Saturday, May 21, 2022

Saturday Spankings - So much worse than spanking

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! I’m heading to our local bookstore for a book signing today. It’s a small town, and a small bookstore, but I’m still excited that they're having me. But first, here’s a snippet from Suspicions on the River.

Cassie and Sue were hurt on their girls’ trip and came home looking like they had been in a prize fight and lost. Tom can barely look at Cassie and he’s furious with both her and all the ladies on the trip. Every time Cassie tries to speak with him, he turns away to do something else. He asks Lily to help her get ready for bed and she reports to him that Cassie is just sitting in a chair and won’t get in bed because, Lily repeated, “She won’t sleep with no stranger.”



It was nearly an hour later before he got up to go to bed. He closed the bathroom door quietly, hoping not to wake his wife. Coming out wearing his sleep pants and no shirt, he saw that Cassie had turned on the lamp beside her. They locked eyes, tears spilling from hers down her bruised and battered face. After a moment Tom went to her and took her hand to help her rise. Then he sat and gently helped her to sit on his lap.

“Tell me if I’m hurting you,” he said, mindful of all her injuries.

“You’ve been hurting me since the moment we got home,” she told him quietly through her tears.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m still so angry.”

“Tom, I don’t care what you say, yell at me, scream at me. Take the damn brush and spank me until your arm’s tired. But please, please don’t cut me off. Don’t turn away from me. I can’t stand the feeling of abandonment. Don’t stop loving me,” Cassie begged with a sob. She grabbed another tissue and turned off the lamp at the same time. She didn’t want Tom to be able to see her face.

“Oh, Cassie… How can you say that? I couldn’t stop loving you if I tried with every fiber of my being. But when I feel this angry with you and the others I truly don’t know what to do.”

“Tom, all I want right now is for you to be you again. Please,” she begged.

“For me to be me… hmm…” Tom fell quiet for a long time. When he spoke again he told her, “Fine, I’ll be me. As soon as these bruises heal I want you to know that I’m going to wear you out and I don’t mean maybe. I know how much you hate having a spanking hanging over your head and I don’t care. This spanking isn’t for taking the balloon ride. It’s for not calling and telling me what happened to you as soon as you could get to a phone. It’s for calling me afterwards and still not telling me and it’s for not taking my facetime call when you all were in the car. And girl, I’ll tell you right now, I know you dread a spanking that will come later – this one’s going to be one you should dread.”

Cassie felt a slight shudder from head to toe. She sat up on Tom’s lap searching for his eyes in the darkness. What he was saying sounded horrible yet at that moment she could feel contentment coming back to her.

“Let’s go to bed,” he proposed, helping her to her feet. He gently removed her gown and tucked her in. Cassie painfully worked her way to the middle of the bed where Tom wrapped his arm ever so gently around her.

She hurt all over. Tom was still mad at her, she knew. He was furious with her friends, her beloved girls’ trips were hanging by a thread and he was going to incinerate her butt as soon as she healed. All these thoughts swirled in her head.  But at that moment, pressed back against Tom and feeling his arm around her, she was the happiest woman in the world.


Suspicions on the river (a Cassie’s family story)

Book three in the On the River series


Cal and Jenny have a nearly idyllic marriage. There are rare trips across his lap for minor problems, but most of those trips are just for fun. Could that be changing? Pat, Cal’s former lover, has moved back to town and she wouldn’t mind giving it another try with Cal. She feels he can’t be serious about this little twit that he married so quickly. Pat feels that once Cal realizes she offers him a better option, he’ll choose her. But soon mysterious things begin happening to Pat. Is someone trying to run her out of town? Could that someone be Jenny?


Cassie and the whole river family try to keep Jenny occupied and out of trouble, but suspicions just go from bad to worse. Both Jenny and Pat want Cal and they’re willing to fight for him. How dirty will this fight get?

Buy links:





Blushing Books  



Cassie Space series:

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Paperbacks can be found here

Cal's Law Series:

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

Paper backs available

On the River series:

On the River (book one)

Corbin's Bend

Returning to Us   


  1. I agree with Cassie on this one. Bickering and angry silence are both much worse than spankings. They deny all opportunity for healing, so everyone is miserable, and for a long time, too.

  2. Such a great snippet PK. A real mix of emotions. I agree too, the anger and silence are so much worse than any spanking.


    1. His silence was tearing her up. It made me feel sorry for her.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
