keeping her mouth shut.

  3. Angry is fine, yelling insults at a man with a penchant for discipline probably isn't a good idea though. I like that he's willing to give her a smack or two despite her recent hairbrushing. It shows consistency and resolve. Really enjoyed this snippet. Nicely done!

    1. Consistency should be Tom's first, middle and last name!

  4. Replies
    1. Sweet tempered most of the time, when her temper does take hold - watch out.

  5. Uh-oh! I think she's going to pay for that mouth. :)

    1. You're right there. Tom would never tolerate that language and with the tantrum that's accompanying - she's in for it.

  6. I love feisty Cassie.

    'Sore as a boil.' Yep, that describes the hairbrush after glow perfectly.

    1. I love her when she's feisty too. 'Sore as a boil' is something she's experienced on numerous occasions.

  7. That was great! I like how she gets angry and then immediately knows she's gone too far.

    1. Yes she knew it and there was no way to save it.

  8. LOVE that scene! It's perfect Cassie unleashed.... And Tom will be right 'on her behind!' This is why I love the Tom and Cassie books!

    1. Cassie can cut loose as completely as she can love - glad you enjoy her.
