Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday Spankings - Spanking questions

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m giving you a double today. I’m including two snippets from Returning to Us, my Corbin’s Bend contribution. But beginning next week I’ll begin posting from my latest book Suspicions on the River, which should be out March 17. If Returning to us had sparked your interest I hope you’ll get a copy and finish it.

In this first snippet, Susan and her friend Venia are talking with another young writer friend.  Megan is definitely interested in the lifestyle but terribly embarrassed to discuss it. When she finally begins talking, Venia and Susan are more than happy to explain. 


Megan obviously wanted to ask more questions. But she was so uncomfortable and embarrassed. She had her knees pulled up to her chin and her arms wrapped around them as she leaned against the headboard. “But…but doesn’t it hurt?” she finally managed to say, in a small voice. 

Susan and Venia laughed together. “Do spankings hurt? Good grief, yes! And they can also feel wonderful – and that can be the very same spanking!” Venia confirmed.

“Don’t you get mad?” Megan wanted to know.

“No, I really don’t. Like I said, most of my spankings are for fun. When I have done something that really upsets Jeffery, I feel guilty and I’m more sorry than angry.”

“I sometimes get angry,” Susan admitted. “Since we’re just now getting back into it, there are days when I don’t feel very submissive and so I can get mad, but it doesn’t last long. Like Venia, sometime I realize I’m madder at myself than Hal.”

Megan sat up straighter, as if something Susan said had struck a nerve. “That’s what I wonder about too! Submission! I’m forty years old, I’m raising two daughters and I want them to be strong and independent. I can’t do that and turn into a doormat.”

Venia grinned, “Do I seem like a doormat to you?”

Megan looked at Venia and finally smiled. “No, not in any way. That’s why I’m confused. You’re not a meek, timid person. So I can’t picture you letting your husband spank you.”

“I’m not sure you could find a meek or timid woman in all of Corbin’s Bend. I think it’s our very strength that allows us to accept, to crave, this lifestyle. We can take on the world. But there is such comfort in knowing that there is someone who is strong enough to catch us when we need to fall into their arms.”


In this second snippet, Susan has become more and more despondent about Hal’s lack of follow through. Her mentor, Quincy is worried about her and insist that they talk.


Susan sighed and followed her up to what had been Quincy’s home before she’d married Henry. She kept it as a peaceful meeting place for anyone who needed it. There were always snacks and a coffee pot at the ready.

Quincy waited until they both had a mug of coffee, then she sat at the table. She seemed to be waiting for Susan to speak. Finally, Susan said, “How have you been, Quincy?”

“I’m fine,” she stated. “However, it seems you’ve gone underground. I never see you out anymore. You’ve been here a while now. How are things going with you?”

“Fine with me too. I’m busy and haven’t been getting out as much, but everything’s fine,” Susan insisted. 

Quincy didn’t look convinced, she looked concerned. Susan felt the urge to run. If Quincy said something kind or sweet she would break. She could feel the slight burning in her eyes, warning of tears. 

No! she told herself fiercely. She sipped her coffee and forced a smile to her face.

Her mentor wasn’t having it. “Please tell me what’s bothering you. Maybe I can help.”

“Nothing’s wrong. Hal’s very happy. He’s…”

“I didn’t ask about Hal. I asked about you.”

It wasn’t going to work. She wasn’t going to be able to hold the tears back.

“Hal is happy. Corbin’s Bend is wonderful. It’s full of spankos, fun for all. It’s fucking awesome!” Susan concluded, bursting into tears.

Quincy said nothing. She reached for a box of tissues and placed it on the table and let Susan cry.

Finally, Susan spoke again. “I wish we’d never come here. I thought he’d stick to it with all these spanking role models. But it’s just the same, except now everyone else has what I want. It’s worse than being alone with my needs.”

“Has Hal stopped spanking?”

“Oh no, he spanks every time he wants sex.”

Quincy said nothing, letting the words hang in the air.

“You know the outside world would view us all as odd balls, Quincy. And now I feel like the odd ball within the group. Most women here would love what I have. I only get spanked for fun or for sex. Who wouldn’t love that?” Susan snapped.

“You,” Quincy answered.


How does this all work out? Grab a copy here and see. 

After thirty-five years, Susan thought her marriage was over the morning after their last child's wedding. Hal, her husband, said he needed to talk about something important. She knew it couldn’t be good. They rarely even spoke anymore. 


In the beginning they’d been so close, so passionate. Practicing domestic discipline had been a wonderful part of their lives - sometimes. But over the years it had all drifted away, even when Susan asked for what she needed. He would occasionally give her a mild, sexy spanking, but the real discipline she craved was a thing of the past. 


Now, Hal suddenly wanted to talk about moving to Colorado to live in Corbin's Bend, a community where spanking was not only accepted, but encouraged. Could this bring back the closeness and passion they’d once had? Could Susan trust that this time Hal would truly step up?

Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River series:

On the River (book one)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us   


  1. Congratulations on the impending new release PK! Loved the snippets. Very good questions from Megan in the first one and I love the answers. I could definitely relate to Susan's feelings in the second at times when we had an active dynamic.


    1. I think all serious spankos can relate to this book and I hope their spankers read it too.

  2. Definitely shows one size does not fit all. What works for others may not be right for you. Great snippet, PK. Loved it.

    1. Thanks Kathryn - yes, we're all different.
